Palate - E Davis Flashcards
The stomodeum is separated from the endodermal gut tube by the _________ membrane
Buccopharyngeal membrane ruptures by week
when the buccopharyngeal membrane ruptures there is now open communication between the ________ and ________
amniotic cavity and gut tube
what forms the forehead, nose, and upper boundary of mouth
frontonasal prominence
A paired ________ prominence from pharyngeal arch 1 form the lateral boundaries of mouth and portions of upper lip
A paired _________ prominence from pharyngeal arch 1 forms the inferior boundary of
the mouth
Maxillary prominences increase in size and grow ______
Maxillary prominences increasing in size and growing medially compresses the ___________ prominences toward the _________
medial nasal ; midline
The ________ is formed from the two maxillary and the two medial nasal prominences
upper lip
Initially the nasal cavity and
oral cavity are _______
When developed the palate
separates the ______ cavity
from the oral cavity
Primary palate begins to
develop early in week
for primary palate development: first, medial nasal prominences merge to form the
intermaxillary segment
Intermaxillary segment gives rise to what 3 things
labial component
upper jaw component
palatal component
The labial component forms the _______ of upper lip
The upper jaw component carries the
4 incisors
The palatal component forms the ______________ plate
triangular primary palate
The portion of the palate that is anterior and midline aka the small portion that is anterior to incisive foramen
primary palate
Also, early in week 6 the
_______ palate begins to
For the secondary palate, maxillary prominences expand medially and give
rise to two projections
palatal shelves
What develops into the majority of the hard and all of soft palate
Secondary palate
The palatal shelves initially
project infero-medially
on each side of the _____
During weeks 7 and 8,
the palatal shelves
ascend and assume a
_______ position, making the tongue ______ to the palate now
horizontal ; inferior
when portions of the lip fail to fuse
cleft lip