Anatomy of the Face & Parotid Region - Herring Flashcards
5 layers of the scalp
Connective tissue
Loose CT
Periosteum (pericranium)
contains numerous hair follicles and sweat glands
abundant arterial supply and venous drainage
dense, thick subcutaneous layer
highly vascular and well innervated by cutaneous
Connective Tissue
sheet of connective tissue between the frontal
and occipital muscle bellies of the occipitofrontalis muscle
fused posteriorly with the periosteum, anchored
laterally with temporal fascia, and not attached to
bone anteriorly
Aponeurosis (epicranial aponeurosis / galea aponeurosis)
layer of areolar tissue which allows the epicranial aponeurosis to move
potential space in which the spread of blood or infection may occur primarily anteriorly over forehead
Loose connective tissue
outer fibrous layer of skull which serves as an attachment for muscles of facial expression
Periosteum (pericranium)
Paired arteries and veins course within the ________
layer between the skin and the aponeurosis
connective tissue
The vasculature of the scalp is firmly anchored to the connective tissue and
have limited ability to _______
The vasculature of the scalp is supplied primarily from branches of the external carotid artery and internal jugular vein: what are the 3 arteries/veins?
Occipital A & V
Posterior auricular A & V
Superficial temporal A & V
The anterior scalp is supplied by branches of
the internal carotid artery & veins to cavernous sinus: which artery/vein?
Supra-orbital A & V
What veins connect the scalp veins with the dural venous sinuses creating a potential pathway of scalp infection spread into meninges
Emissary veins
The anterior scalp is supplied by which CN
What 2 nerves that branch from the facial nerve innervate the anterior scalp
supra-orbital nerve
supratrochlear nerve
The lateral scalp is supplied/innervated by what 2 CNs
CN V2 and CN V3
The posterior scalp is mainly supplied by __________ nerve (dorsal ramus
of C2)
greater occipital N
The posterior scalp is supplied/innervated more inferiorly by _________ of upper cervical spinal nerve
dorsal rami
The posterior scalp is innervated/supplied in the posterolateral portion by the ___________ (from the cervical plexus)
lesser occipital nerve
what lobes are involved in facial recognition
temporal lobe and occipital lobe
The __________ of the temporal lobe is only active when the person looks at faces
fusiform gyrus
What 3 things are involved in the processing of facial expressions
Temporal lobe (superior temporal gyrus)
frontal lobe
All facial expression muscles are innervated by branches of
Muscles of facial expression can be separated into groups according to where the muscles insert into what 4 places:
Scalp muscles
Nasal muscles
Perioral muscles
The occipitofrontalis has 2 bellies, what are they
occipital belly
frontal belly
What common tendon do the occipital and frontal bellies share
epicranial aponeurosis
Which belly arises from the occipital bone, inserts into epicranial aponeurosis, and retracts scalp
Occipital belly (occipitalis muscle)
Which belly arises from epicranial aponeurosis, inserts into skin and subcutaneous tissue of
eyebrows & forehead, and raises eyebrows & wrinkles forehead (horizontal wrinkles)
frontal belly (frontalis muscle)
what muscle closes the eyelids
orbicularis oculi
what muscle draws the eyebrow medially and inferiorly; creates vertical wrinkles
corrugator supercilii
What muscle depresses medial ends of eyebrows; creates horizontal wrinkle(s) between eyebrow
procerus muscle
What muscle flares nostrils
What muscle closes mouth (sphincter), compresses the lips against the teeth, & protrudes the lips
Orbicularis oris
What muscle dilates mouth and elevates angle of the mouth (true smiling)
Zygomaticus major
What muscle dilates mouth and elevates the angle of the mouth
Levator anguli oris
What muscle pulls angles of mouth inferiorly
Depressor anguli oris
What muscle presses cheek against teeth (keeps food between occlusal surfaces of teeth)
What muscle is important in muscles in infants to maintain suckling during feeding
What muscle retracts (elevates) upper lip only and dilates mouth
Levator labii superioris
What muscle dilates mouth & raises upper lip only
zygomaticus major
What muscle depresses lower lip only
depressor labii inferioris
What muscle elevates and protrudes lower lip (pouting) and assists orbicularis oris in clearing food from mandibular labial vestibule
What muscle can become hypertrophied due to malocclusions
What muscle tenses skin over neck and lower face and assists with depression of the mandible against resistance
What nerve block is when the needle pierces mucosa superior to the 2nd premolar and advances toward the infra-orbital foramen
Infra-orbital nerve block
What nerve block is when the needle pierces the mucosa inferior to the 2nd premolar and advances toward the mental foramen
Mental nerve block
What nerve block is when the needle pierces the mucosa lateral to the
pterygomandibular raphe
Inferior alveolar nerve block
When CN is for the motor
innervation to the muscles of facial expression (somatic motor)
Which CN is for the sensory
innervation to the face that is supplied by the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve (somatic sensory)
Somatic motor fibers of CN VII emerge through ________________ to innervate muscles of facial expression
stylomastoid foramen
CN VII passes through the parotid gland but ________ innervate it
does NOT
the facial nerve divides into 2 main trunks, what are they
Temporofacial trunk
Cervicofacial trunk
Temporal and zygomatic branches arise from
the __________ trunk
(marginal) mandibular and cervical branches arise from _________ trunk
Buccal branch can arise from _______ trunk
What branch supplies the supraorbital muscles: frontalis, corrugator supercilii, procerus, superior aspect of orbicularis oculi
temporal branch
What branch supplies inferior aspect of orbicularis oculi, zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, levator
labii superioris, and nasalis muscles
Zygomatic branch
What branch innervates buccinator, levator anguli oris, and superior aspect of orbicularis oris
Buccal branch
What branch supplies muscles of lower lip: mentalis, depressor labii inferioris, depressor anguli oris, inferior aspect of orbicularis oris
(Marginal) Mandibular Branch
What branch supplies the platysma muscle
Cervical branch
The facial nerve also gives off two other branches as it emerges from stylomastoid foramen, what are they
posterior auricular branch
nerve to the posterior belly of digastric muscle
what branch travels posterior to the ear to supply occipitalis muscle and muscles around auricle
Posterior auricular branch
What nerve supplies the posterior belly of digastric & stylohyoid muscles (pharyngeal arch 2 muscles)
Nerve to the posterior belly of digastric muscle
All cutaneous sensory supply to face via branches
of trigeminal nerve (CN V) except for over the angle of _________ (great auricular nerve)
What CN supplies bridge of nose, brow ridge, forehead and much of the anterior scalp
What nerve passes through supra-orbital notch/foramen to supply upper eyelid and much of forehead and anterior scalp
Supra-orbital nerve
What nerve passes superior to trochlea of superior oblique muscle to supply the middle of the forehead
Supratrochlear nerve
What nerve passes inferior to trochlea of superior oblique muscle to supply the root (bridge) of nose
Infratrochlear nerve
What CN supplies alar of nose, upper lip and cheek, portion of temporal region
What nerve passes through infra-orbital foramen to supply the lower eyelid and upper lip, medial cheek region
Infra-orbital nerve
What nerve passes through
zygomaticofacial foramen to supply the lateral cheek
Zygomaticofacial nerve
What CN supplies lower lip and jaw and a portion of the temporal region
What nerve passes through
zygomaticotemporal foramen to supply part of temporal region
Zygomaticotemporal nerve
What nerve is a terminal branch of the inferior alveolar nerve which passes through the mental foramen to supply the chin and lower lip
Mental nerve
What nerve passes through infratemporal fossa to supply the skin of the lower cheek, mucosa of much of the mandibular oral vestibule, and mandibular molar buccal gingiva
Long buccal nerve
What nerve passes laterally through the infratemporal fossa posterior to the TMJ to supply the skin anterior to the auricle of the ear and to much of the temple region
Auriclotemporal nerve
What nerve do PostGPS fibers from the otic ganglion follow (“hitch-a-ride” to the parotid
auriculotemporal nerve AKA V3
Arterial supply tot he face is primarily from branches of __________
external carotid artery
Minor blood supply contributions to medial forehead and bridge of nose from branches of
___________ (from orbit via
ophthalmic artery)
internal carotid artery
What artery branches from the external carotid artery at the level of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, passes deep to the submandibular gland, and curls over the inferior margin of mandible anteromedial to masseter
muscle to supply most of the face
Facial artery
What artery branches from facial artery inferior to the modiolus to supply the lower lip
Inferior labial artery
What artery branches from facial artery superior to the modiolus to supply the upper lip
Superior labial artery
What artery is the terminal portion of facial artery (name change at the angle of the nose) continues superior course along ala and then up to the bridge of nose
Angular artery
What artery is the terminal branch of the external carotid artery continues superiorly anterior to the auricle to give off numerous branches to lateral and superior scalp
Superficial temporal artery
What artery is a branch of the superficial temporal artery which courses inferior to zygomatic arch to supply cheek region and lateral face
Transverse facial artery
What artery travels with the supra-orbital nerve through supra-orbital foramen/notch to emerge onto the forehead
Supra-orbital artery
What artery travels with the supratrochlear nerve superior to the trochlea to emerge onto the middle of the forehead
Supratrochlear artery
What artery travels with the infratrochlear nerve inferior to the trochea to emerge onto the root or bridge of the nose
Dorsal nasal artery
Veins of the face lack _______
Veins of the face typically flow _________ into neck to the internal jugular veins
Regarding veins of the face, some venous blood can
enter deep face or orbit
(via ophthalmic veins)
and flow into ________ (Danger Triangle)
cavernous sinus
what vein collects most of the venous blood from the face
facial vein
What vein along the nose communicates with the cavernous sinus via ophthalmic veins
angular vein
What vein communicates with the pterygoid venous plexus via the deep facial vein
facial vein
what vein is formed by union of superficial temporal vein and maxillary vein
retromandibular vein
What vein drains most of infratemporal fossa and lateral scalp
retromandibular vein
The retromandibular vein divides inferiorly into an anterior and posterior division: the anterior division unites with the common facial vein
to drain into the _________ (variable)
internal jugular vein
The retromandibular vein divides inferiorly into an anterior and posterior division: the posterior division unites with the posterior auricular
vein to form the ________
external jugular vein
what is the largest salivary gland
parotid gland
What 3 structures pass through the parotid gland:
branches of CN VII
external carotid artery
retromandibular vein
Sensory innervation to parotid sheath supplied
by ________________(branch of the cervical plexus)
great auricular nerve
The parotid gland hasp arasympathetic innervation from which CN
the parotid gland has preganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies in the __________
inferior salivary nucleus
What nerve has preganglionic parasympathetic fibers via tympanic plexus of CN IX) exits the middle ear, travels along the floor of the middle cranial fossa to the foramen ovale, and synapses at otic ganglion
(postganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies; near CN
V3 at the foramen ovale)
lesser petrosal nerve
PostGPS fibers hitch a ride on CN ________ and exit it as it passes by the parotid gland
The parotid gland has PostGS cell bodies located in the _________
superior cervical ganglion
PostGS fibers travel to the
parotid gland on the
external carotid artery