test 3: Digestive pt 1 Flashcards
what are the structures that make up the digestive tract?
- oral cavity
- pharynx
- esophagus
- stomach
- small intestine
- large intestine
what are the accessory organs to the digestive system?
- teeth, tongue, salivary glands
- liver
- gallbladder
- pancreas
what are the 7 main functions of the digestive tract?
1) ingestion
2) mechanical processing
3) absorption
4) secretion
5) excretion
6) compaction
7) digestion
what are the 4 general layers of the digestive tract from superficial to deep?
1) mucosa
2) submucosa
3) muscular layer
4) serosa (or adventitia)
what are the 3 layers of the mucosa?
1) epithelium
2) lamina propria
3) muscular mucosa
mucosal epithelium
- most superficial layer of mucosa
- stratified
- moves to simple in stomach and small and large intestine
lamina propria
- middle layer of mucosa
- CT where BV, nerve endings, lymphatic vessels reside
muscular mucosa
- deepest layer of mucosa
- 2 thin concentric layers of muscle (internal circular and external longitudinal); alter diameter of lumen, move epithelial plates and folds around (folds are transverse or longitudinal in digestive tract - allows extension of area; increases surface are for more secretion and absorption)
what are the components of the submucosa
1) large blood and lymphatic vessels
2) exocrine glands
3) neural plexuses
- sensation to digestive tract
what are the components of the muscular layer?
1) inner circular layer (contains myenteric plexus; parasympathetic and sympathetic stimulation occurs here to dilate or constrict)
2) outer longitudinal layer
3) sphincters
where is the 4th layer of the digestive tract an adventitia rather than a serosa?
- pharynx
- esophagus
- rectum
mesentery - def
fused double layer of the peritoneal membrane
which structures make up the mesentery?
1) falciform ligament
- runs between liver and diaphragm
2) lesser omentum
- between liver and stomach (lesser curvature)
3) greater omentum
- greater curvature of stomach to transverse colon
which parts of the small intestine are supported by the mesentery proper?
-jejunum and ilium (these are inter peritoneal)
peritoneum - def
bilayer of serous membrane
which organs are retroperitoneal?
- pancreas
- duodenum
- ascending and descending colon
- middle third of rectum
- kidneys
- adrenal glands
- proximal ureters
- renal vessels
the uvula is an extension of the _____ palate
what is the function of the uvula?
prevents food from entering pharynx too soon
what is the function of the tongue?
- mechanical processing: helps teeth chew
- helps in swallowing
- provides sensory analysis of foods (touch, temp, taste)
- chemical processing (secretion of mucins and lingual lipase)
salivary glands are located in the oral cavity
true or false?