Technical Rescue SOGs(Paragraphs 1700-2800) Flashcards
HFD is mandated by the _____ to conduct
searches on _____ and in the _____.
City Charter
Search strategy is decided after the
______, the level of ______ has been
determined, and the search _____, _____,
and _____ have been selected.
gathering of information urgency area perimeter routes
8 pieces of Information for mountain
searches include _____. 8 things
1)patient age/medical hx/physical condition/ state of mind/equipment carried 2)physical/clothing description 3)determining the PLS 4)determining the plan, objective, or destination. 5)determine alternate plans 6)determine all possible routes 7)interviewing all witnesses 8)recording witness contact info
the level of urgency determines whether
or not _____ needs to take place.
It also determines the ______ or ______
operational mode.
immediate action
10 Issues to consider when determining
urgency include ______. (10 things)
time overdue time of day weather difficulty of terrain patient age patient health patient experience patient past history equipment with patient witness reliability
Search perimeters are determined by the
rescue captain and after the area inside
the perimeter has been ______,
it should be _____ and another area _____.
thoroughly searched
temporarily eliminated
Many ocean victims are found _____.
near the PLS
disoriented people tend to travel _____.
downhill and downstream
deceased people tend to be found _____.
at the base of a vertical drop
if a person is not injured, they try _____.
to reach higher ground (generally).
10 Common HFD searches
aerial survey scratch saturation free line underwater line platform helo night search extended
6 underwater line searches
circular drag line half moon jack stand pier walk running line
An aerial search is normally conducted by
the _____ and 1 or 2 _____.
rescue personnel
Primary goal of an aerial search is to _____.
find the victim and report the location
Aerial searches should be conducted
______ and may include _____ and _____.
scratch search methods
A survey search is a _____.
quick first-pass that covers a large area.
Survey searches over water are
productive in _____.
ocean current lines
offshore rubbish lines
along shorelines
large open areas.
Survey searches over land are productive
over _____ and along _____.
large open areas
Survey searches are productive at night
if the patient has a _____ or if the pilot
utilizes the ______.
A scratch search is a _____.
rapid, logical search by a small rescue team over routes or locations where the patient might be expected.
_____ teams may _____ conduct a scratch
search. one team will conduct an _____
search and the other will be _____.
on land or on the ocean
Scratch search can be divided into 2 teams
with 1 heading _____ the trail and the other
heading _____ the trail.
up (to summit, destination, trail end)
down (to trailhead)
The objective of the scratch search
quickly check out the areas that have a
relatively high probability of success.
A saturation search involves a _____.
a search of all underwater or surface terrain
in a given area.
_____ is the key in a saturation search.
you must check as many places as
possible for clues.
Saturation searches must be _____. They
tend to be _____.
systematic and methodical
slow and tedious
one type of Free search is an _____. It is conducted
when there is an ______ that will _____ the
movement of the rescue diver.
underwater search
extremely restrictive area of debris, roots
growth, objects, and currents
Another type of free search is when _____.
After surfacing, they are taken _____.
2 rescue divers are deployed and drift
down current across the bottom.
back up current to begin again.
A line search is when _____
searches form a line close enough together
so that they can see the all the ground
between them.
After the line of searchers is created, the
line of searchers start _____.
to move forward at a very slow pace.
An underwater line search 2 requirements
a rope or line is used
rescue divers are attached to the rope/line
UL-Circular Search
rescue divers swim in concentric circles
over the bottom while tethered to a
central object or another rescue diver.
UL-Drag line search
rescue divers hold onto lines that are
attached to the boat and are dragged
at a safe distance from the boat.
UL-Half Moon Search
a rescue diver searches from the shore
and searches in a semi-circular motion
from shore to shore.
Half moon searches can begin _____ or
they can begin at a ______ and work _____.
at the shore
predetermined distance away from shore
toward the shore
Half moon searches allow for a _____ and
is ideal for searching for ____. It also works
well in _____.
faster bottom search
large objects such as automobiles
non-flat contour bottoms.
UL-jack stand searches use a ______ no
more than _____ with a _____ weight
attached to each end. Attached to each
weight is a _____ with a _____.
polypropylene line 125' 15-25# vertical line float
Jack stand searches are accomplished as the rescue diver follows the line to the weight. The diver moves the line \_\_\_\_\_\_ (how much depends on conditions) and continues \_\_\_\_\_ . This process is \_\_\_\_\_\_ until a \_\_\_\_\_\_.
back down the line to the other weight.
given area has been searched
Jack stands are good when the bottom
contour is _____. They are more effective
when searching for _____. They are not
effective for covering ______.
flat or relatively flat
small objects
a large bottom area quickly
UL-Pier walk search
when a line is used to control the distance
of the rescue diver. the line is taken up
incrementally by the rescueman on the pier
or shoreline until a given area is searched.
this rescueman walks parallel with the
diver as they search.
Pier walk searches work well when _____
a large area next to a pier or along a
shoreline need to be searched.
UL-Running Line Search
this is when a rescue diver searches
straight out from the line anchor point to
a certain distance and returns straight
back to the anchor point. the anchor point
is then shifted 2 feet and the search
Running line searches are good when
_____. This search helps the diver _____ if
necessary and _____ the loss of area
there is heavy grass or debris
If there are strong currents, searches
should be performed _____ whenever
from a dock, pier, or boat
Night searches with the helicopter are
only initiated after _____ unanimously
agree that _____.
the IC, pilot, and Rescue Captain
the risk is acceptable
Extended searches take place over _____.
All ______, ______, ______, and _____ shall
be recorded and _____.
several days activities conducted areas searched clues found information gathered passed on to oncoming personnel
If an extended search will continue after
_____ than approval from the _____ is
3 consecutive days
fire chief or deputy fire chief
What can be used to record areas
searched and where clues found?
4 things to pass on regarding search info, include _____.
areas searched
who conducted the search
time of search
type of search
Each rescue member is responsible for
briefing his counterpart
Once a patient is located, operations
change from _____ to _____ or ______.
search mode
technical rescue mode
recovery mode
3 Rescue mode goals
insertion at or near the patient
patient assessment
extrication ASAP
HFD’s preferred method of conducting
rescue ops
using the helicopter
Who is initially dispatched to all mountain
and ocean rescue incidents?
rescue company
1st-in company
1st-in BC
“particular” water operations
water ops that require entry into unhealthy
water environment.
water ops that may infringe on private
salvage company responsibilities.
5 assessment findings reported to the IC
patient condition # of patients risk assessment recommendation to keep/change IAP request for resources
GPS is used to determine an _____. It is
also used to show _____ and _____. GPS can also be used for _____.
accurate location
the areas searched
location of rescue personnel
ocean navigation
bang stick
underwater firearm used for protection
navigational aid used to find direction
small, quick, maneuverable apparatus that
is used for insertion/extraction in rough seas, surf zones, or shallow areas.
Dive Propulsion Vehicle
underwater scooter- battery powered
motorized apparatus that is capable of transporting rescue personnel underwater.
electronic navigational aid used to
determine locations of objects
fish finder
uses sonar to locate objects underwater
and to give depth and bottom contours.
Additional Agency Resources
USCG State Crash DLNR MCBH Ocean Safety Federal Lifeguards MAST-Army 68th Med. Detachment Helos HPD - helicopter and K-9 units
Before terminating operations, the IC shall
ensure _____
accountability of all patients and personnel
Rescue personnel must _____ the pilot
with preparing the helicopter for a
_____ status.
We can help the pilot with _____.
repacking/setting up the billy pugh net
securing headsets and seatbelts
securing/removing all equipment in the back
post incident analysis
PIA is conducted by the _____ and is done
after _____.
rescue captain
every incident
PIAs should include _____.
all personnel assigned to the incident.
PIAs for extended searches require _____.
notification of Fire 3
The _____ shall coordinate the PIA with all
other ICs and Rescue Captains involved in
initial IC
extended searches
_____ authorizes all compensations for PIAs
Fire 3
9 steps taken prior to boat launching
position apparatus and trailer disconnect bow from trailer remove tie-down straps prepare bow/stern lines place bumpers if necessary load equipment batteries "on" turn on electronic devices/raise antennas insert hull plugs if applicable
boat launching requires 4 personnel. they
perform the following:
apparatus operator
boat operator
bow line man
stern line man
The bow line and the stern line men bring
the boat _____.
alongside the pier/dock
7 seamanship skills required to operate an
HFD boat
launching/docking boat handling two engines using the helm(wheel) to turn the boat using the engines to turn the boat slowing/stopping boat operating safely around rescue divers approaching/retrieving rescue personnel
4 docking skills required to operate an HFD
unassisted docking
docking with bow line assistance
docking with stern line assistance
docking utilizing “spring” lines
In heavy seas, you may have to meet
waves at around _____ to make headway
and reduce hull stress.
45 degrees
“heave to”
to adjust your heading just a few degrees
so that you can use just enough power
to make headway
“meeting each wave”
during heavy seas, nurse the wheel, adjust
speed subtlely, stopping if necessary, and
meet each wave individually.
adjusting the trim
raises the bow up or down. is done as is
tacking across the troughs is _____.
making the turn for your zigzag as quickly
as possible in the trough and taking swells
at a 45 degree angle while maintaining
your heading.
When tacking, use the _____ amount of
turns as possible to minimize time in the
If seas or swells are coming from directly
behind the boat you may _____ as long as
you can maintain heading.
run before the seas
Avoid _____ when coming down slope of
swell towards the trough.
digging in or broaching
broaching could lead to the boat _____ if
the swell catches the stern.
pitching end over end
chine walking is common to _____ hulls.
where the bottom of the hull meets the
sides of the hull.
try to minimize having the _____ dig into
water during turns. this could potentially
cause _____.
chine walking is when _____.
when the boat rocks side to side from
chine to chine as the hull slips on the
water. if not controlled it could lead to
chine walking is best controlled by
_____. It can also be controlled by _____.
slowing down
small steering corrections, trim correction,
or both.
the rhythmic up and down motion of the
bow that is not caused by the wave action.
porpoising is normally caused by _____.
3 things
trim errors, weight distribution too far aft,
or hull design
navigational aids that have # begin in
sequence at the _____ of an inlet or channel.
seaward end
right side aids are ____ with ____ lights
and have ____. _____ are used on the
right side
even #s
nun buoys
left side aids are ____ with ____ lights
and have ____. _____ are used on the
left side.
odd #s
can buoys
port =
starboard =
Can buoys
cylindrical can shaped buoys
nun buoys
cylindrical cone shaped buoys
lighted buoys have ____ with a ____ atop.
short metal skeletons
lighted buoys can be either _____.
red and even or green and odd
What buoys mark the middle of the channel?
black and white or red and black can or
nun buoys
buoys that mark the middle of the channel
have _____ lights and are _____.
black and white buoys are ____.
vertically striped
red and black buoys are ____.
horizontally striped
informational, advisory, and regulatory
buoys have _____.
orange stripes on the top and bottom of the
daymarks are also used as navigational
aids within _____.
channels or inlets
daymarks are either _____ or _____.
triangular and red with even #
square and green with odd #
daymarks may or may not have ____.
daymarks sometimes are _____.
Range markers/lights are _____.
placed on land and indicate the center line
of the channel. they are at different
locations so that when they line up, you are
in the middle of the channel.
range lights may be of _____ and may
show different _____.
any color
flashing characteristics
the principle requirement of range lights
they must be easily distinguished from
other onshore lights
the ____ range lights are mounted _____.
higher than the front range lights
Primary seacoast lights
warn of proximity to land.
typically are lighthouses.
Oahu has 4 primary seacoast lights
kaena pt
diamond head
barbers pt
makapu’u pt
After life safety goals have been
accomplished, _____ or _____ are at the
discretion of the rescue captain.
towing a boat
righting a capsized boat
Rescue companies _____ boats that have
gone aground unless necessary to save a
shall never attempt to remove
If towing or righting a boat, HFD may ____
for any damage that occurs.
be responsible
Towing or righting is a _____ operation.
5 things to do if a catamaran mast is filled with water.
cut/remove sails collapse mast if possible right hull without mast attached place mast on canopy tow catamaran
Attempts to right a capsized catamaran
should only be done if _____.
the mast has not filled with water
If an outrigger canoe’s hull is full of water,
be prepared to rig a _____ that consists of
lashing the canoe where the forward _____
meets the _____ on _____. After lashing,
tie an equalizing bowline just underneath
the hull at the _____. Then tie a _____
around the _____.
bridle iaku hull both sides of the hull first seat half hitch bow
6 special seamanship skills
making headway heaving to meeting each wave adjusting trim running before the seas tacking across the trough