Rules-n-Regulations(Chapter 1) Flashcards
A-1 General Conduct has _____ section/rules. _____Class ____ , ____Class _____ , and _____Class _____ offenses.
5 A
1 B
2 C
class A members shall not conduct themselves in a manner or be a party to an act which would tend to impair the good order, proper discipline, or efficiency of the FD.
Class A
members shall not publicly criticize or ridicule the FD, its policies, or other members by verbal, written, or other manner of expression when such action tends to impair the good order or efficiency of the FD; interferes with the ability of officers to maintain discipline; or is made with reckless disregard for truth.
Class A
On duty members shall not smoke on streets, public conveyances, apparatuses, in public places, or at incidents. Reasonable exceptions may be made by the officer in charge when no emergency exists.
Class A
Members shall not use obscene, uncivil, or profane language at incidents, in quarters, or while engaged in activities in which the FD is represented.
Class B
Members shall not engage in boisterous conduct, horseplay, or other activities not required by their duties and which may result in injury or illness to anyone.
Class C
Engagement in altercations while on duty, in uniform, or in any activity in which the FD is represented shall be cause for disciplinary action.
Class C
Members shall not disobey any lawful order issued by a superior officer or speak disrespectfully to other members.
Class A
Members shall be courteous and respectful to the public.
Class C
Members shall not have direct or indirect financial interest in any business involving the filling, refilling, or repairing of fire extinguishers or the manufacture of fire extinguisher components.
Chapter 1
Rules and Regulations(offenses)
financial interest
general conduct
Class C
members shall not engage in the selling of fire alarm systems.
A-2 Financial Interest has _____ sections, ____ Class ______ offense, and ____ Class ______ offenses.
1 B
4 C
Class C
members shall not have direct or indirect financial interest in any business involving the installation or testing of fire extinguishing systems.
Class B
while on duty, members shall not engage in any business, occupation, or activity calling for compensation.
Class C
members shall not engage in any business transaction or activity or have direct or indirect financial interest which is incompatible with the proper discharge of such person’s official duties or may tend to impair the independence of judgment in the performance of such person’s duties.
misuse of badge
A-3 has _____ sections.
____ Class _____ offense(s).
____ Class _____ offense(s).
____ Class _____ offense(s).
2 B
1 C
3 D
Class B
the wrongful or injurious exercise of authority on the part of any member shall be cause for disciplinary action.
Class D
members shall not use the uniform, badge, or prestige of the FD for the purpose of personal gain or to mislead any person(s).
Class B
members shall not attempt to influence the votes of on-duty members for or against any candidate for public office or solicit funds or campaign for any candidate while on duty.
Class D
members shall not, by using the uniform, badge, or prestige of the FD, attempt to influence the vote of any person for or against any candidate for public office.
Class C
members shall not accept a reward, fee, or valuable gift from any person for services incident to the performance of duty, except with permission from the Fire Chief.
Class D
as members of the department, members shall not lend their name to any commercial or business enterprise or approve or countenance the use of the name or the prestige of the FD for any such purpose.
How many sections in A-4
All 4 offenses(sections) in A-4 soliciting are All A-4 offenses are what Class?
Class E
members shall not directly or indirectly solicit or accept the personal or financial aid of any subordinate to promote their private interests or those of any superior officer.
Class E
members shall not directly or indirectly solicit the influence or intercession of any person(s) to affect their transfer or promotion. Requests for transfer shall be submitted on the appropriate forms.
Class E
members shall not directly or indirectly intercede with a member of a Board of Inquiry for or against any member whose hearing is pending or being heard.