RBT(Lowering/Hauling/Packaging/Helicopter Ops) Flashcards
what 2 devices are used for lowering?
rappel rack
when lowering, remember to _____ if you
might be under a 2-person load.
double wrap the 8-plate
rappel rack is the _____ that should be
used in a lowering situation especially in
emergency situations.
proper component
what is the minimum of bars used when
in a lowering application?
what knot is used for vertical rigging of
the SKEDS?
double loop figure 8
the hand signal to lower is _____
arm extended outward, palm down
move arm up and down.
the hand signal to stop during lowering is
_____ .
arm extended, closed fist.
SKEDS can be set up both _____
the hand signal to go up during a lowering
operation is _____ .
arm extended outward, palm up
moving arm up and down.
the hand signal for “on the ground” is
_____ .
arm extended outward, palm down
moving arm in and out from the elbow.
remember to use the _____ for vertical
rigging of the SKEDs so that you will
keep _____ .
head strap (shorter one) the najo board from sliding in the SKEDs
4 voice commands for lowering
on the ground
Mechanical Advantage (M/A)
ratio of the weight of the load to the
amount of force required to move the weight.
2 types of pulleys in an M/A system
non-moving pulleys create no ______ and
their sole purpose is to change the _____ .
direction of the pull.
moving pulleys _____ and _____ .
move in the system
create M/A.
3 general categories of M/A systems
the direction of pull is always _____ from
where the figure 8 on a bight is attached.
to get the most M/A you should always
put the figure 8 on a bight on the _____
side of the system.
simple M/A system
all of the moving pulleys in the system
move towards the anchor at the same
rate of speed.
2 ways to understand a
compound M/A system
one simple system added to another on
the input side.
2 moving pulleys moving in the same
direction at different speeds.
girth hitch
used to connect the middle of the webbing
to the najo board or the stokes litter for
patient packaging.
only _____ should be used with the SKEDS
najo backboards
unless patient injuries make it unsafe,
wrap webbing around _____ starting on the
_____ .
the patient’s feet
inside of each foot.
wrap webbing around _____ of the stokes
and run webbing thru _____ of the najo.
vertical posts
rectangular openings
_____ the webbing over the patient.
remember to _____ before tying off the
remove all slack from the webbing starting
at the patient’s feet.
to tie off the webbing lashing, _____
tie clove hitches(preferably straddling
vertical posts) and overhand safety knots.
when lashing, run the webbing from _____ .
inside to the outside.
if a horizontal rigging, then position straps
_____ and make sure they go through
_____ with the _____ at the head.
under the SKEDS prior to packaging
the proper slots
shorter straps
the rope used for vertical rigging of the
SKEDS is _____ and is secured with a
_____ . The loose ends must be _____ .
centered at the knot
square knot
protect the patient’s _____ from the _____ .
head and face
top of the SKEDs, carry handle strap, and
loose ends
loosely tighten all SKEDS straps _____ .
after placing patient inside the SKEDS.
if using a horizontal rigging is used, _____
all SKEDs straps and secure the ______ .
loose ends
rig the bridle/horizontal straps starting
with _____ so that you will have a
______ pattern in the carabiner.
left side of the head
2 in/2 out
bridles are rigged _____ between the _____
with the shorter straps ______ of the patient.
gate in and gate down
vertical posts and the top rails
positioned near the head
when unrolling the SKEDS, try to remove
_____ as much as possible in order to
make it _____ .
the memory
as flat as possible.
rig 3/8” rope through ______ and through
______ .
carry handles
remember you must have at least _____
wraps of the 3/8” rope around the _____
of the najo board.
middle opening/handles
Remove slack in the 3/8” rope starting at
_____ .
the double wraps on the najo
the carabiner secures _____ and the _____
for vertical rigging.
both ends of the head strap
double loop figure 8
there are at least ____ ways to set up the
head strap for vertical rigging.
Remember to secure all _____ so that the
patient is safe.
loose ends.
in the SKEDS, the patient’s shoulders
should be even with _____
the grommets near the top left/right edges.
make sure the horizontal straps are _____
before loading.
complex M/A system
when you have 2 moving pulleys moving
in opposite directions.
the general public should be kept at least
_____ away from helicopter.
HFD personnel should be at least _____
away from the helicopter unless
performing duties.
After _____ , always approach helicopter
from the _____ in full view of the pilot.
obtaining pilot approval
front left quadrant
8 ground helicopter safety rules
stay clear of rotors.
keep head below top of the door.
do not go aft of the door or the billy pugh.
with permission, approach from front left
depart going downslope or in full view of
never approach from the upslope side.
never allow patient to exit helicopter or
billy pugh unattended.
do not step inside of skids
if moving from the front of the helo to the
back, you _____ .
must be secured to a designated
anchor point.
secure _____ when onboard the helo.
all equipment and yourself
no _____ in the helo.
unattended equipment
avoid _____ while in flight.
dynamic weight shifts
remain _____ at all times while in the helo.
alert for hazards
place _____ when landing the helo.
back to the wind
tell pilot “_____” before take-off.
ready on the (left, right, front)
Pilot is in _____ at all times.
the front seat has a _____ seatbelt
4 point
the rear seats have _____ seatbelts.
3 point
When removing headset, say “_____”.
coming off headset
the hand signal for “ok” during helo ops
an OK sign above your head
the “negative” hand signal
fist with thumb pointing downward
the hand signal for “pick up now”
tap your head with hand, palm down
hand signal for if the helo noise is too loud
and interfering with communications
cover both ears with your hands
or one if that is all that is possible
use these three items for giving pilot
position on a clock
“above or below”
approximate distance
the billy pugh is rigged _____ the helo
with a _____ and _____ . it is also secured
on the _____ of the helo.
primary anchor
a secondary anchor
right side
After placing patient in the billy pugh net,
_____ and _____ .
get in the net yourself
place arm across opening of the net
load billy pugh from _____ to the _____
leaving the cork ball _____ the billy pugh
the anchor
billy pugh net
just inside
foam padding should be on the _____ of
the billy pugh container when stowing.
water anchor of the billy pugh net should be
stowed on the _____ of the net inside
the container.
the curved edge of the billy pugh net is the
_____ of the net. It faces _____ inside the
towards the front of the helo.
remember to check all 3 carabiners of the
billy pugh system to ensure that they are
_____ .
the billy pugh net is secured in the
container with a _____ .
1” webbing strap
when setting plumb for a helicopter
rappel, it should be set while you are _____.
standing on the skid
if leaving the chopper during flight, inform
the pilot that you are “_____”.
coming off headset, stepping outside
When leaving chopper always maintain
_____ .
3 points of contact
when entering/leaving chopper always
start with your _____ .
left foot on the skid for entering.
left foot on the top step when leaving.
Do not step on the _____ on the skid.
if in flight, look at pilot for confirmation before _____ (3 occasions)
sending the rope bag
starting your rappel
beginning your belay
belays should always be performed _____ .
in between the skids.
litters/equipment should always be
slingloaded _____ .
in between the skids.
After OK from pilot, 14 keys to a good rappel
rotate into a V position (upper body straight and upright, bent at waist, feet on skid, weight centered in buttocks) (to drop downward, not away from helo) keep guide hand high on the rope minimize friction at the start of rappel spot your landing target, maintaining V. keep feet on skid until they just fall away. (do not push off skid) transition to L position begin braking by lowering legs do not stop unless it is planned ahead. brake for soft landing. land with knees bent, in balance, and squat down to create slack. stand-up and quickly disconnect. signal that you are off line. stow equipment. be prepared to clear line or tie off rope bag for retrieval.