HFD Safe Practices Dive Manual(Chapters 1-3) Flashcards
HIOSH Chapter 12-97 paragraph 1
commercial diving operations
HFD’s emergency rescue diving is _____
from HIOSH’s _____.
commercial diving regulations
Conditions for HFD’s exemption of the
_____ listed in _____ include the following
6 things.
HIOSH commercial diving regulations Chapter 12-97 Paragraph 1 1)maintain a diving safety manual 2)maintain an HFD Diving Control Board(DCB) 3)rescue diver may refuse to dive 4)purpose must be to aid in public life safety(information is non-proprietary) 5)tasks are emergency oriented and involve life safety 6)must use expertise in underwater rescue; therefore, personnel must be rescue specialists or in training.
the HFD DCB shall advise and make
recommendations to the _____ so that
he can do these 6 things.
fire chief 1)approve and monitor diving projects 2)review/revise the diving safety manual 3)ensure compliance with manual 4)ensure compliance with buddy system 5)certify depths that diver has been trained 6)comment on disciplinary action on unsafe diving practices
a rescue diver may refuse to dive _____
without _____ if the diver feels it is _____
or if the diver is not ____ or does not
at any time concern of disciplinary action unsafe fit possess adequate training or experience
HFD’s Rescue Diving Program has 5
procedural areas that cover the following
1)diver training/authorization procedures
2)diving operations safety procedures
3)dive team member responsibilities
4)equipment use/maintenance procedures
5)emergency procedures for each location
that include emergency medical treatment
and expeditious recompression
a _____ of diving activities shall be
prepared and submitted to _____ (3 guys)
quarterly report and review
fire 1
fire 3
chief of the TRB
the _____ appoints a ______ and the
members of the _____.
fire chief
dive safety officer (DSO)
dive control board (DCB)
the _____ serve as voting members on the
6 rescue captains
the 6 rescue captains are also _____.
DSOs (via the DCB and Fire 1) are
responsible for the implementation of the
HFD rescue diving program. They are also
responsible for these 7 things.
1)operational authority of the program
2)devising/implementing the program
3)conducting the necessary training
4)suspending diving ops if not safe
5)approving dive plans
6)maintaining dive records
7)ensuring compliance with this manual
and all relevant regulations of the HFD
voting members of the DCB include
6 rescue captains
14 DCB tasks
1)make recommendations to the fire chief
2)review Safe Practices/Training manuals
and make recommendations for updates
3)ensure compliance with manuals
4)recommend disciplinary action
5)approve and monitor diving ops
6)verify diver training depths
7)recommend new equipment/techniques
8)recommend facilities for inspection and
maintenance of diving equipment
9)ensure air supply meets air quality stds.
10)review DSOs quarterly reports
11)prepare programs for upcoming quarter
12)review DSOs performance
13)serve as investigators for accidents and
14)ensure regular meetings with DSOs
diving medical advisory panel
the DMAP has a _____ and includes
_____that have been selected to be on
the _____. They serve _____ terms.
advisory panel
4 year
DMAP chairperson 8 tasks
1)recommend potential DMAP members
2)ID physicians to conduct med. exams for
HFD rescue divers
3)information source for those physicians
4)review/comment on medical aspects of
dive plans
5)recommendations on diving medical
6)determine contraindications for diving
7)medical concerns for advanced
technologies and operational ranges
8)emergency mgmt and treatment for
remote locations, advanced technologies,
and extended operational ranges.
Diver in Training Approval signifies that an
HFD member has been _____
certified as at least an open water diver
through a nationally recognized agency
authorized rescue diver has a permit to
dive but has 4 requirements
use open-circuit scuba
open water/non-blue water
use of approve dive tables
no decompression diving
a DSO maintains a _____ of each diver that
includes a _____, ______, and ______.
permanent record dive log records of accidents records of equipment use, modifications, tests, repairs, and calibrations
7 Lead Diver responsibilities
1)verifying each diver possess current authorization and is qualified to do the job 2)coordinating operations with other known activities in the area which may interfere with operations 3)briefing dive team on objectives, hazards, environmental conditions, and any modifications to procedures 4)addressing safety and health aspects 5)suspending dive operations if unsafe 6)reporting any adverse health effects 7)ensuring completion of dive logs
8 safety and health aspects that the
lead diver addresses
1proper dive procedures
2) appropriate equipment
3) thermal protection
4) personnel assignments
5) need for additional resources/personnel
6) surface and underwater conditions/hazards
7) decompression schedules
8) emergency procedures
HFD divers must pass a _____.
medical exam
If hospitalized for more than 24hr than
divers must submit to a _____ before
receiving _____ to resume diving.
medical interview or exam as determined
by the physician
failure to comply with regulations may
result in a diver losing his _____.
authorization to dive
HFD’s Safe Practices Dive Manual was
updated on _____.
july 22nd, 1999
copies of HFD SP Dive Manual are located
R1 R2 Fire 1-Fire 6 Battalion HQs OSH office TRB
to participate in rescue diving operations,
you must have a current _____.
rescue diving authorization
procedures shall be established for
emergency treatment of divers at a _____.
hyperbaric chamber
solo diving is _____
3 HFD rules for buddy system rescue diving
1)maintain constant, effective communication
with at least 1 other comparably equipped
2)dives should be planned around the
competency of the least experienced diver.
3)if loss of effective communications, all
divers must surface and re-establish comms
no diver shall enter a _____ unless trained
and authorized by the DCB. this includes
any environment where there is a _____
that blocks a direct ascent to the surface
confined or restricted overhead environment
physical barrier
diver’s flag must be _____ whenever diving
is conducted
displayed prominently
3 things each open circuit diver must be able to do
1)establish neutral buoyancy at working depth 2)make a controlled neutral buoyancy ascent 3)maintain positive buoyancy at surface with approved buoyancy device
3 things each diver must have
depth gauge
pressure gauge
____ must be at the dive location and they
must be at least _____ as the US Navy
tables and approved by the ____.
approved diving tables
as conservative
every diver has their own _____ but can
exceed that by _____ if they are with a
diver authorized to that _____.
depth authorization
1 level
depth or level
3 authorized depth levels
3 requirements of training dives to become
authorized to 60’
1) 6 training dives to 31-60’
2) dives are supervised and logged
3) minimum total time >= 2hr
2 requirements to become authorized at 100’
1)4 training dives near max. depth category
2)demonstrate proficiency in the use of
appropriate decompression tables
diver has the right to terminate a dive if
they feel _____ without the fear of _____.
the diver must ensure that the _____ of the
other diver is not compromised.
under normal diving conditions, the dive
shall be terminated when cylinder pressure
reaches _____
a diver may _____ if they feel it is _____
without fear of _____.
refuse to dive
ultimate responsibility for safety rests
with the individual_____.
it is your _____ to refuse to dive if you think
it is _____ or if you would be ______.
violating your training or procedures in this
2 requirements to conduct training or
extended search dive operations
1)lead diver must formulate a dive plan and
submit it to the on-duty DSO for review.
2)DSO must approve the dive plan
4 HFD diver pre-dive safety checks
1)duty to refuse if applicable
2)functional check of all his equipment in
front of his buddy or tender
3)cannot dive if a known condition exists
that would adversely affect safety and
health of other diver(s)
4)diver must terminate dive while there is at
least 500# to permit diver to reach surface
6 diving equipment requirements
1)all equipment is in working order
2)sufficient for the type of diving operation
3)equipped for the planned diving mode
5)must be able to achieve/maintain positive
buoyancy at the surface
6)must be able to execute a controlled
neutrally buoyant ascent with an
approved BCD
4 areas the diver needs to be qualified in
1) the diving mode planned
2) specialized equipment to be used
3) the diving activity to be performed
4) the depth to be reached
prior to starting dive operations, the _____
will perform a _____ regarding the ______.
if it is ______ than operations will be _____.
DSO or lead diver site evaluation environmental conditions unsafe terminated
4 things divers report to the lead diver
after completion of the dive. if a lead diver
receives any of these he must file a _____
as soon as practical.
1)any physical problem
2)any injury
3)symptoms of DCI
4)any equipment malfunctions/issues
written report through channels
dive logs must be completed _____
after every dive as soon as practical
3 reasons a diver may perform emergency deviations from regulations. the lead diver must submit a \_\_\_\_\_ to the \_\_\_\_\_ explaining the \_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_ for such action.
1)situation might cause death
2)situation might cause serious physical
3)situation might cause major
environmental damage.
written report
fire chief
after diving, rescue divers must spend
at least _____ at sea level before ______.
flying or ascending to higher altitudes
dive logs must be kept at the diver’s _____.
and are submitted to the _____ on a _____.
the DSO will keep the logs as part of each
diver’s _____.
quarterly basis
permanent file
7 things on the dive form
1)name, rank, station assignment
2)date,time, and location of dive
3)general nature of diving activities
4)underwater and surface conditions
5)maximum depth, bottom time, SI
6)detailed reports on accidents or
potentially dangerous incidents
7)name of lead diver
any _____ will be reported through
channels to the _____.
dive related incident
fire chief
2 places a permanent dive file will be kept
on all authorized divers.
diver’s rescue station
3 forms or other forms as required by HIOSH
will be part of a diver’s _____.
permanent file
3 general medical requirements of HFD
1)pass a diving physical exam and
declared fit to dive by a licensed physician
2)physician is chosed by HFD
3)diver is free of any chronic disabling
disease and any conditions(list of them)
for which restrictions from diving are
generally recommended.
5 times medical evaluations need to be
1)upon entry into HFD diving and prior to first dive.
2)every 3 years, or every 2 yr if over 40
3)after any major injury/illness requiring
hospitalization over 24hr
4)after any episode of unconsciousness
5)after any diving accident
5 components of the medical exam
1)release of medical information agreement
2)medical Hx
3)diving related medical Hx
4)diving physical exam
5)any additional tests the physician deems
in addition to our annual physical exam, all
divers and potential promotees and relief personnel must undergo an _____ to be
scheduled in conjunction with their _____
and will include 3 views. they are _____.
chest x-ray PFT postero-anterior lateral apical lordotic
the physician submits a ______ to HFD with
the physician’s opinion of the ______.
written report
individual’s fitness to dive.
the physician’s written report shall be
reviewed by the _____ and the _____.
DMAP Chair
the physician’s written report shall be
made available to the _____.
individual diver