Confined Space Flashcards
Confined Space has 3 characteristics
1) limited means of access/egress.
2) designed to allow humans to enter and
perform work.
3) not designed for continuous human
29 CFR 1910.146, _____ code of federal
regulations on permit-required CS requires
_____ levels of protection. They are _____.
1) permitting procedure that IDs hazards and
lists protective/precautionary measures.
2) retrieval equipment necessary to perform
non-entry rescue.
3) rescue services required to be available
to perform rescue inside the CS.
permit-required CS have 1 or more of the
following 5 characteristics
1) contains or has the known potential to
contain a hazardous atmosphere.
2) contains a material that could cause
3) has limited access/egress and internal
configuration such that ready removal or
rescue is difficult
4) has a configuration that has the potential to trap or asphyxiate due to
inward converging walls and downward
sloping floors that taper to a smaller
cross section.
5) any other recognized safety or health
a CS Incident is one in which a victim is
located within an area of limited access/egress.
13 Examples of CS
aircraft/ships bins boilers hoppers mixers person holes sewers/aqueducts silos/grain elevators tanks (septic/water) tunnels underground vaults/pits water towers wells
6 groups of CS Hazards
atmospheric biological corrosive engulfment physical psychological
8 types of Hazardous Atmospheres
O2 deficient O2 enriched flammable vapors/extreme Temp toxic vapors products of combustion substance within10% of it's LEL airborne combustible dust at it's LEL concentration of substances that exceed PELs
H2S is known as ______. It is _____ and
has an odor that smells like _____. It is
_____ and has an explosive range of _____.
It has a vapor density of _____ and is
formed by the _____.
hydrogen sulfide colorless rotten eggs toxic 4.5%-45.5% 1.19 decomposition of animal or plant life
6 types of physical hazards you might find
in a CS
electrical/gas utilities fall/trip internal configuration limited access/egress points machinery(hydraulic, mechanical, pneumatic) hazmat or other fluids in space noise that affects communication/hearing
#1 cause of deaths in CS #2 cause of deaths in CS
hazardous atmospheres
Engulfment is the _____.
surrounding and effective capturing of a
person by a liquid or finely divided solid
particles that can be aspirated and/or
cause death.
Engulfment can kill by _____ due to _____
or _____. It can also kill by _____, ______,
or _____.
asphyxiation filling the airway blocking the airway constriction strangulation crushing
Corrosive Hazards include these 3
cleaning materials
Biological Hazards include these 5
bacteria mildew mold spores viruses
Psychological Hazards include these 3
any other fears
8 tasks for 1st-in Company at an CS Incident
1)initiate the ICS
2)ensure that hazmat/rescue/respective BC
have all been dispatched
3)conduct a scene size up (CAN)
4)establish a 300’ safe zone
5)ensure the scene is safe
6)perform a risk assessment/risk-benefit
7)perform lockout/tagout procedures if
8)perform non-entry rescue if possible
9 parts of CS scene size
1)nature, scope, and magnitude of incident
2)location and # of victims
3)ID hazards
4)risk assessment/risk-benefit analysis
5)determine access/egress points
6)evaluate environmental conditions
7)evaluate need for additional resources
8)determine when patients can be
contacted without endangering personnel
9)continuous monitoring and evaluation
10 pieces of information that should be
gathered for CS Incidents
1)the entry permit
2)ID the hazards
3)precautions for those hazards
4)what work was being done in the CS
5)who was doing the work and what were
the personnel assignments
6)point of entry
7)PLS or point of last communication
8)alternate acess/egress points
9)internal configuration of the space
10)time in
5 CS Checklists/Worksheets that HFD has
include the following _____.
HFD also has a CS _____ and an example of a CS entry _____.
incident checklist operations checklist attendant worksheet CSR tactical worksheet monitoring worksheet flowchart permit
1-pull OK
2-pull Advance
3-pull Take-Up
4-pull Help
OATH is a
communication acronym for rope signals
A SAR hose line can be up to _____ long.
4 duties of the CSR attendant include
1)communicating evacuation alerts
2)monitoring entrant status and behavior
3)monitoring activities both inside and
outside of the space
4)ensuring that situations outside the
space will not endanger the entrant
when monitoring a CSREs behavior, the
attendant is listening for 3 things
slurred speech
out of character responses
irregular breathing patterns
4 behavior changes within a CS could be
caused by _____.
hazardous atmospheres
oxygen deficiency
CS comm. equip highest level of
intrinsically approval is _____.
Class 1,2,3 Division 1,2 Groups A-G
CSREs will do the ____ inside the CS if it
is not possible to do it _____.
air monitoring
from outside the space
HFD uses _____ equipment for CS rescue
Con-Space Hardline Communication
the Con-Space talk box can be lowered into \_\_\_\_\_ to communicate or listen for trapped victims due to \_\_\_\_\_ . It can be lowered to \_\_\_\_\_ victims or victims in \_\_\_\_\_ or \_\_\_\_\_.
voids structural collapse high angle incident mines elevator shafts pits
2 other possible personnel roles at a CS
equipment and line tending/hauling
air supply management
13 HFD Con-Space CS Rescue
Communication Kit # 1 pieces of equipment.
1)command module
2)talk box
3)double splitter
4)behind the head headset(attendant)
5) 4 face mask rescue communication sets
6)operator extension cable with a
microphone mute(attendant)
7)a 1’ microphone mute cable(entrant)
8) 4 100’ sections of orange comms cables
9) a 50’ section of comms cable(talk box)
10) 4 speaker harnesses for entrants
11) 4 clothing clips
12) 4 snap hooks for cable strain relief
13) carrying case
command module allows a maximum of \_\_\_\_\_ entrants to maintain 100% comms or it could allow up to 8 entrants if used with a \_\_\_\_\_ and has an \_\_\_\_\_. 2 command modules can be joined together through the \_\_\_\_\_.
internal SP modification
rescue/expansion port
microphone mutes allows for you to _____
where you can only listen. your sounds
will be _____.
create 1-way communication
completely muted
the speaker harness allows you to _____
use the face mask speaker when user is
not required to wear a face mask
the double splitter allows the attendant
to control communication with the _____
or _____.
primary entrant or team
secondary entrant or team
7 critical functions for CS
mitigate/control hazards control atmosphere continuous air supply continuous communications equipment/line handling locate victims rescue victims
HFD ties both the _____ line and the _____
together. The _____ is separate.
SAR hoseline
safety line
the “SP Mod” allows a ______ to be used
on Ports _____ and the _____ Port. Port
_____ is for the _____ and/or an _____.
splitter box 1 and 2 operator 3 talk box additional rescuer
the _____ should normally be kept within
a _____ radius of entrant.
talk box
2 meter
the throat mic should be just ____.
to the left or right of the adam’s apple
“noise reduction” button will help with high
noise levels but users may have _____.
to talk louder
keep unused connectors _____
battery LED on the command module
indicates low batteries by flashing _____
before complete battery failure
only 1 talk box per system can be used
on entrant ports due to _____.
if using an expanded system, use a _____
to connect the 2 command modules
expansion cable
connectors for comms cables are _____.
twist locking
appendix _____ of the ConSpace Comms
manual lists the _____ and classifications.
intrinsic safe approval levels
8 step Con-Space Comms Checklist prior to Entry
1)ensure command module is on
2)alarm module cable in place(if equipped)
3)all accessories/cables connected to
command module
4)all mics are positioned properly
5)all cables are strain relieved
6)ensure 2-way communication
7)check personal alarm button functionality
(if equipped)
8)agree on backup comms procedure