NFPA 1006(2013) Flashcards
NFPA 1006(2013)
Standard for Technical Rescuer
Professional Qualifications
Chapter 3
14 disciplines for Technical Rescuers
rope confined space trench structural collapse vehicle machinery wilderness surface water swift water surf dive ice cave mine and tunnel
Chapter 2
referenced publications
multiple point anchor system
more than 1 anchor point that is
load sharing either equally or unequally
and can be equalizing
single point anchor system
just 1 anchor point
anchor point is where ____
u connect to the anchor system
method to control a potential fall and
prevent/minimize injury to a person or
damage to the rope or rope components
belay system
non-tensioned and manually operated
system designed to belay a load
benching or benching system
creating a step or series of steps in a
trench wall or excavation to protect from
“beneficial system”
auxiliary powered equipment in vehicles
or machinery that can enhance/facilitate
single anchor that can support all loads or
potential loads and shock loads to a rope
system without the possibility of failing
rope bent back on itself 180 degrees
natural underground void space created
by geologic processes
when a mass of soil or rock from the sides
of a trench or excavation fall into the trench
either by falling or sliding. it is also when
soil or rock fall away from trench shielding and into the space.