Teams Flashcards
Team learning
Edmonson et al (2007)
Team mental model
Klimoski & Mohammed (1994)
Social Loafing
Karau & Williams (1993)
Defining a work team
Sunstrom et al. (1990): lots of defs, basically comes down to interdependence, shared responsibility, and common meaningful goals
Also several typologies (Sunstrom et al. 1990)
Vary on 4 main chars: level of authority, time horizon, degree of specialization, and of interdependence (Sunstrom et al., 2000)
Team size
Optimal team size based on task, communication and mot (Guimera et al. 2005)
Team development
Tuckman (1965); Tuckman & Jenson (1977) Forming storming, norming, performing, adorning
How to develop a team
Stevens & Compion (1994)-> competencies are key; Mohammed et al. (2010) synthesis of lit for competencies; Cannon-Bowers et al. (1995) connects to task demand/sit
Personality effects
Mohammed et al. (2010); Overall effects (Bell 2007)
Configuration also matters
Steiner (1972) most pop, but Bell (2007) no one way is best, depends on composition var
Hollenbeck et al. (2004); Bell (2007), Bowers et al. (2000), Horowitz & Horowitz (2007) all support heterogeneity does not have a reliable impact on team perform.
IPO Model
McGrath (1964): input process output model, criticized b/c processes are often cog or affective states, imply a single cycle
IMOI Model
Ilgen et al. (2005), Input, mediator, output, input: mediator instead of process
Team performance
Can be based on tasks, processes or on cog.
Effective teams whould
Have mot jobs designed by JCM, wide participation in decisions, create support context and monitor and encourage progress (Campion et al., 1993; 1996)
Pos relationship between avg team CA and team perform
.29 (Devine & Phillips, 2001)
Teamwork behavior processes
Marks et al. (2001): 3 dimensional model of teamwork behavior processes: transition, action, interpersonal
Best validity via LePine et al. 2008 meta
Team Adaptability
Burke et al. (2006) 4 stages sit assessment, plan formation, plan execution, team learning
Shared mental model
Edwards et al. (2006) also shared vs accurate
Team Cohesion
Carron et al. (1998)
Types of Cohesion
Mullen & Cooper (1994): interpersonal attraction, task commit, and grp pride. Task is critical to performance
General training stratefies
Salas & Cannon-Bowers (1997)–> 2000 = guidlines; Cannon-Bowers et al. (2003) transfer
Team building
Salas et al. (1999): 4 areas of team building: goal setting, interpersonal relations, problem solving, and role clarification
Cannon-Bowers & Bowers (2011); Kozlowski & Bell (2012)
Matieu et al. (2017)
Team diversity
Van Kippenberg & Schippers (2007)