CA, Personality, Vocational Interests Flashcards
Gottfriedson 1988 – a general capability for abstract thinking, problem solving, and learning complex things, speed and ease with which individuals acquire knowledge
Judge et al., 1988 fundamental, subconscious conclusions people reach about themselves: 4 traits: self-esteem, LOC, neuroticism, generalized self-efficacy (also Erez Judge 2001; Judge Bono 2001)
McCrae Costa (1985), lexical derived; Ashton et al., 2004, adds honesty-humility
Personality is stable over time
Hogan 2005
Why is personality important
Barrick Mount 2005: 7 reasons
Seminal personality paper, replicated by
Barrick Mount 1991; Hurtz Donovan 2000
Introduces facets, C is valid predictor of JP, ES for overall work performance
Barrick et al., 2001
FFM –> job sat
Judge et al., 2002: N (-.29), E (.25), O (.02), A (.17), C (.26); N = strongest and consistent, overall corr of .41
Salgato 2000: C A valid predictors of deviant behavior; N(.35), C (.31), A (.21) predict turnover
FMM–> Transformational Leadership
Judge Bono 2000: E and A pos predict, especially A, overall corr .4
Chiaburu et al., 2011: already knew C A from Hurtz Donovan but C predicted OBC- O and A predicted OCB-I, also overall predicted citizenship over and above job sat
Prediction of facets
Judge et al., 2013 facets pred. perf better than broad traits; facets predict better in facets of perf than in general perf (bandwidth fidelity); 6-2-1 framework
Hough Ones 2002; Ones Viswesveran (2007): doesn’t impact validity in real world setting
Mueller-Hanson et al. 2003: high end of distribution
Tett Christiansen 2007: reduces validity, but could be job related
Reducing Faking
Ones Hough 2011: warnings: Stark et al., 2005; Chernskensko et al., 2009: forced choice
Subgrp Diffs in Personality
Doles et al., 2008: small diffs
Main ones: Hough et al., 2001; Foldes et al., 2008
Ones et al., 1993; Berry et al., 2007
Schmidt Hunter (1998; 2004)
corr b/w GMA and JP is 0.51 and GMA and job training is 0.53; best in combo with integrity tests, work samples and structured interviews; job complexity makes this rlt stronger
The end result of g
Murphy et al., 2003: valid, not not a complete measure of perf; need to avoid AI; banding reduces reliability but reduce AI; societal concern vs. g centric perspectives
Supgrp Diffs in g
Roth et al., 2001: B-W 1 sd higher, H-W .72, complexity moderates; Schmidt 2002
Interests–>occupational choices
Hansen Dirk 2005
Van Iddeking et al., 2011
interest predict job knowledge, JP, and continuance intentions, have incremental validity over GMA and the Big 5, and have little subgroup diffs that in most cases favored women and minorities
Schwarts 1992
Personality Traits
Oswald Hough, 2011: psych chars that predict consistent work related thoughts, motivations, behavior and other outcomes across situations over time
C is good predictor of general JP–> validity of .31
Barrick et al. (2001); Hurtz Donovan 2000
Validity Schmidt Hunter 1998
g higher for more complex jobs
Hunter Hunter 1984; across US/Europe: Salgado et al., 2003)