CA, Personality, Vocational Interests Flashcards
Gottfriedson 1988 – a general capability for abstract thinking, problem solving, and learning complex things, speed and ease with which individuals acquire knowledge
Judge et al., 1988 fundamental, subconscious conclusions people reach about themselves: 4 traits: self-esteem, LOC, neuroticism, generalized self-efficacy (also Erez Judge 2001; Judge Bono 2001)
McCrae Costa (1985), lexical derived; Ashton et al., 2004, adds honesty-humility
Personality is stable over time
Hogan 2005
Why is personality important
Barrick Mount 2005: 7 reasons
Seminal personality paper, replicated by
Barrick Mount 1991; Hurtz Donovan 2000
Introduces facets, C is valid predictor of JP, ES for overall work performance
Barrick et al., 2001
FFM –> job sat
Judge et al., 2002: N (-.29), E (.25), O (.02), A (.17), C (.26); N = strongest and consistent, overall corr of .41
Salgato 2000: C A valid predictors of deviant behavior; N(.35), C (.31), A (.21) predict turnover
FMM–> Transformational Leadership
Judge Bono 2000: E and A pos predict, especially A, overall corr .4
Chiaburu et al., 2011: already knew C A from Hurtz Donovan but C predicted OBC- O and A predicted OCB-I, also overall predicted citizenship over and above job sat
Prediction of facets
Judge et al., 2013 facets pred. perf better than broad traits; facets predict better in facets of perf than in general perf (bandwidth fidelity); 6-2-1 framework
Hough Ones 2002; Ones Viswesveran (2007): doesn’t impact validity in real world setting
Mueller-Hanson et al. 2003: high end of distribution
Tett Christiansen 2007: reduces validity, but could be job related
Reducing Faking
Ones Hough 2011: warnings: Stark et al., 2005; Chernskensko et al., 2009: forced choice
Subgrp Diffs in Personality
Doles et al., 2008: small diffs
Main ones: Hough et al., 2001; Foldes et al., 2008