OHP Flashcards
OHP def
Jex et al. (2012)
Role theory
Kahn et al. (1964)
Lazarus & Folkman (1984); 3 types (Folkman & Moskowitz, 2004): pos reappraisal, problem focused, ordinary events w/pos meaning
Maslach (2003) def; 3 dimensions Maslash & Jackson (1981): emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduced personal accomplishment
Social Support
House (1981); Viswesveran et al (1999): important resource to mitigate strain
Broaden & Build theory
Frederickson (1998) pos emotions can broaden scope of attention, cog & thought-action repertoires
Sonnetag & Frese (2012): physical, task, role, social, schedule, career related, traumatic org change
Transactional Model/Sociocog Model
Lazarus & Folkman (1984); Lazarus (1991): cog appraisal play a crucial role
Demand Control
Karasek (1979) job demands and control play key role
Iso-Strain model
Johnson et al. (1989) also includes social support as buffer in Demand control
Moderators to D-C Model
s-e (Salanova et al., 2002), proactive personality (Parker & Spring, 1999), LOC (Meir et al., 2008)
Meta Support of D-C Model
Bakker & Demerouti (2007)
COR Theory
Hobfoll (1989): obtain, retain, protect & restore resources
Meta support of COR theory & Burnout
Lee & Ashforth (1996)
Stessor/Strain Theory
Beehr et al. (2000) all stressors
Challenge Hindrance Model
LePine et al (2005); Cananaugh et al (2000)
C = job & role demands, pressure, time urgency, workload. H = constraints, hassles, role ambiguity/overload, etc.
Support for Role Theory
Jackson & Schuler (1985); Sauter et al., (1990)
Cybernetic Model
Cummings & Cooper (1979): ppl monitor discrepancy through feedback cycle b/w preferred state and actual work conditions
Demands–> resource–> disengage (J-D R Model)
Demerouti et al. (2001)
EE necessary but not sufficient for burnout; not sure how 3 dimensions develop
Maslach (2003)
EE–> org commit–> turnover int, perfrom, OCB
Cropanzano et al. (2003)
Newer Meta of JDR
Alaron et al. (2011)–> stronger rlts than Lee & Ashforth (1996)
Extension of JDR
Crawford et al. (2010) for inconsistencies b.w demands and engagement
Longitudinal support for buffering effects of social support
Nahum-Shani & Bamberger (2011)
Recovery/ psych detachment create pos effects states that help improve health & well-being
Fritz et al. (2010)
Successful interventions combo reduction of stressors and increases in resources
Sonnetag & Frese (2011)
3 types of interventsion
Griffin & Clark (2011)
Surface acting & emotional labor
Brotheridge & Gandey (2002); Brotheridge & Lee (2002)