Job Attitudes Flashcards
Eagly Chaiken 1999
Job Sat
Hulin Judge, 2003; Schleicher et al., 2001
Org Committ
Porter et al., 1974
Kahn, 1990
Job involvement
Kanugo, 1982; Keller, 1997
Psych well-being
Wright Cropanzano, 2000
Org ID
Riketta, 2005
Watson et al., 1988
Brief Weiss 2002
Attitudes are learned, not observable
Doob (1947); Rosenberg Hovland (1960): tripartite concept: feelings, cog and behavioral
Theory of reasoned action
Fishbein Ajzen (1980): subjective norms and attitudes toward behavior–> intentions–> behavior
Theory of planned behavior
Ajzen 1985, 1991: extends TRA to include perceived behavioral control
Social info processing theory
Salancik Pfeffer (1978): attitudes develop partly due to social context
Affective events theory
Weiss Cropanzano (1996)
Expectancy-Value Model
Fishbein, 1963; Fishbein Ajzen, 1975; Ajzen 2001: strong atts are relatively stable, resistant to persuasion and predict behavior
Change and elaboration likelihood model
Petty et al., (1997): central processing to change attitudes
Socialization can also influence
Fullagar et al., (1995)
Antecedents of Job Sat
Porter (1961) discrepancy model; Arvey et al., (1989) 30% is genetic, Judge et al., (2002) meta of personality
Job sat –> JP
Judge et al., 2001: said .30 rlt; but don’t know direction; Bowling (2007) meta says its spurious due to FFM, CSE, and LOC; Riketta (2008) long showed sat–> JP
3 Components of Org Commit
Allen Meyer (1990) Affective, continuance & normative
Meta of Org commit
Meyer et al., (2002) strongest rlt w/ org outcomes; affect & JS is strongest
Critique of 3 components of Org Commit
Solinger et al., (2008)
Antecedents of Org Commit
Steers (1977)
3 circumstances to engagement
Kahn (1990): availability, meaningful, psych safety
Engagement = pos of burnout
Schaufeli et al., (2006)
Job involvement antecedents
Elloy et al., 1991 meta: nature of job matters most
Eisenberger et al., (1986, 1990) def–> based in SET (Blau, 1964)
POS meta
Rhoades Eisenberger (2002): fairness, sup support, org rewards/favorable job conditions = antecedents
POS antecedents meta
Kurtessis et al., (2017)
Psych contract
Rousseau (1989), violations Morrison & Robinson (1997)
Psych contract vs POS
Distinct: Coyle-Shaprio & Conway (2005)
Meta of Psych contract
Zhao et al., (2017)
Work values
Rokeach (1979) first to study
Job engagement scale
Rich et al., (2010): predicts JP and OCBs
Judge et al. (2000)
Job chars and complexity mediated rlt b/w CSE and job sat
Meta of attitudes and work behavior
Harrison et al. (2006)