Leadership Flashcards
30% of var in leadership is due to genetics
Arvey et al. (2007)
Mot to lead scale and validitation
Chan Drasgow (2001): 3 factors affective identity, noncalculative and social-normative
Personality leadership
Judge et al. (2002) Overall .48; E, C, O strongest predictors, GMA (.27)
Personality transformational
BonoJudge (2004): ES and E pos rlt
Dimensions id in Ohio State studes
Kerr et al. (1974): initiating structure & consideration–> Judge et al. (2004) argued we abandoned too soon.
Contingency theory
Fiedler (1967): least preferred coworker: 3 dimensions to sit (rlts, perform goal clarity and formal authority)
Path-goal Theory
House (1971); House Mitchell (1974); House (1996)
align goals, facilitate achievement, clarify path and ensure goals are valuable
4 categories in P-G
Participative, directive, supportive, achievement-oriented
Subsitutes for Leadership Theory
Kerr Kermier (1978): sit chars either neutralize behaviors by blocking effectiveness or act as substitute while pos influencing outcomes
Beginning of Transact/Transform
Burns (1978) OG; Bass (1985) further conceptualized
Laissez-fair, active mgmt. by exception, passive mgmt, by exception, contingent reward
Idealized influence, inspirational mot, intellectual stim, individualized consideration
Meta of transform
Judge Piccolo (2004)
Authentic Leadership
Luthans Avolio (2003): from broaden and build theory
Charismatic leadership
Some argue same as transform (Judge et al., 2008); emphasize on attributions followers make (Conger Kanungo, 1998) or actual leadership behaviors (House, 1977)
OG citations for LMX
Graen (1976) LMX; Dienesch & Liden (1986) VDL
LMX Meta
Gestner Day (1997)
Outcomes of LMX
Graen Uhl-Bien (1995): also clarified can be unidimensional
Mismatch b/w follower and leader perceptions of LMX quality
Gestner Day, 2000: r=.37
Cross-cultural LMX
Rockstuhl et al. (2012): b/w LMX, OCB, justice, JS, turnover intentions and trust were stronger in horizontal- individualistic.
Eagly et al. (1995)–> better when role is feminine; Eagly & Johnson (1990)–> more democratic; Eagly et al. (2003)–> more transform
Cross cultural
Den Hertog et al. (1999): trustworthiness, fairness, honesty and encouraging/pos all universal; Gerstner Day (1994) traits differ across
Personality affects influence tactics: Types of influence tactics
Cable Judge (2003); Yukl Falbe (1990)
Sources of power
French Raven (1959)
Ethical Leadership
Brown et al. (2005)
Abusive leadership
Tepper 2000;2007
Review of traits differentiating non-leaders & leaders
Judge Cable (2004)
Shared leadership
Pearce, 2000; Pearce Manz, 2004
Wayne et al. (2011): L-F, A and P mgmt. all neg rlted