Human Performance Flashcards
Task vs Contextual
Borman & Motowidlo, 1993, 1997
Counter Productive Behavior
Rotundo & Sackett (2002)
Organ (1988)
Andersson & Pearson, 1999
Deviant Work behav
Robinson & Bennett (1995)
Sackett, 2002; Sackett & Devore 2001
Declarative vs procedural knowledge
Cambell (1990), Cambell et al., (1993; 1996) can do vs will do and mot
Borman & Montowildo 1993; 1997 supported by
Conway 1996
5 main types of contexutal
Volunteering to carry out tasks not part of the job, persisting extra effort, helping, following rules even when inconvenient, endorsing supporting defending org objectives.
Contextual explains variance in informal rewards and task explains variance in career advancement
van Scotter et al., (2000)
Six facets and high overlap b/w OCB and contextual
Podsakoff et al. (2000); Motowildo (2000)
5 OG dimensions of OCB
Orgain (1988): altruism, conscientiousness, sportsmanship, courtesy, civic virtue
OCB & Contextual debate
Organ & Ryan (1995) they’re diff; Organ (1997) okay they the same
Job attitudes are predictors of OCB
Organ & Ryan (1995)
OCB matters in ratings
Allen & Rush (1998)
Meta of OCB
Chiaburu et al. (2011)
Different models of CWBs
Robinson & Bennett (1995) = 4; Sackett (2002) = 11; Spector et al. (2006) = 6
Marcus et al. (2016) examined internal structure
Separation of ID and OD
Berry et al. (2007)
Rlt b/w OCB & CWB
Dalal (2005) -.32, separate constructs
Meta of workplace agression
Hercovis et al. (2007)
Withdrawal behaviors
Hulin (1991)–> has higher order w/2 second order Hanisch (1995)
Meta of Withdrawal
Mirta et al. (1992) absenteeism & withdrawal .33; Hom et al. (1992) job sat–> withdraw cog–> turnovers; Griffeth et al. (2000)
Adaptive Perform
Allworth & Hesketh (1999) introduced; Pulakos et al. (2008) 8 dimensions
62% of var in task perform is within
Dalal et al. (2014)
History & Dimensionality of OCB
Lepine et al. (2002)
OCBs increase perform (mediated by liking & Perceived affective commit)
Allen & Rush (1998)
Sub grp diffs
B lower than W (d=.27);
Weight of contextual higher than tasks have less AI
Hattrup et al. 1997