Performance Appraisal Flashcards
Casico 1982: systematic description of job relevant strengths/weaknesses within and b/w ees
Employee Reactions
Meyer Smith 2000: overall sat, adequacy of feedback, and perceptions of org commit to conducting developmental perform appraisal
Feedback Intervention
Kluger DeNisi, 1996: actions taken to provide info regarding perform
Halo Error
Thorndike 1920; Cooper 1981: tendencey to grade for general merit, influence position on specific qualitites
Performance Mgmt
Aquinis 2009: explicit link b/w individual perform and org strategic goals
Behavioral observation scales: Latham Wexley 1997: ask raters to use aids such as diaries to std PA
Sources of error
halo, and primacy-recency/central tendency (Landy Farr, 1980)
Pros vs Cons
Adler et al., 2016
Pulakos et al., 2008
Perform Mgmt: explanation of feedback–> success depends on commit from top mgmt. feedback should be timely, frequent, and ongoing manner
Teamwork Perfom
Salas et al., 2005: Big 5
Team adaptability
Burke et al., 2006
Org Perfrom
Most common is Productivity Measurement and Enhancement System (ProMES Pritichard et al., 1989; 2002
Kanji 1990: 4 stages
Legal defensibility
Bernardin Beatty 1984: based on JA, eval based on specific dimensions, rating based on behaviors, supporting evidence
Best Practices of PA
Barrett Kernan 1987: reviewed cases, 41/51 ruled on the side of the org. Basically JA –> training–> review document
Martin et al. 2000
Evals should be based on PA that incorporate org justices fairness. Reviews defenses for not promoting and discharging
Landy Farr 1980
Cog approach: biases occur in roles (chars), context (org, purpose), and vehicle (type of rating used), process results
Rater Mot
Murphy Cleveland (1995): 4 possible rater goals
Viswevaran et al 2002
Focus on process, not scale. Rating difficult is 3 times more to blame for diffs b/w peer and sup ratings
1st: Bernardin Buckley 1981; then Sulsky Day 1992. Provides common reference, better classification accuracy
Dissat can…
result in anger, effect attitudes toward work and supervision (Johnson 2000) LAWSUITS (Aquinis, 2009)
Kluger Denisi 1996 Meta; Smither et al., 2005 meta
Judge Ferris 1993
Antecedents of sup ratings
Judgement vs ratings
Murphy Cleveland (1995): private eval via processing all available info vs public statement of that eval
Reasons for PA
Campbell & Wiernik (2015); Viswesveran et al. (2001)
Rating scales explained 42% of variance in rating accuracy–> overall rated more reliably than dimensions
Viswesvaran et al. (1996)
Feedback interventions
should be part of any PM, but only work 1/3 of the time, don’t do anything 1/3 and 1/3 reduce performance (Kluger DeNisi, 1996)–> connect to Pulakos et al., 2008
For sat on PA
Ees need justice, timeliness, rating accuracy & utility–> more about strengths and weaknesses and encouraging than critical (Boswell Boundreau, 2000)
Best practices in PM
Smither London (2009)