Synapses Part 2 Flashcards
Excitability of a Neuron Changes
in Response to: (3)
synaptic input
prolonged activation
changes in membrane permeability, ion concentration, other chemicals..
Synaptic input (pre-and post-synaptic) (3)
A. Postsynaptic inhibition or excitation
B. Presynaptic inhibition
C. Presynaptic facilitation
Presynaptic inhibition & Presynaptic facilitation are due to
axoaxonic synapses
Prolonged Activation (3)
A. Synaptic fatigue
B. Long-term Potentiation (LTP)
C. Long-term Depression (LTD)
Excitability of a Neuron Changes in Response
Synaptic Input
Synapses on both the pre-synaptic
cell & post-synaptic cell will
the final effect (change in membrane
Synapses on both the pre-synaptic
cell & post-synaptic cell will modulate
the final effect (change in membrane
potential) (3)
A. Post-synaptic Inhibition or
B. Pre-synaptic inhibition
C. Pre-synaptic facilitation
Axo-axonal synapses are responsible for (2)
presynaptic inhibition and facilitation
When an inhibitory interneuron (red)
releases an inhibitory transmitter (ex.
GABA) on a postsynaptic neuron. This
produces an
IPSP that decreases the
potential of the postsynaptic neuron from
reaching threshold
When an excitatory interneuron (green)
releases an excitatory transmitter (ex.
Glutamate) on a postsynaptic neuron. This
produces an
EPSP that increases the
potential of the postsynaptic neuron from
reaching threshold
Withdrawal Reflex:
Initiated by activation of nociceptors
and leads to withdrawal of the affected limb away from
the painful stimulus (ex. lifting up foot when you step on
something sharp, opening mouth when you bite down
on your tongue, etc.).
Presynaptic Inputs
Pre-synaptic Inhibition results from
axoaxonal synapses where neurons reduce transmitter release from the excitatory neuron and decreases the EPSP produced in the post-synaptic neuron
Inhibition occurs due to
increased Cl–
conductance (reduces AP
size) which decreases the
Ca2+ entry and amount of
excitatory NT released
Pre-synaptic Facilitation results from
axoaxonal synapses where neurons increase transmitter release from the excitatory neuron and increases the EPSP produced in the post-synaptic neuron.
Facilitation occurs due to
increased AP time so
there is increased
entry and more NT is
Synaptic Fatigue
Each successive stimulus is identical, but the response is progressively smaller. Due to a presynaptic change.
LTP and LTD occur in response to
repetitive synaptic activity and
cause changes in synaptic strength that can last for days to weeks
Enhanced stimulation of the post-synaptic neuron after a brief
period of rapidly repeated stimulation of the presynaptic neuron
Glutamate (Glu) can bind to (2) receptors on
the post-synaptic neuron
LTP is best studied at
Glutamate (Glu) synapses in the hippocampus (part of the Limbic System that is involved with learning and memory).
LTD is the
opposite of LTP
as it decreases
synaptic strength
Increase excitability (5)
Hyperkalemia (up to 6 mM) Hypocalcemia Alkalosis Caffeine & theophylline Up-regulation of receptors
Decrease excitability (8)
Hyperkalemia (above 6 mM) Hypokalemia Hypercalcemia Acidosis (ex. Diabetic DKA) Anesthetics (ex. Lidocaine) Down-regulation of receptors Hypoxia Fatigue