Resp 2 Part 2 Flashcards
When in an upright position, there is a -- mmHg difference in pulmonary arterial pressure from the apex to the base of the lung. Due to ---!
Lung is divided into 3 zones: (3)
– Zone 1: most superior (apex of lung) – Zone 2: middle – Zone 3: inferior (base of lung)
Zone 3 (at Base) has the highest
pressure and thus the
highest blood flow per
--- increases blood flow to all zones of the lung, though the bottom of the lung still receives the most blood flow.
The hydrostatic pressure of the blood inside of the capillaries
(Pa) favors
filtration (and keeps the vessel open).
The tissue pressure (largely based on alveolar air pressure–
PALV) outside of the capillary
opposes filtration and favors
vessel collapse.
Only the (3) (alveolar vessels) are altered by PA.
capillaries &
smallest of the arterioles &
Zone 1: (2)
Pa is lower than PA.
Capillaries are compressed.
Zone 1: (2)
Pa is lower than PA.
Capillaries are compressed.
If Pa drops (hemorrhage) or PA increases
(positive pressure breathing), a greater
potion of the lung is converted to
Zone 1
Zone 2: (2)
Higher Pa (due to gravity) means that Pa is higher than PA during
During diastole Pa will drop lower than PA. Thus blood flow is
Zone 3:
Highest Pa (due to gravity). Region of continuous blood flow because Pa remains higher than PA during both systole and blood flow
• Exercise converts
Zone 2 into Zone 3 blood flow.
• When in the supine position, the lungs have mostly Zone – blood flow because the – gradient is reduced .
Ventilation (V)/Perfusion (Q) Match
– Index of the match between air flow (alveolar
ventilation-V) & pulmonary blood flow (perfusion-Q)
Normal Whole Lung V/Q is 0.8 which means there is
more _________ flow than _________ flow.
In a normal individual, the apex of the lung has a —
V/Q than the rest of the lung.