Superpowers - EQ2 - 7.6 Flashcards
As the world population increases so does the …….
…………& …………. place the greatest demands on resources and have the largest environmental ………….
- As the world population increases so does the demand on resources
- Superpowers and emerging superpowers place the greatest demands on resources and have the largest environmental footprint
Explain different aspects of environmental degredation
-landscape scarring
- Open cast mining (valuable minerals)
- Contaminated groundwater
- UK mines reopened as global price of tungsten increased
Explain different aspects of environmental degredation
-air pollution
- 250 Chinese cities affected by acid rain in 2003 (cost $13bn)
- Chemical weathering of natural and building materials
Explain different aspects of environmental degredation
-oil pollution
- e.g Deepwater Horizon (Gulf of Mexico) – 450 million litres of oil released
- Remedial chemicals also damaged marine life
Explain different aspects of environmental degredation
-deforestation for food
- Brazil’s food production increased 30% 2002-2012
- Estimated that 15% of the Amazon has been cut down for agriculture
Define NDC
- Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC):
- The Paris Agreement requests each country to outline and communicate their post-2020 climate actions, known as their NDCs.
In what ways have covid been scapegoated to avoid emissions targets established by Paris
- Some nations have indicated that the COVID-19 pandemic may delay submitting their updated or enhanced NDCs
- While many presented plans in 2020 as scheduled, some countriesmay only do so this year (2021) ahead of COP26
- The information does not reflect these possible delays
Define Strengthened or added GHG target
- Whether the NDC adopts strengthened or added new GHG target compared to previous submission
How many people suffer from water scarcity for a month per year
2.7 billion people
Both India and China are suffering increasing water scarcity due to….
- Increasing industry and agricultural demand
- Increasing population
- Pollution of fresh water sources by industry, agricultural and domestic waste water
- Uneven water supply, the highest demand in China is in the north-east whereas the highest supply is in the south
- Increasing drought
Why does the demand for food increase
- Population increase
- Increased calorie intake