Stomach - omenta, neurovascular, lymphatic, clinical Flashcards
what are organs covered in within the abdominal cavity?
double layered membrane called periotneum
what is the function of the peritoneum?
supports viscera and attaches to abdominal wall
what are the greater and lesser omenta?
2 structures that consists of peritoneum which folds over itself (2 peritoneum layers, or 4 membrane layers)
what do both omenta attach to?
the stomach
where is the greater omentum situated?
hangs down from the greater curvature of the stomach, drapes over the transverse colon and folds back upon itself before reaching the posterior abdominal wall
what does the greater omentum feature and contain?
features many lymph nodes, which contains macrophages to help combat infections in the GI tract
where is the lesser omentum located?
continuous with peritoneal layers of the stomach and duodenum
the 2 layers combine at the lesser curvature, and ascend to attach to the liver
what is the main function of the lesser omentum?
attach the stomach and duodenum to the liver
together, what does the greater and lesser omenta do to the abdominal cavity?
divide abdominal cavity into 2: greater and lesser sac
where does the stomach lie?
immediately anterior to lesser sac
what does the greater and lesser sac communicate via?
epiploic foramen, a hole in the lesser omentum
where does the arterial supply to the stomach come from?
celiac trunk and its branches
where do anastomoses around the lesser curvature of the stomach form?
along the lesser curvature by the right and left gastric arteries
where do anastomoses around the greater curvature of the stomach form?
right and left gastro-omental arteries
where is the right gastric artery from?
branch of common hepatic artery, which is a branch of celiac trunk
where does left gastric artery arise from?
directly from celiac trunk
where does Left gastro-omental artery arise from?
branch of the splenic artery, which arises from the celiac trunk
where do the veins of the stomach run?
parallel to the arteries
where does the right and left gastric veins drain into?
hepatic portal vein
where do the short gastric vein, left and right gastro-omental veins ultimately drain into?
superior mesenteric vein
where does the stomach receive innervation from?
autonomic nervous system
where does the parasympathetic nerve to the stomach come from?
posterior vagal trunks, derived from the vagus nerve
where does the sympathetic nerve to the stomach come from?
from the T6-T9 spinal cord segments pass to the celiac plexus. It also carries some pain transmitting fibres
where do the gastric lymphatics travel to reach the stomach?
gastric lymphatic vessels travel with the arteries along the greater and lesser curvatures of the stomach
where does lymph fluid of the stomach drain into?
gastric and gastro-omental lymph nodes found at the curvatures
Where do efferent lymphatic vessels from the gastric & gastro-omental lymph nodes drain connect to? where are they located?
celiac lymph nodes, located on the posterior abdominal wall
what is Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease?
a digestive disorder affecting the lower oesophageal sphincter
what does gastro-oesophageal reflux disease refer to?
the movement of gastric acid and food into the oesophagus
what are symptoms of GORD?
chronic heartburn, dysphagia, and an unpleasant sour taste in the mouth
what are the 3 main causes of reflux disease?
- Dysfunction of the lower oesophageal sphincter
- Delayed gastric emptying
- Hiatal hernia
what does treatment for GORD involve?
lifestyle changes, medication, and as a last resort, surgery
when does hiatus hernia occur?
when a part of the stomach protrudes into the chest through the oesophageal hiatus in the diaphragm
what are the 2 main types of hiatus hernia?
sliding and rolling
what is sliding hiatus hernia?
The lower oesophageal sphincter slides superiorly
what is a complication of sliding hiatus hernia? why?
Reflux is a common complication, as the diaphragm is no longer reinforcing the sphincter
what is rolling hiatus hernia?
The lower oesophageal sphincter remains in place, but a part of the stomach herniates into the chest next to it