Dotted circle = gomphosis (fibrous joint)
Sutures (fibrous joint)
Syndemosis (fibrous joint)
Synchondrosis (temporary) (cartilaginous joint)
Symphysis (cartilaginous joint)
Synovial (diarthrodial joint)
Normal synovial fluid
Synovial fluid - inflammatory joint effusion
Synovial fluid - purulent joint effusion
Synovial fluid - bloody joint effusion
Intervertebral discs
Intervertebral discs
Intervertebral disc
Marked chondrone formation secondary to osteochondrosis in the articular cartilage of a horse
Normal synovial membrane
Synovial villous hyperplasia
Synovial pannus
Synovial pannus
Synovial fossae - horse talus
Synovial fossae - goat tail
Degenerative joint disease
Lesion progression of DJD
Early DJD - loss of proteoglycans and exposure of collagen loops = roughening and fibrillation of cartilage
Cow - carpometacarpal joint, sclerosis (localised area of radiodensity)
Cartilage and sclerosis of underlying bone
Fetlock erosion
Spontaneous osteoarthritis (OA)
Ossification of the cartilage of hoof (sidebone) of Yenikapi Byzantine horses
Bog spavin
Bog spavin
Navicular syndrome
Bog spavin:
- Enlarged medial side of tarsus
- Fusion of medial surfaces of central and third tarsal bones
3-4 Early and late histological changes.
Navicular bone in excellent condition - homogenous articular arteries
Dog - healthy knee
Arthritic knee, dog
Navicular arthritis
Vertebrae intervertebral disc rupture spinal cord
Vertebrae intervertebral disc rupture spinal cord
Intervertebral disc disease
Osteochondrosis dissecans - flap of cartilage formed by a dissecting band of necrosis and separation extending along the deep growth cartilage and communicating with the articular surface