SS Chapter 7 And Utility And Surprise And Qn7 Flashcards
Managing sociocultural diversity
- integration
- assimilation
Managing socioeconomic diversity
- market based approach USA
- shared responsibility SG
- govt finance approach SE
What is assimilation
A clear seperation of religious affairs and governance
No religion favoured
Every individual putting aside affiliations to race ethnicity religion and socio economic status
What is intergration
Retain unique identities while forging common ground with existing groups
Examples of integration (4)
- bilingual policy
- presidential council of minority rights PCMR
- group representaton constituency GRC
- ethnic integration policy EIP
Promotes equality without granting speacial rights to any group
What is bilingual policy
English and any official mother tongue
Ensure everyone can cominicaye with a common language
Morher tongue to retain culture
What is PCMR
presidential council of minority rights
Ensures laws that are passed are not discriminatory
Reports on matters affecting such groups
What is GCR
Group representation constituency
Ensures minority racial groups are represented in parliament
At least 1 memeber of team consesting in GRC has to be from a minority grp
What is EIP
Ethnic integration policy
Balanced ethnic mix in hdb estates
Prevents formation of ethnic enclaves
Naturalisation initiaives
Mandatory program: the sg citizenship journey
3 part program, 2 months to do
Collab between: national integration council NIC and the peoples association PA and the immigration and checkpoints authority of SG ICA
What is the sg citizenship journey (3)
- Sg citizenship e-joirney: info on hist and dev, key national policies, total defence
- Community sharing session: reflection, sharing
- Sg experiential tour: half day tour to historical landmarks and national institutions
Common experintces, integration
Builds ties, opp to int with locals
Dev better understanding
Eg, sg perm resident SPR quota for HDB flats (non malaysian)
5% neighbourhoods
8% blocks
Eg, NS
Critical indicator of identity and integration
Community support, integration
- Integration thru grassroots organised events and activity
- NIC launched community integration fund CIT that supports orgs that create ground up initiatives
- initiatives by PA
What is the CIT (comm. int. Fund) criteria
- provide info n resources on sg norms values and society
- promote thr mindsets and attitudes
- enhance interactions
- encourage emotional attachment to and involovement in sg
What are initiatives by PA, comminity supoort
Block parties, fesive celebrarions at CCs,
Home visits, orientation tours
Organisers involove new SCs and PRs soem as integration and naturalisation champions INCs whihc visits homes of new ones and incite them
Alloviates anxiety
Education, Assimilation
Secular, streagnthens french national identity : equal treatment
No discussion about religion except in hisory and philosophy
Immigrant children: adaptaion classes & improve frnch to join french schs
Employment, assimilation
Commited to stay -> faster acquisition of social capital
Diversity charter -> companies to articulate supoort for discrimiation fee workplace
Naturalisation, Assimilation
Dev basic knowlege abt life in france + meaning of being a french national
French langueg courses
Civic education
Need knowledge of hist and cukture + fench langueg proficiency + pass a cultural test
Thus ensures they have to interact as mich as possible with society and adopt french attitudes and beliefs and attain fliency
Tensions by assimilation
Ppl expected to keep private their ethnic and religious displays :
- Tension between upholding national identity and recognising the impact of religion on identity and respecting the rights of individuals to pracise fheir religion
- belief that french narional identity is threathened as manu new immogrants hold on to reeligous identities
Tension by Integration
- Some sporeans feel new imm have not int enough, are uncomfortabel
- Job security compromised - competiton
- Blamed for price increases, traffic congestion and more public infrasturtue breakdown
- large no of imm affected social cohesion
- inability to comm effectively in EL, diff social norms and behaviours (obstacles)
Market based approach USA
Govt does not intervene
Ppl bear high costs of healthcare
Private insurance neccesary
Shared responsibility SG
Govt shares some aspects of healthcare
Ppl bear high/low costsvof healthcare
Private and public medical insurance
Govt financed approach SWE
Govt provides substancial subsidies and services for most healthcare
Ppl bear low costs of healthcare
Private medical insirance supplementary
Challenges usa healthcare
- lower ses more likely not to visit doc when sick
- most dont take necessary tests treatment and follow up care due to high costs
- cost and coverage of insurace varies
- Expensive health premiums
- ppl choose no insurance cuz ex
- lose job lose insurace
- insurance ppl dont insure ppl that r alr sick
Challenges SG helthcare
- effects of global hc inflation
- population growth 20% over past 10y so aging ppl
- older ppl more demand for hc
- effectiveness and sustainability affected by age dependency ratio
- encourage generic instead of braded drugs
- govt imprved financing policies, more polices for low and mid ses and elderly
- better coordiation and continuity of hc, from specialist shift focus to fam clincis
Challenges SWE healthcare
- high tax rate for low hc cost 57.19% in 2019
- inflow of migrants - demands to change state policy to factor these developments
- immigrants and EU ppl r eleigibke for swedens heavily subsidised hc
- puts strain on system - ppl using w/o paying taxes
Dexa market based approach
D: Govt gives citizens freedom to decide how much they wish to pay for hc and allows market to determine porovision of services
EX: policies to help low SES- medicare: aged >65, medicaid: linited income or disability, legislation on emergency treatment: emergency hospitals that recieve payment from medicare to provide care to ppl needing emergency treatment
A: effective: ppl low-mod income - financial assistance (obamacare) , indiv decide how much hc they need, they put hc resources to good use due to personal repsonsibility of cost
Ineffective: cost of insurace high, loss of job loss of insurace
Dexa shared responsibilty
D: govt intervenes thru provison of basic hc services and shares costs of some aspacts
Ex: HC subsidies- subsidises treamtennts in polyclinics public hospitals comm hospitals and nursing homes
Medisave: compilsory indic medial savings acc scheme
Medisheild life: health insurance plan for all to help with large bills- share responsibilty by risk pooling
Medifund: safety net for those unable to pay despite all above
A: effective- quality and afforable hc for all regardless of econ, sense of belonging as all part to play, personal and collective responsibility
Ineffective- age dependecy ratio incr, inequal burden, govt more $ on aging pop and not on other shit, purchase of branded vs offbrand drugs
Dexa govt financed approcach
D: govt provides substancial subsidies and services for most hc needs -> fundemetal belief that all citizens should have access to hc no matter ses
EX: Patients above 20y are charged abt €9 per day for hospital. Full cost of prescribed drugs up to €122 then 100% subsidy. Provate insurace supplementary, faster access to specialists and avoid waiting list
A: effective- more accesible, especially for low ses , insurace not necessary, sense of pride in nations hc system, incr QOL as incr life expectancy as ppl go to doc no matter cost
Ineffective: high tax, low ses may cannot taxes, growing demand, comp for resources due to ageing pop, ppl may abuse the hc, unrest abt policies
SRQ qn 7
DEXA x2 + weighing
Useful skill
Source para
Cross ref
Cross ref/ critical analysis
(Support/ challenge)
Surprise skill
State surprise Source para Cross ref Cross ref Critical analysis
(Support challenge)