Some Westher Fcs Flashcards
Enhanced greenhouse effect steps 6
- Human activities -> incr amt of agh gases in Atmos
- Incoming shortwave radiation passed thru GH gases in Atmos
- Some shortwave rad reflected by earth and Atmos
- Most shortwave rad adsorbed by earth surface -> heats up
- Warmed earth surface emits long wave rad to Atmos
- Incr conc of GH gases in Atmos -> absorb more heat
Impacts of climate change: sea level rise dexa
Global warming, ice caps melting -> adds volume to sea, levels rise. Higher temp -> sea water expand
Mean sea levels in Straits of Sg incr at rate of 1.2mm-1.7mm per year, 1975-2009
Low lying areas/ coastal areas threatened by floods -> destruction, loss of lives
Impacts of climate change; frequent extreme weather events
Incr Atmos temp incr chances of natural disasters like heatwaves and droughts. Incr heat -> incr chance of cyclones
Summer 2003, heatwave across Europe, above avg temp. Heat killed >70k ppl, 13 bil euros financial damage
Destruction, loss of lives in unprepared
Impacts of climate change: Lengthening of certain growing seasons
Incr temps -> more conducive for certain crops. Many weeds pests fungi thrive in warmer temps -> problems
Europe could have incr in yield of >5% corn, potatoes, rice, wheat in 2050
Pos: more food worldwide, incr farmer income
Neg: crop req colder temps decr eg some medicinal plants
Impacts of climate change: Spread of infectious insect borne diseases
Incr global temps, more places conducive for growth and repro of mosquitoes (thrive hot and humid)
Study estimated >2bil more ppl at risk of dengue in 2050 compared to 2015
Incr spread -> incr fall ill -> loss of lives
International response to climate change: Kyoto protocol
Agreement linked to UNFCCC (United Nations framework convention on climate change) -> int convention to decr lvl of Gh gases in Atmos. Many counties came tgt to sign KP, come up w measures and put into prac.
Many counties met or exceed targets eg Finland Greece Ireland. Countries req to monitor and report their emissions
Some countries unable to meet emission targets: Austria Spain Denmark
National response to climate change: plant-a-tree program
Started 1971 as tree planting day
by garden city fund
Residents encouraged to donate money to buy a tree/ take part in tree planting events that take place monthly
Contributed to est 60k trees yearly by national parks board. Remove Co2 from environment
Trees take many years to mature -> pos effects need time to appear. Even fast growing trees like rain trees planted by NParks took 25 years for full height
Variation in solar output 4
Varying amt of solar rad due to magnetic field changes
1. Periods of intense solar activity ->
2. more sunspots ->
3. areas around sun sports rad more e to compensate for lower temps of sunspots ->
4. incr total solar output -> higher global temps
Volcanic eruptions, global warming
Eruption, large vol of CO2, wv, sulfuric dioxide, dust and ash into Atmos -> reflect solar energy back -> cooling
Mount Pinatubo Ph 1991 -> 17 mil tonnes of SO2 -> sulfur based particles, spread around earth in two weeks
Decr temps in northern hemi by up to 0.6 C (temp)
Temp global cooling until ash and dust settle
Deforestation ex
52000 km^2 of forest lost every year between 2000 and 2010
Changing land uses: agriculture exa
Cattle farming -> methane as waste gas
Millions of tonnes every year
Use of machinery, livestock (methane), decomp/fertilisers
Changing land uses: industries exa
Largest carbon emissions by China and India due to rapid industrialisation
Burning of FFs for e : high carbon content
GH gases as by-products of goods prod
Changing land uses: urbanisation dexa
Incr ppl in urban areas
East Timor
25-35% of urbanisation between 2005-2020
Burning FFs for e
Construction and mat prod
Diurnal temp
Difference between max and min temps in ONE DAY
Dew point temp
When humidity 100% at max WV (saturated)
Latitude temp exs
1N - SG , H-temp, 25-31
51N London, L-temp 11-18
Decr lat -> incr angle of incidence -> heat conc over smaller area -> incr temp
Temp factors: Dist from sea exs
Dallas: ann temp range 23C, 373.1km
LA: ann temp range 7C, 17.3km
Basis of maritime effect
SEA AIR COOLER/WARMER -> temp of coastal areas
Elevation dexa
Incr elevation decr mean annual temp
Mexico City: MAT- 16C, 2234m
Monterrey: MAT - 22C, 534m
Decr sun direct ray
Lower air density -> absorb less rad
Less GH gases at incr elevation
Further from earth surface
Cloud formation steps 6
- Water heated by sun
- Gain e, evap into WV
- Warm air and WV rises
- Lower temp and higher alt, rising temp reaches dew point temp and becomes saturation
- Cold air meets WV -> condensation on condensation nuclei
- Water droplets coalesce, forming clouds
Cloud cover presence 5
1. Less solar rad reaches earth surface
2. Clouds absorb heat from earth surface
3. Clouds reflect incoming solar rad
4. Clouds absorb heat rad from earth surface
5. Less heat esc into space
NO cloud cover
1. Large amt of sun rays reach earth
2. Surface heats up quickly -> incr temp
1. Heat rad from earth surface able to escape into Atmos
2. Surface cools further
Conventional rain 6
- Suns energy reaches earth
- Earth surface heated by sun, heating surr air
- Air expands and rises
- Air cools, reaches DPT, condensation occurs
- Cumulonimbus clouds form
- Water droplets become large and heavy -> fall as rain
Relief rain 4
Water body next to mountain region
1. Warm moist air forces to rise
2. Air rises cools reaches DPT, condensation
3. Water droplets large and heavy enough, fall
4. Air moves to leeward side -> air dry, no rain
Southwest monsoon (NE opposite) 4
Monsoon formation
1. Diff in pressure between Aus and Central Asia —> Air moves as monsoon winds
2. Winds dry and cold (over cold land)
3. Winds cross equator -> Coriolis effect, deflected RIGHT
4. Winds heat up, warm air picks up moisture traveling over Indian Ocean —> brings rain to Indian sub-continent
June- sept, aus cold
Climographs 4/5
- Avg. temp
- Ann. Temp range
- Total Ann. Rainfall + dates and numbers
- Constant vs distinct wet and dry
Climatic type