History Stalin And Hitler Flashcards
Causes of war MAIN
Imperialism/ expansionism
Lack of action by LON
Causes of outbreak of war?
-military strength to wage war
-tensions, fear from worsening relations
-invasions to gain territories/ resources
-confidence to wage war
-viewing France and Britain as weak
The belief that a county should have strong military capability, prepared to use it to defend/ promote national interest
Militarism in Europe example
Naval arms race
1900, whoever conquered the waves ruled the world
Britain had most powerful navy
Germany wanted to be more
Built super battleships: dreadnoughts
Britain: 34
Germany: 22
Communism vs democracy
Single political party vs many parties, elections
Owned by state vs owned by individual
Russian civil war 1918-1922
(After oct revolution)
Red army for Lenin’s Bolshevik govt
White army for loosely allies forces
Bolsheviks took control of factories mines workshops and railways, took grain by force : war communism
End: Lenin’s red army victors, established USSR
No war communism, intro NEP (new economic policy) - temporary
Lenin’s new economic policy (NEP)
Indivs can own small businesses
Small scale tradin: market stalls, small businesses
Peasants owned land, can plant crops for profit/ use
Class of wealthy peasants: kulaks
- held onto grains to make more profit/ used it (grain strike)
Lenin’s Soviet Union
Authoritarian govt
All opp parties banned
Party selects leaders, not people
Politburo makes important decisions
Cheka (secret police) monitor and eliminate opponents
State controlled all media
Content concepts: Stalin’s rise to power
- gain broad-based support
- eliminate political opponents
Nom disclosure of Lenin’s testament
Leading communist party members decided not to disclose to other party members
Criticism of Stalin and other leaders including potential successors
Wanted Stalin removed as Secretary General
Stalin retained position: gained support from party
Trotskys weaknesses: position
Position was a threat:
leader of red army
Seen as Lenin’s successor
Led red army to victory against white army
Has army’s support
Unpopular with politburo: seen as bigger threat
- eliminate trotsky as a threat
Trotskys weaknesses: attitude
Arrogant outspoken critical argued with party and Lenin:
- criticised Lenin’s NEP
- criticised politburo for too much control/power
Seen as disloyal - gave support to Stalin, eliminate trotsky as threat
Trotskys weaknesses: ideas
Ideas were too radical from party’s:
Idea of permenant revolution went against Stalin’s socialism in one country
Lost credibility, party supported Stalin’s ideas
- gave support to Stalin, eliminate trotsky as a threat
First troika alliance
Kamanev and zinoviev: moderates
Attacked trotsky:
Criticised NEP : wanted industrialisation
Criticised party organisations
Trotsky was expelled
Stalin: gain support, eliminate threat
Breaking of first troika alliance
Convinced moderates that Kamanev and zinoviev plotted with trotsky to overthrow govt
They were discredited, lost popularity
Stalin: eliminate opponents as threat
Troika alliance: switch from moderates to radicals
Rykov and bukharin: wanted to return to Lenin’s NEP (moderates)
Stalin switched to radicals - wanted industrialisation and central control of econ
Party sided w Stalin, removed them from politburo
- gain support
- eliminate opponents as threats
Stalin’s role of Secretary General
Can appoint and reassign party members
- replaced opponents w allies: owed Stalin- gained support
- gained control of Cheka: less support of trotsky (resigned expelled and assassinated) - eliminate opponents
Stalin pretend to be close to Lenin
- organised Lenin’s funeral, was chief mourner
- ordered body to be embalmed
- city of Petrograd to Leningrad
- gave trotsky wrong date
Party mems and public: impression that Lenin favoured and trusted Stalin - look like natural successor
- gain mass support
Content concept: reasons for policy implementation
To achieve pos outcomes
: for country / ppl
: for Stalin / communism
Move from disadvantage to advantage position
Rapid industrialisation reasons : economic
A series of 5 year plans
USSR was economicly backwards
Weakened by constant fighting
Lacked heavy industries
Many were unemployed
Wanted ussr to be modernised, powerful industrialised nation
Catch up with west, be less dependent, economic self sufficiency
The 3 5 year plans
emphasised heavy industries
Unrealistic high targets
Coal & iron output x2 ; electric power prod x3
Built 1.5k new industrial plants and cities
emphasised heavy industries and communications, esp. railways to link places tgt
Resources into dev of arms tanks planes and weapons
Rapid industrialisation reasons : economy 2
Needed to make machines for farming
Improve industry impt to industrialisation- modernise farming
Peasants can move to city for industries
Incr grain supply to feed cities
1-2 5y plans focus on heavy industries
Large industrial cities created- needed many workers
More grain
More workers for cities - faster industrialisation
Industrialisation reasons military
Fear of hostile attack from other countries
Russian civil war: showed surrounding countries were hostile to communism (Britain France USA on side of white army)
Believed likely to be attacked and defeated unless have a modernised industry
Lacked heavy industries, depended on west (out produced ussr) - essential for arms
Collectivisation reasons: political
Lenin’s NEP was too capitalist
Peasant owned land, sold grains for profit : kulaks
Merged small farms into larger collective farms
Collective land ownership, state controlled
Dekulakisation: removing rich peasants as a class- labelled as state enemies, blamed for grain shortage
Move towards communism, state control- more efficient
Move to classless society
Reasons for collectivisation: grain shortage
NEP: kulaks went on grain strike, state no control - dekulakisation, state controlled all farms
Outdated farming methods, was labour intensive: needed in industrial cities - state provided machinery, more efficient, more grain
Control over peasants, obtain grain to feed and sell to fund industrialisation, more labour in cities
Content concept: impact of rule/ policies
Success vs failure of policy
Impact: beneficial (pos outcomes) or a disaster (neg outcomes)
Success (achieved aims, pos) or failure (did not achieve aims, neg)
Content concept: How did Stalin maintain control of Ussr
- continue to gain support from ppl
- continue to eliminate threats to power
- ppl too afraid to oppose
- discontentment but afraid to oppose
Content concept: hitlers rise to power
- able to gain broad based support
- able to eliminate political opponents
Hitlers power consolidation
- Reichstag fire and emergency powers (removed communists)
- Mar 1933 elections and enabling act (power to pass laws w/o reichstag approval)
- Creation of one party state
- Night of the long knives (remove threats: nazi party and SA)
- Death of president hindenburg (merged positions: became fuhrer)
stalin impact of rule political: propaganda
soviet history rewritten, posters and pictures, doctored photos = discredit rivals, boost status. continued support
stalin impact of rule political: great terror
fear, loss of capable ppl: high ranking (experienced!) military accused of treason and killed, show trials for political rivals eg zinoviev before execution, secret police arrested opposers
stalin impact of rule econ: collectivisation pos
Pos: modernised farming : machinery, taught modern methods = efficiency
Pos: supported industrialisation
stalin impact of rule econ: collectivisation neg
Neg: destroyed soviet farming (production) : did not incr prod. Grain harvest dropped 1931-1934, kulaks killed animals to prevent taking by the state
Neg: worsened lives of people (esp kulaks) : kulaks killed/ sent to gulags. Peasants who opposed collectivisation dealt with harshly
stalin impact of rule econ: industrialisation pos
Pos: Created jobs (factories and industrial cities eg Magnitogorsk
Pos: Transformed USSR into highly industrialised nation (strong industrial prod - military prod)
stalin impact of rule econ: industrialisation neg
Neg: fall in standard of living: housing shortage (ppl moved to cities for jobs - overcrowding)
Neg: fall in SOL: shortage of consumer goods (emphasis on heavy industries)
Neg: worsened lives of ppl: long working hours to meet targets, punishment for not, harsh conditions
social impacts of stalins rule neg 3
Neg: Poor SOL no consumer goods (private enterprise banned, shortage and low quality)
Neg: Ppl lived in fear (great terror, secret police forced ppl to inform on family and friends, anti-stalin sentiments = arrest)
Neg: Creation of ‘new soviet man’ (model workers far exceeding hailed as heroes, resentment due to pressure)
social impacts of stalins rule pos 2
Pos: Incr literacy rates (compulsory edu, rates among males 9-40 incr from 40% before 1917 to 90% in 1939)
Pos: Involvement of women (equal rights, encouraged to enter workforce)
favourable circumstances: ineffective weimar govt
(proportional representation) : %votes = seats, coalitions formed, took long time to make decisions, could not agree (lose confidence in govt)
favourable circumstances:Lack of support for weimar
‘november criminals” for signing armistice and TOV
favourable circumstances: Hyperinflation
poorly handled, failed reperation payment in dec 1922: lost ruhr to france; printing of more money caused value to fall drastically
favourable circumstances: Economic crisis after great depression
govt failed to solve, lost faith. Nazi party PROMISED jobs and strong govt
hitlers abilities : Appeal of nazi idealogy
promised to undo? International agreements like TOV, restore national pride)(promised to solve econ issues
hitlers abilities :Charisma and oratorical skills
mass rallies and speeches in beer halls, made promises
hitlers abilities :Exploitation of fears of communism
painted bleak picture of communism like ussr, support of rich upper class, money in campaigns
hitlers abilities :Reorganisation of nazi party after munich putsch
SA : broke up comm party meetings, broke up strikes
Propaganda: joseph goebbels (competent and disciplined impression)
Reichstag fire
arrested comm leaders, convinced president to use emergency powers suspending civil liberties. SA arrested comm and broke up meetings.)(elimination of political opponents
March elections 1933
won 44%, allied with nationalist part to get 55% majority to pass laws
Enabling act
pass laws without pres approval, creation of one party state
Night of the long knives
eliminate int threats: leader of SA ernst roehm disliked by army who would swear allegiance if he got rid of them. June 1934 - Roehm and other SA leaders killed (abt 400)
Created fuhrer position
death of pres, megred pres and chancellor positions
hitler economic impact :Employment improved econ
initiate public works, banned imports created industries)
hitler economic impact :Control of trade unions
workers forced to join German Work Front, no strikes
hitler economic impact :Control of workers leisure
strength thru joy- cheap recreation activities. Beauty of labour - improve working conditions
hitler economic impact :Rise of rich industrialists
banned all imports, subsidised industries, govt contracts (war mats - rearmamment)
hitler economic impact : militarisation
conscription- reduced unemployment; war mats (goerings four year plan (make ready for war in 4)
hitler social impact Propaganda
(joeseph goebbels; all media carried pro nazi msgs, nuremberg rallies showcasing german might
hitler social impact Censorship
book burning, radios played nazi broadcasts and speeches
hitler social impact Police state and atmosphere of fear
SS , gestapo secret police, detain ppl without trial, unlimited powers of arrest: fear of punishment/conc camps
hitler social impact Persecution of jews
blamed jews for germanys ills using propaganda, april 1933 boycott businesses, 1934 marked by star of david, 1935 nuremberg laws= no citizenship, cannot marry non jews, holocaust “final solution”
hitler social impact Role of women
(jobs taken away to focus on childbearing w awards for many eg motherhood cross, some support some neg
hitler social impact: impact on youths
hitler youth, physical and military training for army manpower