Spleen Flashcards
Who has a thicker splenic capsule
Cattle and horses and 3 muscle layers are perpindicular
Who has closed vascular systems
Diffuse bloody consistency splenomegaly
-Acute bactermia/toxemia
-Acute hemolytic anemia
Multifocal with bloody consistency splenomegaly
Diffuse with firm consistency splenomegaly
-Lymphoid or histiocytic hyperplasia
-Granulomatous inflammation
-Accumulation of metabolic products
-Extramedullary hematopoiesis
-Primary neoplasia
Congestion of Spleen
See when get torsion from gastric dilation and volvulus and takes the spleen with it. Fills up with blood and is very life threatening. Pigs can see spleen torsion independent of stomach because it has a longer gastrosplenic ligament
Spleen becomes congested because RBC are broke down in spleen and filtered out because they were damaged. See icterus.
Causes congestion of blood in the liver
Lymphoid necrosis in splenic corpuscles and PALS
Lymphoid hyperplasia in spleen causes
-Malignant Catarrhal fever
Granulomatous inflammation of the spleen
-Systemic fungal disease
Lymphosarcoma morphology
Large spleen and white firm meaty looking appearance
Splenic infarct morphology
Lesions are dark red, bloody and nodular
Typically, nodular and firm enlargement. Usually in response to systemic infectious agents
Primary neoplasia in the spleen
Hemangiosarcoma and lymphosarcoma
Splenic rupture
Can be from hemangiosarcoma or any kind of splenic mass and lead to hemoabdomen and usually die of hypovolemic shock. If survive, leave a scar and rupture leads to spleen parts to enter the abdomen and become accessory spleens
Siderotic plaques
Incidental finding and age related can be yellowish(hematoidin) or brosn (hemosiderin)
Can see minieralization or fibrosis