Spain 2022_B2_04 Flashcards
- BIG BIG mistake - La cosa que me gusta es … What say in Spanish?
- I make lots of mistakes (vb - to make, a mistake)
- Currently** (or **at the present time) I make lots of errors (loc adv = actualmente)
- The cat didn’t scratch me, but it bit me (vbs)
- It´s [currently] showing on Netflix. (eg a movie)
- LO QUE me gusta es … = Eso que me gusta
- Yo cometo muchos fallos (cometer)
- Hoy por hoy cometo muchos fallos
- El gato no me araño, pero me mordó (arañar, morder)
- La están echando por Netflix
- The booster shot (ie for COVID)
- Q; ¿Qué te hacía feliz cuando era pequeño? Answer Struct 1 - focuses on what caused the happiness (ie my father playing with me)
- Answer Struct 2 - focuses on the feeling of happiness. (Alberto)
- Answer Struct 1 but us playing together + loc exp= as a child** OR **when I was a child
- La vacuna de refuerzo
- Me hacía feliz _que_ mi padre jug_ara_ conmigo
- Yo _estaba_ feliz _cuando_ mi padre jug_aba_ conmigo
- Me hacía feliz _que_ nosotros jug_aramos_ _de niño_ (de niño = when I was a child)
- The stages of life - childhood → adolescence → young adulthood → maturity → old age
- _The aches and pains_ of age.
- A boogie-board + a lilo (or an air-mattress more generally, here for the beach)
- X = a spade and bucket (Name of set which kids play with on beach, what else mean?)
- Las etapas de la vida - infancia → adolescencia → juventud → madurez → vejez
- _Las acheques_ de edad
- un boogie** + la **colchoneta
- Un rastrillo = un pala y cubo (a rake)
- If I were president, the first decision I would make would be one that would help the lives of the elderly.
- Why structure[s] in 1. impt to PAS personally?
- Note struct - it was an attempted [suicide] [coup d’état] [algo] …
- … like Pontius Pilate he washed his hands of this
- Si fuera** presidente_,_ la primera decisión que **tomaría, sería** una que **ayudara a la vida de los ancianos.
- It shows how the structure can be linked together one after the other in a chain.
- Fue un intento de [suicidio] [golpe de estado] [algo] …
- … como Poncio Pilato se lavó las manos con esto
- Rule - how form imp 2nd person plural eg correr, pensar
- Eg - The boys _are going_ to the beach. Why that vb struct?
- I can’t live without [you] [] [that + eg you’re always here]
- I couldn´t live without my family supporting me in my decisions (Why that struct?)
- Delete final “r” + “d”, correr → corred, pensar → pensad
- Los chicos _están yendo_ a la playa. Está + gerundio = una acción en desarollo (in progress)
- No puedo vivir sin [tí] [algo] [que estés aquí siempre] ← explains sin que
- No pod_ría_ vivir sin _que_ mi familía me apoy_ara_ en mis decisiones (cos´situación poco probable)
- Struct express A. la posible B. el poco probable
- C. el imposible ← Why is it impossible?
- If I were rich I would travel the world (B)
- If I had been rich I would have travelled the world (C)
- How many years _have you been_ here?
- A. presente subj B. Si + imperf subj + condicional simple
- Si + pluscuamperfecto de subj + condicional compuesto
- Si fuera rico, viajaría por el mundo
- Si hubiera sido rico, habría viajado por el mundo (Ya no puedo ← porque forma parte del pasado)
- ¿Cuánto años _llevas_ aquí?
- Me neither.
- I wouldn´t go to the cinema to see _a spanish movie_ (ie derogatory refer to movies which exaggerate Spanish caracteristics eg from 60s, 70s or PAS→ Almodovar)
- I get hooked on series very easily (vb - to get hooked on) (Pilar)
- I’m hooked on la casa de papel
- I’m getting hooked on la casa de papel
- A mí tampoco.
- No voy a cine a ver _una españolada._
- Me engancho** muy facilmente **a las series (engancharse a)
- Estoy enganchado/a a la casa de papel
- Me estoy enganchando a la casa de papel (acción en desarollo)
- There is cutlery in the stairwell in the kitchen.
- They are covered with a (little) white cloth.
- Exp: to stand up to** s.o OR **to tackle a problem [1. How diff to a similar exp?]
- Exp: to be wary of** OR **to be suspicious of
- Exp: he’s a sweetie** OR **he’s a good egg (ie a kind-hearted person who does his best to help people)
- Hay cubiertos en el hueco de la escalera de la cocina.
- Están cubiertos con una telita blanca.
- plantar cara a alguien o algo [1. plantar cara, idea - to confront CF dar LA cara, idea - to take responsibility = to face the music]
- estar** (or **tener**) **con la mosca detras la oreja
- es un trozo** (o **pedazo**) **de pan
- Exp = “When in Rome do as the Romans do”
- stock std phrase = It’s worth _noting_ + Explain the vb?
- Bob’s up for everything (loc vb = to be up (or game) for everything)
- a link ← lit, as in a chain + fig
- “Cuando vas a Roma tienes que vivir como los romanos”
- Hay que _resaltar_ + resaltar = to emphasise or highlight ← cos lit = to stand out
- Bob se apunta a un bombardero (apuntarse a un bombardero) (bombardero = a bomber)
- un eslabón
- What is the purpose of las oraciones de relativo?
- What is the structure?
- What are the two types of oraciones de relativo? What’s the diff?
- [2nd type of oracion de relativo]
- When can use subj
- To identify or describir or s.o referred to (known as el antecedente)
- El antecedente + que (4 persons) or donde (4 place) + oracion de relativo
- Explicativa = new info not strictly necessary + always placed between commas + vb in indic
- Especificativa = sentence not make sense w/out info + No commas + antecedente NOT a specific person or PP + can be subj or indic
- Especificative + antecedente NOT known = subj → IF Espcf + antecedente known → indic
- Re 2-5, A. Subj or indic? B. Why? C. Clue?
- Recomiéndame una pelicula que [ser] divertida porque …
- Busco a gente que [ser] justa con su gente …
- Me gusta la gente que [conocer] la importancia de la alegria
- Sé que Sarah, que [venir] a clase con nosotros, puede prestarnos …
- [Explanatory]
- A. sea B. especificativa C. una peli = desconocido ie don’t know if it exists
- A. sea B. especificativa C. gente = desconocido
- A. conoce (ind) B. especificativa C. la gente = conocido = they exist
- A. viene (ind) B. explicativa (= always indic) C. the commas , que …
- Why not just pero? Pideme una cocacola, pero _que_ no esté muy fría si es posible.
- What is alt struct to 1 + without que?
- people who do not leave solutions to fate (loc exp = 1. to leave to fate + 2. explain N in exp. + 3. what vb = similar, but diff?)
- What do you want to eat? - Whatever, I’m dying of hunger! [Why construction of “want to eat”?]
- Have to have que cos’ there is a verb after it (esté)
- Pideme una cocacola, pero _no muy fria_ (ie NO vb after pero)
- personas que no dejan las soluciones al azar (2. azar = N = fate or chance 3. alzar = vb = to lift)
- ¿Qué quieres de comer? - Lo que sea; ¡me muero de hambre! [Cos’ s.o else asking you + contraction of dar de comer = to feed s.o.]
- Oil and water don´t go together (or mix or blend)
- What diff? ¿Estás ciego? CF ¿Eres ciego?
- What diff? ¿Está casado? CF ¿Es casado?
- El aceite y el agua no conjugan (conjugar)
- Both ser/estar + ciego, sordo, mudo etc. Estás ciego ← fig, eg it’s right in front of you.
- Both ser/estar + soltero, casado, divorciado etc. No diff in meaning. Personal choice
- What diff A: Ayer compré la camisa que me _gustaba_
- B: Ayer compré la camisa que me _gustó_
- What diff A: ¡Perdone! Podías Vd. decirme dónde está la calle Zamora?
- B: ¡Perdone! Podrías Vd. decirme dónde está la calle Zamora?
- What diff? A. este coche _es una pasad_a B. Él _es una pasad_a. C. Él me mata.
- A = Deseo interrumpida ie had liked the shirt before and for a while
- B = point in time ie walked in and liked it.
- Nothing. Both past impf + cond being used in the present to be polite.
- Action point 4 Paul → use past imperf more for this.
- A. it´s awesome (ie THINGS = really good) B+C He’s a pain in the ass
- warm clothes
- vb = wrap yourself up [to keep warm]
- take off your clothes (ie all of them) CF take off your warm clothes
- What an animal! He beat his son to death!
- Explain why 2 verb tenses?
- ropa de abrigo
- abrigarse
- desvestirse CF desabrigarse
- ¡Qué animal! Le pegó a su hio unas palizas que la mataba
- He pegó = acción terminada + unas** paliz_as_** ie repeatedly → past imperf
- to punch s.o
- to elbow s.o (ie to thwack to the head)
- to give s.o a kicking
- to give s.o a beating
- me/te + pegar un puñetazo
- me/te + pegar un codazo
- me/te + pegar una patada
- me/te + pegar una paliza
- If I could [do it], I’d give you permission right now and you could leave immediately.
- Why tenses in 1?
- The police summoned him and he had a MASSIVE panic attack** (or **he** **got REALLY panicky** or **he REALLY freaked out)
- Colq struct = I’m + dead on my feet** OR + **pissing myself** [with laughter] OR + **dying of hunger
- Si yo pudiera hacerlo, ahora mismo te daba el permiso y así puedes irte inmediatamente
- Eg si + past imperf subj + past imperf [instead of cond] → to express an if situation in the present.
- Lo citó la policía y entró un pánico DE MUERTE (citar) (entrar un panico)
- Estoy muerto de + sueño [or just - estoy muerto] + risa + hambre (idea, intense desire)
- You’re complicating things unnecessariy** or **You’re looking for problems which aren’t there (Loc exp)
- What is “@” in spanish? Explain origin?
- a squiggle + Explain origin
- He betrayed me at the drop of hat** (or **at the first half chance** or **at the first sign of trouble)
- Is “mar” masc or fem?
- Buscas tres pies al gato (buscar tres pies a gato)
- una arroba ← from una antigua medida de peso y liquido (NOT from the vb arrobar = to entrance or enchant)
- un garabato ← garabatear = to scribble
- Me tracionó a la primera de cambio
- Both. For peopele who work on the sea eg fisherman, sailers = LA mar, EL mar for everyone else