Spain 2022_B2_01 Flashcards
- When can use both ser/estar refer to time? (circ 1 of 4)
- Circ 1 - What is structure when use estar?
- When can use both ser/estar refer to profession? (circ 2 of 4)
- Circ 2 - What is structure when use estar?
- Tiempo: ser = hora (es la una) + fecha (hoy es _día 23_) + día (es lunes) + estación (es primavera). estar = same except hora but diff structure
- estamos + a** día 23 (fecha), estamos + **a** lunes (día), estamos + **en primavera (estación)
- Profesión: ser = normal, estar = when profession-situation is temporary+ for a period (eg while unemployed). Hence → estar de vacacciones
- estar + de + trabajo-situation eg está _de_ camarero, esta finde estoy _de_ boda
- When can use both ser/estar refer to location? (circ 3 of 4)
- Circ 3 - is there a difference in structure?
- When can use both ser/estar refer to value judgments? (circ 4 of 4)
- The book is interesting CF the book is bac
- estar = location of a place (eg school, monument), ser = location of an event
- NO both ser/estar + en lugar eg la escuela estar _en_ la Plaza Mentidero, la fiesta es _en_ mi casa
- Always use ser unless + bien o mal → estar
- El libro es interesante CF el libro está mal
- What diff? está negro CF es negro (v specific situation)
- Él es (o está) muerto? why?
- La comida es (o está) preparada? why?
- How use en plan + N (eg secreto)?
- está negro = he’s angry (colq) CF color = it’s black
- Está muerto. Because always use estar to describe the result of a previous process (ie he was sick before he died)
- La comida está preparada. Same reason as above ← explains: está en lo cierto
- To describe the way in which say or do something eg lo hizo en plan antipático
- a helpful person
- he has an open/shut mind
- the treatment of women
- a medical treatment
- he’s greedy (for food) (fig = tempting)
- una persona servicial
- tiene una mentalidad cerrada/abierta
- el trato a las mujeres
- un tratamiento medical
- es goloso (cf comilón)
- The masking tape’s Francisco, isn’t it? (what use of ser/estar?)
- It’s daytime. (what use of ser/estar?)
- He’s very tall for his age. (what use of ser/estar?)
- What diff? Miguel no es / está católico
- La cinta de enmascarar es** **DE Francisco, ¿no? (ser = possession) (Note - es de)
- Es DE día. (ser = time expression) (Note - es de)
- Está muy alto para su edad (estar = subjectivte opinions of the stat of a person or thing)
- es = religion, no estar católico** = **to feel under the weather
- Animal exp: to be on the ball**, **to be uptodate (Why?)
- Exp: to be a gossip** (or **a busybody) (+ define that person in spanish)
- Exp: to backstab** (or **badmouth) someone
- Animal exp: to rip s.o off** (or **to pull the wool over s.o’s eyes**) (+ 2 alt vbs → Ns = **TO rip off** + **A** _rip of_f**)
- Animal exp: to be the black sheep (eg of the family)
- Animal exp: to fight like cats and dogs
- estar al loro (cos’ a parrot hears everything which is said, knows everything which is going on around, hence can speak it out loud)
- ser un cotilla (persona chismosa - alguien quien le gustan los chismes (o cotilleos)
- poner verde a alguien
- Me ha dado (dar)** **gato por liebre (hare) (estafar → un estafo, timar → un timo)
- ser la oveja negra
- llevarse como el perro y el gato (Also Nb dog B4 cat)
- Animal exp = to clown around**, **to play the fool
- Animal exp = adolescence** or **puberty
- Animal exp = to recoil from s.o (esp. when they want to kiss you)
- Animal exp = to be bored to death
- Animal exp = to go to bed early
- hacer el ganso (goose)
- la edad del pavo (ie when clash a lot with parents, are against everything etc)
- hacer la cobra a alguien (ie what cobra does with its head when its body is raised up b4 striking)
- aburrirse como una ostra (eg went to a party, only 2 people→ me aburrí como una ostra)
- acostarse con las gallinas (cos’ they rise early, they go to sleep early(
- What diff? El queso es** / **está bueno.
- What diff? Antonio es** /**está atento (a la explicación)
- What diff? ¿Es** / **está mejor o peor?
- What diff? Esta habitación/ejercicio es/está clara
- What diff? Es** / **está abierto/cerrado
- es bueno = buena calidad, está bueno = buen sabor
- es atento = thoughtful, courteous, está atento = pay attention
- es mejor o peor = calidad, está mejor o peor = de salud
- es muy clara = light (as in, has lots of light eg house description) está claro = its obvious
- es abierto = open, upfront (with other people), rest are obvious
- What are the five key uses of por?
- Cause (happens before the action) CF finalidad (happens after the action = para)
- an exchange of something → money for clothes - la compré por 10 Euros, → substitution of one thing for another - hoy alejandro da clase por mí
- location without destination → approximation of place - la farmacía está por allí → through - la tren va por Sevilla para Madrid
- means THROUGH which transmit eg saw a movie, heard a song etc - llegue aquí por tren (the train was the means by which I came here) CF la escribe a mano/maquina
- the INTENTION to do something - estoy por comprarme ropa nueva
- What four ways do por and para refer to time differently?
- Por - refer to an approximate time eg mis padres vienen por navidad
- Para - refer to imminency ie about to happen eg está para llover
- Por - refer to part of the day
- Para - refer to a time limit eg estos deberes son para mañana
- Do you - ir (por o para) algo? Why?
- Why - este libro/edificii fue escrito/construido por X? What note re structure? When use?
- tobacco is harmful. + adj ← vb
- there aren’t many mistakes (or errors). (eg in an exercise or test) + adj ← vb
- Ir por algo (Because the reason go eg for the pencil is cos’ don’t have one ie cause)
- Cos is a passive construction. Por always after the participio. Use to refer to something created.
- el tobao es perjudicial ← perjudicar = to harm or to damage or s.o
- no hay muchos fallos ← fallar = to make a mistake or to fail (ie not succeed in
- What is a person if - es bueno cf está bueno?
- What is a thing if - es bueno cf está bueno?
- What is a person/thing if - es malo cf está malo?
- What is a person if - es interesado** cf **está interesado?
- What is a person if - es orgulloso cf está orgulloso?
- What is a person if - es abierto
- PERSON es bueno = honesto, está bueno = atractivo
- THING es bueno = buen calidad, está bueno = sabroso
- PN es malo = evil, THING está malo = gone off/expired
- PN es interesado = selfish, self-interested (only focused on whats good for them), está interesado = interested in
- PN es orgulloso = egocentrico, está orgulloso de = proud of
- PN es abierto = sociable + receptive
- What is un lustro?
- The children ran for the swing
- The fire was caused by a short circuit.
- I need glasses to see up close** (or **close up)
- a five-year period
- los niños corrieron para el columpio
- El incendio se produjo por un cortocircuito
- necesito gafas para ver de cerca
- Use of para, not linked to finallidad (1 /2)?
- Use of para, not linked to finallidad (2/2)?
- In Spain what say instead of, Hablo por cuatro horas
- What alt prep? Me llama dos veces _por_ semana
- Spoken alt to “a pesar de” ie una contraposición - very common
- Para + N + adj, = If you want + N + adj eg Para chocolate bueno, el suizo
- Hablo durante cuatro horas + Hablo [] cuatro horas
- Me llama dos veces _a la_ semana
- Estudio por/para aprender. Which? Why?
- Firma tú por/para mi. Which? Why?
- Mi padre trabaja por/para Apple. Which? Why?
- ¿Sabes por/para qué sirve esto? Which? Why?
- Por/para comer tanto, me duele el estómago. Which? Why?
- Estudio para aprender. Finalidad. Trick = despues ie the learing after study
- Firma tú por mi. Un intercambio
- Mi padre trabaja para Apple. Finalidad Trabajar para alguien/empresa
- ¿Sabes para qué sirve esto? Finalidad. servir para algo
- Por comer tanto, me duele el estómago. Causa