K2_05 Flashcards
- toilet [fml + infml]
- How say w/out coger: he took/stole my bag [Nb: took, as in took from]
- they discovered the misunderstanding
- Explain: es un poco despistado [he’s a little absent-minded
- el inodoro [fml] el váter
- me ha quitado el bolso
- se descubrieron el equívoco
- porque el ha perdido la pista [here, as in track or trail, but also = clue]
- I’m going to get even [with] him. [Fml meaning of verb]
- to promote by word of mouth
- refrain: she didn’t want to because of what people might say
- A. to disparage or to smear [the reputation of] s.o. B. less fml way to say same C. the converse of B [Clue: greenwash]
- there’s a free platform [adj -> N = free]
- Voy a vengarme [de] él. [to seek revenge]
- promocionar por el boca a boca
- no quiso por el qué dirán
- A. desprestigiar a alguien = B. dañar la imagen C. limpiar la imagen
- hay una plataforma gratuita [adj -> N gratis]
- he’s very (lit) sensitive to the cold/(fig) cold-blooded
- I feel the heat/generally adj = a hot day
- a review (eg of a book) ->a review (eg online)
- Exp: A. liarers always get caught B. How antes used here? C. Alt exp know
- a gossip shop [Clue: La plaza de X, K2 school]
- es muy friolero/a
- soy caluroso/a/un día caluroso
- una critica -> una reseña
- A. se cojo antes a un menterioso que a un cojo (cojerse = to catch, un cojo = a cripple) B. antes = más rapido C. las mentiras tienen las patas muy cortas
- el mentidero
- Why “Pepe” for José?
- What name for mother of Jesus?
- What “Charo” short for?
- Colq: They’re going partying this evening B. Why that Tiempo?
- Colq: They were getting married that day B. Why that Tiempo?
- Cos’ San José era el padre putativo de Jesús -> P.P -> Pepe
- La virgin de María
- Rosario
- Este noche iban a fiesta B. In spoken speech use pret. impf. to refer to the future
- Ese día se casaban B. same reason as 4. but “ese” here referring to a day in the past NOT today
- A. How many irregular vbs are there? B. How remember?
- Why [?] root of N= tendency
- I can’t stay in this place/spot (said in way of a complaint) [N here indicates location]
- the toilets give off a smell [What does this word for toilets mean when not referring to el cuarto de baño?]
- barbaqued meat
- A. 12. B. una docena de verbos
- tender ->lay down OR to stretch out -> tender hacia un lugar (lit, to stretch out towards a place) de ahi que tendencia
- Yo en esta plaza no me puedo quedar
- las lavabos desprenden un olor [washbasin or sink]
- carne a barbacoa
- Alt exp to “darse un capricho”
- a really big lizard
- the soup spilled every where [Vb use for desperdigar when it is a liquid] + what vb if spill, a cup of coffee]
- … even the clothes [Word here not being used in usual meaning of on/on top of]
- the manager, in sense of the person in charge [ie not the manager of a large company]
- darse un homenaje
- un pedazo de lagarto
- la sopa se desparramaron a todas partes [desparramarse] + [derramar]
- … encima la ropa
- el encargado
- it was as famous for the wine as the food [ie the restaurant]
- white wine and fish are a good combination/pairing -> vb = to combine (but, also to marry)
- A. If humans escalar, what do animals do? B. What mean if use vb for a person?
- tenía tanta fama por los vinos como la comida
- El vino blanco y el pescado forman un buen maridaje (-> maridar)
- A. trepar B. to claw one’s way up eg the corporate ladder
- Probability in pres.: what is struct 1? [Clue: think tiempo]
- Probability in pres.: what is struct 2? [Clue: think modo]
- Probability in present eg: she’s probably in the school A. struct 1. B. struct. 2
- Probability in recent past: what is struct 1? [Clue: think tiempo]
- Probability in recent past: what is struct 2? [Clue: think modo]
- futuro simple (p.e. comeré)
- Quizá(s) OR Tal vez + pres. ind OR pres. subj [NOTE - NO que]
- A. estará en la escuela B. Quizá/Tal vez esté en la escuala (o quizá + ind)
- futuro perfecto (p.e. habré comido)
- Quizá(s) + ind. perf OR subj perf, tal vez + subj [NOTE - NO que]
- Eg of prob/doubt re recent past: I think he missed the bus A. struct 1. B. struct 2
- Probability in distant past: what is struct 1? [Clue: think tiempo]
- Probability in distant past: what is struct 2? [Clue: think modo]
- Prob distant past, struct 1: it would’ve been 2 o’clock when she arrived at the beach
- Prob distant past, struct 2: maybe she went to the beach and didn’t take sunscreen
- A. Creo que habrá perdido el autobús B. … quizá ha perdido el autobús OR … quizá haya perdido el autobús
- condicional simple
- Imperfecto de subjuntivo
- serían las dos cuando llegó a la playa (condicional simple)
- quizá (que) fuera a la playa y no llevara crema (imperfecto de subjuntivo)
- Probability in past B4 other past action, struct 1: [Clue: think tiempo]
- Probability in past B4 other past action, struct 2: [Clue: think MODO]
- Eg prob in past B4 other past, struct 1: when she got to the cinema, the film might already have started
- Eg prob in past B4 other past, struct 2: … it’s possible that the movie had already begun
- What are futuro simple endings for nosotros + vosotros, use comer as eg
- condicional compuesto
- pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo
- cuando llegó al cine, habría empezado la peli (condicional compuesto)
- … es posible que la peli hubiera empezado (pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo)
- comeremos, comeréis
- Keep the change [Use when giving a tip this way]
- Eg1, impf sub: she asked him to pay back the money
- Eg2, impf subj: she would ask him to pay the money
- What do Eg1 + Eg2 show about the nature of the imp subj? What is the grammatical implication?
- if Cádiz had not been walled, it would have conquered -> vb -> N = a defensive wall
- Quédete/se con la vuelta
- le pidió que le devolviera el dinero
- le pediría que le devolviera el dinero
- The impf subj has both “a past looking” and “a future looking” aspect. Therefore NO NEED FOR a “the future subj” tiempo.
- si Cádiz no hubiera amurallada, hubiera conquisado -> amurallar/to build a war around -> muralla
- When use estilo indirecto (EI)
- EI struct = intro words + what was said in the past. What happens re Tiempo + Modo?
- EI: what is the fork in the road between situation A and B (re Tiempo + Modo).
- EI: What Tiempo + Modo changes in situation A? What impl?
- EI: What Tiempo + Modo changes in situation B? What T+M NOT change?
- When relate what s.o said in the past
- Some change to Tiempo of what was said
- A. recent past/same day + circs not changed. B. distant past + don’t know if the circs have changed.
- imperativo -> pres. subj. No other changes to Tiempo + Modo
- A.Imper -> impf. subj B. fut. simple -> cond simple (habría -ido) C. pret. perf -> pret. plusc. D. pret. indef -> pret. plusc Pret impf doesn’t change.
- Change to EI: Javier, ve inmediatemente [A. recent past, B. distant past]
- Change to EI: Ahora mismo lo arreglarán [A. recent past, B. distant past]
- … a kind of inflatable dolphin, but it had a puncture [CLUE: in span. NOT “a had N” structure]
- You go, if you want [What T?] [What other vb shares that imp. form?]
- NOTE: imp is used all the time and is not necessarily rude (eg use tone of voice)
- El recepcionista le [A. dice/ha dicho][B. dijo] a un campañero que … A. vaya inmediatamente B. fuera inmed…
- El recepcionista … [as in 1.] que … A. ahora mismo arreglarán B. ahora mismo arreglarían.
- … una especie de delfín hinchable, pero había pinchado
- Ve tú, si quieres [“ve” NOT “va” for = 2nd pers. imper. cos’ ir is an irregular vb][ir = ve/id, ver = ve/ved]
- 3 vbs = echar, as in to throw
- Echar, as in first do: you have to first submit an application before …
- Echar, as in pass/first do: you have to spend some time in Cuba before …
- . A. What echarse a + inf mean? B. What vbs can use this way?
- But what does echarse a perder mean?
- arrojar, lanzar, tirar
- tienes que echar una solicitud antes … [ONLY use re a process]
- tiene que echar un tiempo en Cuba antes …
- A. to abruptly start doing s.th B. Verbs of sentiment reir, temblar, llorar (idea, burst out) + correr
- to go off, to be ruined