K2_01 Flashcards
- Which is correct? a. las cuatras destrezas b. las cuatra distrezas c. las cuatro destrezas
- Why?
- Alt exp to tener mucho moro
- Spanish name for Muhammed
- she speaks broken English [vb - to speak a language badly]
- las cuatro destrezas
- No.s A. always maculline B. don’t have concordancia with plurals
- ser cara dura
- mahoma p.e benamahoma (pueblo in Cádiz)
- chapurrea el inglés [chapurrear]
A. Antes de que [pisar?] X [prep?] primera vez, [pensar?] que [ser?] ….
B. Explain 4 tenses in A?
1. What is Cádiz equiv estar en guardia? Origin
2. Exp Has something to do with … [+ neg] (idea, connection between 2 things)
3. From my point of view …
A. Antes de que pisara X por primera vez, pensaba que sería [o era]
B. 1. antes de que + past subj 2. past impf 3. Cond = grammatically correct 4. past impf = what say if speaking
1. estar al liquindoi From Eng. sailors “look and do it” (loosely)
2. [No] Tiene algo que ver con …
3. Desde mi punto de vista …
- Es bueno que + what tense [llegar, we, early]
- Era importante que + what tense [llegar, we, early]
- What is correct word order: to say out loud
- Two alt exp: en menos que canta un gallo [in no time at all, in a jiffy]
- Es bueno que lleguemos antes [pres. subj]
- Era importante que llegáramos pronto [impf subj]
- en voz alta
- en un plis plas + en un abrir y cerrar de ojos
- sun shower [Coco]
- Exp: to address the thorny issue [of] X. [Use when broach a diff issue & don’t know end result] [Why that reference?]
- Exp: to pat o.s on the back
- Exp: to fall in love with (colq)
- Always bringing to light is the best disenfectant for bad practices [loc vb also = to make public, to expose]
- Sol de los gitanos
- abrir el melón [de] X. Cos’ only know what find when open it
- colgarse la medalla[ita]
- colgarse con alguien
- Siempre sacar a la luz es el mejor desinfectante para prácticas malas.
- It’s tooself-righteous (referring to his way of speaking)
- I found X’s point of view more convincing
- I came across a more clever point of view (vb, as in to run into)
- X has hit upon the potential solution [What vb mean re an answer?]
- What sex is “planeta”?
- Es una manera demasiado santurrona … [santurrón]
- Me pareció más convincente el punto de vista de X
- Me encuentro con el punto de visto más astuto
- X ha acertado + con la solución en potencia [acertar = to get right]
- el planeta
- What’s a … tote bags?
- I’d rather smash/fuck up an industry than … [vb also take down a person, as in kill]
- I don’t understand [vb, eg. person spoke v quietly, also to notice/realise (that)]
- adj: lazy [alt to perezoso] -> the lazy ones
- A give-away fabric bag with marketing on the side
- prefiero cargarme una industria que … [cagarse]
- no me entero [enterarse (de que …)]
- remolón -> los remalones
- What is the golden rule re structuring sentences?
- How change sentence to emphase you: ¿A que hora sueles despertarte?
- What “tiempo” use in: It’s impt that you wake up early (when referring to tomorrow)
- mark, for an exam -> minimum grade or cut-off mark (eg 4 university)
- … in the top 10 porcent of the bell curve
- Always put what interests you most first?
- ¿A que hora te sueles despertar?
- Es importante que te despiertes antes ( = pres. subj)
- la nota -> la nota de corte
- en el diez por ciento de la parábola
- It seems to a bit stingy to me [exp = to be tightfisted + what know?]
- How make “to feel like a wierdo” A. more emotive B. more descriptive
- Loc exp: continuously [More colq mean?]
- they have no idea about ecology [non-colq]
- it becomes a huge problem
- Me parece un poco rata [ser un rata = ser agarrado]
- A. “sentirte + un bicho raro” B. “sentir como un bicho raro
- cada dos por tres [every 5 mins]
- no tienen concepción de ecología
- se convierte en un problema masiva
- Two ways to say: because of the weather (as in climate)
- How pronounce “usuarios”?
- What 1 circ is an exception? eg
- Loc exp: regarding or “in relation to”
- candyfloss
- a cause del clima + por el clima
- Every vowel u-s-u-a-r-i-o-s
- u+e juntos p.e. g-ue-rra
- con respecto a
- algodón de azucar (ie as in, cotton
- Term: a full stop (in the middle of a sentence)
- Term: a full stop (at the end of a para)
- Term: full stop (at the end of an article)
- Term: ( … )
- Term: a question-mark (1. grammar 2. if a doubt]
- un punto seguido
- un punto y aparte
- un punto final
- un paréntisis con puntos suspensivos
- un signo de interrogación + una incognita
- one must queue for the bus
- Don’t push in eg the line [vb, also to sneak in]
- entails [vb, lit = to come + with]
- hay que hacer la cola para el autobús
- No te cueles [colarse]
- conllevar
- Just in case [2 exp?, condionales]
- I brought an umbrella just in case it rains
- What structure if a si condition? What tense never use?
- In “a si condition”, when vb T 1? vb T 2? (situations 1+ 2 of 3)
- Eg of both: If it rains this afternoon, I won’t go to the beach
- Por si + las moscas, acaso
- Llevo paraguas por si llueve (o lloviera)
- A. Si condición [pres. indic o impf subj], consecuencia [futuro o condicional) B. NEVER pres. subj
- Pres indic >50% probability (in mind of speaker). Imp subj if A. < 50% prob OR giving advice (empatica a alguien)
- A. Si esta tarde llueve, no iré (o voy= a la playa. Si esta tarde lloviera, no iría a la playa.
- What is 3/3 “if condition structure? (x2 forms)?
- When use 3/3 structure?
- Which of 2 forms is more common?
- Eg of both: If I had been born in Italy I would speak italian
- Si + plusc. sub, plusc. subj OR Si + plusc. subj, condicional perfecto
- A condition not met in past, therefore can never occur NOW (all 3 have a connection with now)
- 1st, feels more natural to repeat the structure
- A. Si hubiera nacido en Italia, hubiera aprendido italiano. Si hubiera nacido en Italia, habría aprendido italiano.
- A. When use “if cond” 1/3? B. When use “if cond” 2/3?, given they mean the same thing.
- What are the other 2 types of condicionales + struct?
- What diff between this & “if cond”?
- Write: If it rains I won’t go to the beach (no si)
- Write: When I go out I will take an umbrella (when, as in “if”)
- A. When want to appear dynamic and optomistic eg in an interview B. when feeling pessimistic
- A cuando + pres.subj, futuro simple B. como + pres. subj, pres indic
- None, cuando = when, as in if, como = if but much more expressive (therefore used more in conv.) + also 4 threats
- Como salga, no voy a la playa
- cuando salga, cogeré el paraguas
- pollution <- to pollute
- What [?] expresses origin? What [?] expresses a limit?
- What often [?] hasta que [T?] Y happens
- When hasta que + pres ind, pres indic?
- When hasta que + pres subj, simple futuro?
- When hasta que + pret ind OR impf, pret ind/impf (other oracion)
- contaminación <- contaminar
- A. desde B. hasta
- No se puede inf + N hasta que Y happens
- When hasta que + s.th habitual
- When hasta que + s.th happens in future
- When X hasta que + Y happened in past (incl habitually)