SOS- Leadership (dictatorship blah blah) Flashcards
What is monarchy
a leader who inherits leadership and power
what is a democracy
a system of government which allows the ordinary people of a society to have a say in how they are to be governed
what is a dictatorship
a type of government in which an individual leader or a ruling group hold absolute power
what is a theocracy
a type of government in which a religious leader has supreme authority
what is a anarchy
when their is no leader or government
what is divine right
when people thing the right to rule has been given to them by God
summary of tsar Nicholas the second
- He was the last absolute monarch of Russia.
- His heir was his son Alexi
- There was opposition to the autocratic rule (rule by one) and he had to give up some power. Parliament (duma) was formed
- Russian revolution occurred in 1917- Nicholas abdicated- Russia withdrew from the war.
- Nicholas and family were assassinated in 1918
what is a constitutional monarch
A constitution is a set of laws made in a parliament. A constitutional monarch oversees a parliament they dont have absolute power.
What is a personality cult.
Personality cults are a useful way for dictators to come into power. It is when a person is idolized and seen as a god like figure. This is established by statues, poems, songs, posters and teaching young children.
What is communism
It is a belief of a society without different social classes, in which methods of production are owned and controlled by all its members. Everyone works as much as they can and gets paid what they need.
Who started the idea of communism
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
who was the first communist leader in russia
Vladimer Lenin who established secret police and labour camps
who took over after vladimer lenin
Joseph Stalin in 1924-1953
1. all private farms were collectivized- state farms
2. Purges- erased opponents
3. Started industrial programmes
4. Labor camps for opponents
5. strong personality cult
What is a purge
To get rid of what is impure or undesirable
what is propaganda
Biased or misleading information used to promote a political cause or point of view
Democracy means
Rule of the people. Started in ancient greece. Demos=people. kratos=rule
what are the 2 forms of democracy
Direct democracy= involves the public directly in making decisions
Representative democracy= the public choosing representatives who take these decisions on their behalf
how would they vote for things in ancient athens
- You had to be male, free born ( not a slave), over 20, and descended from athenian parents.
- AT least 6000 people would attend the assemblies
- There was a lottery system so every year 50 men would be chosen by lottery to from a council to help keep the assemblies more organised
- They would vote on ostrakons (broken pottery) as to who would be voted out, they would have to leave for 10 years.
When was the united nations formed
The universal declaration of human rights- 1948. 30 human rights
What is universal suffrage
The right to vote in a political election
When did nz give women the right to vote
Right to vote in britain
Was given in 1918
Violence was used to get the point across
Suffragetes were seen quite poorly
What is a safeguard
a law rule or something that is done to protect someone or something from harm or damage eg. ostracism in ancient Greece (being able to kick people out)