Social Influence- Social Change Processes Flashcards
Define social change
The change that happens in a society and not at an individual level
What can minorities change and how?
The positions of members of the majority via consistency, flexibility and commitment
Social cryptoamnisa:
after societal change, indivudals who rpeviously held the old view, refuse to admit they help the noe unpopular view or resisted the new view.
They forget the role of, and do not crdit/givecredit to the minorities who chnaged society
The snowball effect:
Memebers of the majoirty slowly convert to the munority, but as the minoirgy grows in size it attracts new meembers fats, until it grows so large it is now the majoirty
Group membership:
we are more likely to have our views chnages by a member of an ingrouo that we belong to (share charactertisitics w/). This could be age,gender, eductaional level, sexuality, etcc. More likely to chnage the position of the majoirty rather than outgroups.
Who is informative social influence used by?
Minorities, as they use reasoned argum]ents to convice members of the majorty.
This can often lead to internalisation
Who and how can social change be brought about in the amjoirty population quickly ?
-by changing of laws
-and enforcing those laws
Evaluative studies
Mass et al
Does the evaluative study Mass et al support or criticise?
Mass et al
group membership- found a heterosexual minority group were more able to change the opinions of a heterosexual minority group about the importance of gay rights than a homosexual minority group.
Mass et al
Why was it that Mass et al found that a heterosexual minority group were more able to change the opinions of a heterosexual minority group about the importance of gay rights than a homosexual minority group?
As straightmen has better succes than gay men in convivng straight men, this demonstrates the imprtance of group membership in minoirty influence.
Mass et al
Real-life application:
The idea could be applied to a number of porjects in the real world, such as ensuring gun violence and knife crime in underpirveledge communitues are deiliverdd by members of the communitu
Mass et al
Real-life application:
One pronlem is that memebrs of am minority groip who are ogten vitcimised are not listend to by mebers fo a majority who sees tgem as an outgroup.
Give 3 real life examples of social change
Smoking in public areas e.g in pubs-
was common but changed very quickly due to legal changes and fines
Green issues e.g climate change -
developed due to better knowldge transmited by informational social influece
suffered forced feeding in order to show commitmment to vote for womn via the augmentation princple.This has impact the attuitudes and behvaiours of the majoirty.