Biopsychology 3/15 Flashcards
What is the central nervous system (CNS)?
Consists of brain and spinal cord; origin of all complex commands and decisions.
What is the peripheral nervous system (PNS)?
Sends info to CNS from outside world, transmitting messages from CNS to muscles and bodily glands.
Define hemispheric lateralisation.
Certain mental processes and behaviours are controlled or dominated by one hemisphere rather than the other (as in the example of language).
Corpus callosum
A band of neural fibres that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
Split-brain studies.
Corpus callosum cut in patients with severe epilepsy, allowing researchers to investigate the extent to which brain function is lateralised.
Describing what you see
Pictures shown to RVF could be described but not those to LVF because no language centres in left hemisphere (connected to RVF).
Recognition by touch
Could not describe objects projected to LVF, but able to select a matching object from a selection of different objects using their left hand