Research Methods- Observation Flashcards
A non-experimental technique, the researcher watches and records spontaneous/ natural behaviour of participants without manipulating levels of IV.
Controlled observation
Aspects of the environment are controlled, in an attempt to give participants the same experience. This is often conducted in a laboratory setting.
Was observation method used for
As the observation method requires the researcher to not manipulate levels of the independent variable (IV) the classic research by Ainsworth, Zimbardo and Milgram can be thought of as controlled observations. As in each of these cases, there was no variation in IV.
Was the intersection method used for Bandura’s research?
In Bandura’s research, there were levels of IV, (observing aggressive adults or not) so it was an experiment, however using observational techniques for data collection.
• Controlling the environment and giving the same experience reduces the likelihood that extraneous variables are responsible for observed behaviour.
• Results are likely to be reliable as using the same standardised procedures.
• The artificiality of the observational environment may result in unnatural behaviour, not like behaviour shown in real-world situations.
Naturalistic observation
Takes place in the “real world” places the participants are likely to spend their time such as school, work or in their own homes.
Naturalistic observation
• High realism, participants are likely ta show more naturalistic behaviour.
• External validity, behaviour is more likely to be generalisable to other situation:
Naturalistic observation
• Uncontrolled extraneous variables may be responsible for the behaviour Ouserved resulting in lower internal validity.
Overt observation:
the participants can see the researcher, and are aware their behaviour is being observed as part of an observational study.
Overt observation
Ethical as the principle of informed consent means participants should agree to take part in research and they should know what they are signing up for.
Overt observation
Demand characteristics are likely, if the participants know they are being observed they may try to show behaviour that they think the researcher wants to see. Or social desirability bias may be a factor, acting to “look good”
Covert observation:
The participants are not aware they are being observed and they cant see someone taking notes/recordings. (the observer may be physically present)
Covert observation
As participants are unaware they are being observed they are far more likely to show naturalistic behaviour free from demand characteristics or social desirability bias.
Covert observation
More unethical as by definition the participants cannot give informed consent.