Social Constructionism in relationships Flashcards
Lovestruck like a mental illness
tallis like a clinical psychological problem
-Abnormal mood, inflated self-esteem and extravagant gift giving
-loss of concentration and insomnia
-lack of appetite
-stress (high blood pressure and pain in chest)
- obsessive compulsive symptoms (Brian —–scan show similar neural activation)
Benifits of romantic relationships
Keep social isolation at bay
primary attachment figure
increased happiness
Partner verification
accurate about partner to avoid disappointment and poor decision making
Clometty- Knowing a partner and having them know you is intimacy
Helps foster and end relationships
Positive illusions (correlation study)
Murray and Holmes
-rate self and partners
Based on personality, relationship satisfaction and happiness
rate happiness and satisfaction higher if rate partner better then they thought themselves to be (and observes)
Positive illusions and looks study
Couples and celebrities photographed with neutral expressions
morphed photos towards and away from attractiveness
choose which one is real
satisfied couples choose more attractive versions (this effect stronger for women
Benefits of love is blind
- greater satisfaction, higher reported love and lust and less conflicting beliefs
Serve as self-fulfilling prophecy and relationship maintenance function
Limitations of love is blind methodology
often self- report so may just be having a happy buzz
limitations of love is blind
love is blind bias regarding looks linked to possessive jealously
love is not blind for people who ruminate or experience relationship threat
Michelangelo Phenomenon
Partner view of you can shape who you become
3 underlying assumptions of social constructivism
Partners exert considerable influence over specific nature of who we are
motivated to bring actual self inline with ideal
movement towards ideal self enhances well-being
general positive illusions vs ideal illusions
Drigotas et al. rate personality attributes of ideal and normative and partners behaviour
ideal positivity much better predicter of both them and partner moving towards ideal self and relationship wellbeing
Partner affirmation
how partner interacts with persons individual goal pursuits
partner perceptual affirm to partner behavioural affirm to move towards ideal self enhanced couple ad self wellbeing
Michelangelo phenomenon and well-being study
measured partner perceptual and behavioural affirmation and movement towards ideal self. Also relationship and personal wellbeing.
find that perceptual and behavioural
affirmation and movement toward the ideal self, predict couple well-being
Regression models
loneliness, life satisfaction and emotional well-being predicted by affirmation and movement towards ideal self
Individual differences
self-regulation - locomotion (quick pace) vs assessment (scrutinous) orientation
promotion orientation more likly to affirm partner