Intelligence Flashcards
implicit theories of intelligence
Sternberg- 3 factor view (problem solving, verbal skills and social competence)
Dweck- growth mindset leads to more effort put in
Cognotive intellegnce
General cognitive ability related to solving problems efficiently and effectively to learning form experience and adapting to environment.
Function of intelligence
solving ecological problems, surviving and reproducing in large and complex social groups
First modern intelligence test
Binet-Simon scale- differentiate children who needed extra help. mental age / chronological age * 100
Nowadays adapted as Stanford-Binet test
Two factor theory of intelligence
Spearman correlations between subjects
g- general intelligence
s- specific factor of intelligence
CHC model
developed from g
Fluid IQ- novel problem solving using reasoning (Gf)
Crystallised IQ - ability based on knowledge, education and experience (Gc)
Reviews of CHC model
Horn- 8 factors
Carroll- Narrow specialised abilities, broad abilities (8) and g
General - Broad - Narrow
Theory of multiple intelligences
Gardner - intelligence comprises eight distinct types
x- limited support
Theory of successful intelligence
Stenberg- 3 key parts - analytical, creative and practical abilities
ability to achieve goals give ones sociocultural context
capitalise on strengths and compensate for weakness
adapt to environments
New theory of successful intelligence
Addended wisdom based on morality
metacomponents - cognitive approach , performance component and knowledge-acquisition component
adaptive intelligence
Intelligence in context theory
Intelligence a construct used by cultures to explain why some perform culturally valued tasks better
Intelligence in context examples
NA- ca measured by IQ
Chinese- ca and diligence and social skills
African- beyond ca includes social skills that facilitate social cohesion
Intracultural- practical skills rural academic urban
Measuring intelligence
Stanford-Binet (measures 5 factors)
Wechsler intelligence
Raven’s standard progressive matrices
Wechsler intelligence scale
Most commonly used
less reliance on verbal items
split between children and adults
used in education, clinical and forensic fields
Flynn effect
IQ keeps rising with every generation
Raven’s standard progressive matrices
measure of non-verbal intelligence
-single score
Emotional intelligence
ability to monitor ones and others feelings and emotions, to discriminate and use info to guides one thinking’s and actions
Ability model of emotional intelligence
perceiving emotion, understanding emotion, using to facilitate thought and regulating emotions
Mixed models of emotional intelligence
both ability and trait
Bar-on and Goleman
x-empirical evidence doesn’t support
5 main factors
individuals ability to cope successfully with environmental demands and pressures
4 main dimensions
ei - underlying personal characteristics not represented by cognitive intelligence
Trait model of emotional intelligence
constellation of traits and self-perceived abilities
Test emotional intelligence like an IQ test
based on ability model
Emotional competence inventory
Based on mixed models
Trait emotional intelligence questionnaire
based on trait model