Cognitive control and the social brain Flashcards
Brain areas in early development
early reasoning about social goals linked with STS activation of action perception
later perspective taking and attributing mental sates links with TPJ and medial PFC
Adult social brain network
after effects bias to looking opposite direction after looking at probe modulated by belief (whether probe had googles or not)
Prefrontal cortex
PFC damaged in adults leads to perseverative (switch ideas) errors
- draw a circle task
communication difficulties and poor self regulation - executive cognition impacts everyday life
Hypo frontality
Reduced glucose and blood flow in prefrontal cortex leads to executive impairment
rate at which cortical areas mature
white matter still immature at adolescence
allows for learning by error
Monkey study
Diamond - non matching object task to find food
baby monkeys and adult monkeys with DL-PFC lesions struggle
A not B task
linear relation between duration which infants an delay search and age which working memory develops
ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, behaviour in the face of temptations and impulses
Characteristics of self-control
goal directed
intentional actions
regulated by endogenous goals
cold cognitive processes inhibition frontal-medial brain activity
hot impulsive behaviour inhibition right inferior prefrontal cortex
Marshmallow task
delayed gratification - wait longer if older
temptation focus - code behaviours relevant to reward
cohort effects- wait longer in recent generations
cross-cultural replication
individual difference associated with increased competence in academic domains
long term outcomes
stronger social skills and fewer anxiety and depression
stronger academic skills
predicts goal-directed control
training self control
wait either alone , teacher or robot
wait longer times with robot as can act as a distrator
Inhibitory control (cool)
ability to inhibit behaviour responses to irrelevant stimuli while pursuing a cognitively represented goal
pre-potency- strength of action schema in generating response
measurement- Stroop, Simon, go-nogo
Interference control
ability to resolve conflict between abstract representations
Go-NoGo task
Rt respond button to cheese but not cat manipulate prepotency by having lots of go tasks
4 year old marshmallow task measured delay times and temptation focus (behaviours towards)
younger children make more omission and commission errors
by 18 children with low temptation focus had faster response at go trials and respond with more pre-potency
so individual differences in inhibitory control are stable over time
inhibition separate from working memory
chid respond with different keys (left or right) if butterfly or frog. manipulate congruence if on same side as button press
need to inhibit natural cue-response
test different ages if sperate constructs then different growth trajectories
congruent trails ceiling performance
incongruent trails developmental increase in age non-overlapping in children
using perspectives (director task)
ppt hear instructions from director with occluded vision or just hear a voice
ppts should take into account the directors perspective when asked to move small ball
perform badly until an adult
Brain area associated with using perspectives
prefrontal cortex
children vs adults linking cognitive control to pre frontal cortex
go-nogo task
activation greater for children across entire prefrontal cortex region