Soc 23 Food And Nutrition Flashcards
What is dehydration ??
The loss of water and salts essential for normal body function
Definition of hydrate ?
To take on water
What is a metabolic rate
The rate at which metabolic processes take place ; the rate at which the body uses up energy
What is hydration ?
Being hydrated means the body has the correct amount of water in cells, tissues and organs to function correctly. The average recommended daily intake is 2.5L of water for men and 2L for women
What does diuretic mean ??
Making you produce more urine
What are the 7 elements of a balanced diet ??
Carbohyrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals water and fibre
How do carbohyrates help the body ??
They are stored muscles and liver. Quickly converted into glucose to provide energy. There are 2 types complex and simple
What are complex carbonydrates ???
They are found in natural foods such as bannanas and whole meal bread and rice. They provide a slow release and should account to 50% of your intake
What are simple carbohydrates
Generally found in natural foods such as fruit and vegetables however can be found in cakes and buscuits. Tive off an immediate burst of energy
How do fats help the body ??
Other main food source. You can find them in butter, margarine and cooking oil. Should provide for 30% of your intake. Provide energy and together with glycogen, help the muscles work
How do proteins help the body ??
Proteins are mainly used to repair damaged tissue and build muscle. Also used to provide energy during extended periods of exercise such as marathon running when carbs have been used up. Generaly found in dairy products
How do vitamins help the body ??
A balanced supply of vitamins is vital for the body to work. Vitamins are used for: good vision, good skin, red blood formation, healing, healthy bones and teeth, blood clotting
How do minerals help the body ??
The body needs minerals to work. Calcium (found in cheese, milk and cereal) tive you strong bones. And iron (found in many foods including meat) is linked with haemeglobin which carries oxygen around the body
How does water help the body ??
Oxygen accounts for about half your body weight. Holds oxygen ans is the main component in many cells. Transports nutrients, waste and hormones around the body. During exercise your body sweats and loses electroyltes. Players often hydrate during a game to replenish lost water
How does fibre help the body ???
Fibre (roughage) adds bulk to foods and helps the digestive system. Found in leaves, stems, seeds and plants. There are 2 types :soluble and insoluble. It is important to eat a variety of foods to include both in your diet
Explain the term carb-loading ??
A strategy athletes use to maximise the stores of glycogen (or energy) in the muscle or liver
Give examples on benefits of drinking water before taking part in an event
Maintains hydration so they can aviod early dizziness, fatigue or headaches
Allows them to sweat so they can maintain a core body temperature
Increases blood flow to working muscles so they can work areobicly for longer