Sleep Flashcards
a behavior and mostly unconscious state. we spend 1/3 of our life asleep
how is sleep measured?
Stages of sleep
3 stages of NREM getting deeper as they go on and rem sleep
alpha waves and beta waves
Alpha waves
resting but not sleeping (8-12)
Beta waves
thinking or dreaming (13-30)
Step 1 of sleep
theta waves (3.5-7.5) transition b/t waking and sleeping or drowsiness or boredom
stage 2 of sleep
theta waves, sleep spindles (short bursts of 12-14), and k complexes (sudden sharp waves)
stage 3 of sleep
delta waves (less than 3.5) high amplitude, “slow wave sleep”
rem sleep
similar to waking state where the brain is dreaming; increased limbic activity but PFC is activated
why do we sleep?
protection, recuperation, memory, creative thinking, growth
functions of rem sleep
promotes brain development and learning/memory consolidation
neural control of sleep
adenosine (a neuromodulator) may play a role in the control of sleep and being awake for too long can cause an accumulation of adenosine
neural control of arousal
acetylcholine, norepinephrine, serotonin, histamine, and orexin play a role
involved in arousal, attention, memory, and controls muscle contractions. most ACH neurons elevated in REM sleep
catecholamine agonist and deals with arousal and sleepiness. Fluctuates throughout the sleep/wake cycle
serotonergic neurons are active mostly during waking
antihistamines cause drowsiness by blocking histamine receptors; histaminergic neurons are most active during waking hours
orexin neurons are in the hypthalamus and project to nearly every part of the brain; active during waking hours
circadian rhythm
neural control of sleep/wake conditions; the biological clock with regular bodily rhythms that occur on a 24-hour cycle
a source thar causes the circadian rhythm to function (light, noise heat) causes you to either wake up or fall asleep
another controller of circadian rhythms; hormone secreted by the pineal gland that is released at night