Skin Integrity Flashcards
Stage one pressure injuries
Intact non blistered skin with nonblanchable erythema or persistent redness
Stage 3 pressure injury
Full thickness wound that extends into subcutaneous tissue but DO NOT extend through fascia to muscle bone or connective tissue
May be undermining or tunneling present
Area of tissue loss present under intact skin, usually along the edges of the wound
Narrow passageway extending outward from the edge of a wound
Stage 2 pressure injury
Partial thickness wound that involves the upper dermis and dermis but does not extend below the level of the dermis
Shallow and superficial with pink wound bed
Intact or ruptured blisters that are the result of pressure
Stage 4 pressure injury
For thickness wound involves exposure of muscles, bone, connective tissues such as tendons or Cartilage
Unstageable pressure injury
For thickness when in which the amount of necrotic tissue or eschar in the room bed makes it impossible to assess the depth of the wound
Deep tissue injury
Area of intact skin that is purple or maroon or a blood filled blister
Scars that grow larger than normal and have a smooth robbery appearance
Why is obesity a risk factor for pressure injury
Weight is not a good indicator of proteins stores or nutritional health so patient can be deficient in nutrients essential to wound healing
Adipose tissue is poorly vascularized compared with the upper dermis and dermis having greater risk for tissue ischemia
How often should Braden scale be done
On admission to agency 24-48 hours after admission at regular intervals and when there is a significant change in patient condition
What other things to assess when yo notice non Lana lobe hyperemia
- palpate tissue be msg to and observed area to gather dither data about induration ( hardening of tissue caused by edema or inflammation)
- note changes in color, temp and hardnesss of surrounding skin
Normal healthy skin should be
- unbroken or intact
- adequately nourished and hydrated
- resistance to injury
- adequate circulation is necessary to Maintain cell life sending in oxygen and removing toxins
Antiembolic socks
- Measure legs before applying
- Apply socks before patient gets out of bed
Normal intact skin
1) epidermis - acts as barrier
2) dermis- middle, hair follicles, oil/sweat glands, blood vessels, nerves
3) hypodermics/ subcutaneous- blood vessels, fat, connective tissue