Sensory reception Flashcards
Sensory reception
Process of receiving data about the internal or external environment
Sensory perception
Conscious process of selecting, organizing and interpreting data from senses into meaningful information
Sensory deprivation
Decreased, boring or meaning less sensory output
Contributing factors:
Bed rest, isolation, confined to small space
Sensory perception impairment
Hearing impaired, affective disorders
Sensory processing impairment
Neurological damage or disorders, confusion, medication
Sensory overload
Person experiences too much stimuli, resulting in lack of meaningful brain responses
Contributing factors: hospitalization, tubes, dressings and drains, pain and discomfort, unusual stimuli
Sensory deficits
Impaired or absent sensory functioning
Sensory deprivation (perceptual)
In accurate perception of senses could include daydreams or hallucinations
Sensory deprivation (cognitive)
Inability to control thought content could include decreased attention span or poor concentration
Sensory deprivation (emotional)
Depression, anxiety, panic, fear, anger, mood changes
Visual impairment
Announce presents, speak normally, explain all procedures, have called light and personal items within reach, stay in visual field
Hearing impairment
Communicate specifically with the patient, decrease background noise, speak directly facing the patient