Nursing Process Flashcards
Maslows hierarchy of needs
- Guideline for priority of nursing care
- Basic needs must be met first
1) physiologic needs- oxygen, water, food, temperature, elimination
2) safety needs ( physical and emotional) - protection from potential or actual harm
- nursing responsibility to promote safety
3) Love and belonging needs- understanding and acceptance of others, giving and receiving love
4) self-esteem needs- Pride, sense of accomplishment
5) self actualization needs- need to reach full potential
Steps in nursing process
“ADd PIE” Assessment diagnosis outcome identification and planning implementation of outcomes evaluation
First step in the nursing process data collection and analysis and validation of data communication and recording of data and ongoing process
Assessment data collection
Subjective data: Perceived or reported by the patient, caregiver, or family member, symptoms
Objective data: Can be measurable, observed, or sent by someone besides the patient, signs
Assessment data collection sources
- patient: primary source of data collection
- Family, caregivers, significant other: if patient has a limited ability to communicate
- patient record: information gathered and documented in the patient’s chart, history, progress notes, consultation, lab results, can be written information from other members of the healthcare team
- other healthcare professionals: Important during patient transfer
Assessment: how do nurses collect data; physical assessment
- review if systems: usually in a head to toe sequence
- patient examination and observation of objective data
- nursing physical assessment focus on the patients functional abilities
- assessment techniques may depend on the nursing setting and purpose of the assessment
Assessment: how do nurses collect data; history obtained from interviews
- patient profile: age, gender, race, marital status, occupation etc
- complains or reason for seeking care
- health habits
- cultural preferences
- current medications, allergies, immunization
- family health history
- determine needs: learning needs and abilities, participation in care, expectations
- personal resources
- identifies risk
Types of assessment
- initial: comprehensive, detailed; establish baseline to identify problems and direct the plan of care
- focused: data gathered about specific problems or complaint
- emergency: identifies any life threatening problems
- time lapsed: comparison of patients progress or current status to previous data
Data analysis
- compares patient data with standards and recognize trends
- confirm data collected
- recognize and eliminate errors, biases and miscommunication of info
Data reporting / recording
- necessary to report significant findings in a timely manner to prevent harm
- any findings should be documented in the patients chart
- should be easy to retrieve and understand
- record subjective data in the patients words if possible
- second step
- RN identifies and writes nursing diagnosis; lpn and student write nurses problems
- nurse interprets data to identify health problems
- clarifies the nature of the problem
- identifies concerns unique to patient
- identifies patients human response to health process
- identifies patient resource and strength
- prioritize diagnosis depending on the threat to patient health and safety !!
Nursing diagnosis
- Actually a health problem that can be prevented or resolved by independent nursing interventions
- NOT a medical diagnosis
- Collaborative problems certain complications
• uses both physician prescribed and nursing complications
• primary nursing responsibilities
• When writing a collaborative problem statement word as “potential complication” “complication that may occur”
Five types of nursing diagnosis
1) ACTUAL- Present a problem that has been validated by defining characteristics
2) RISK- clinical judgments that a patient is bravo to develop a certain problem
3) POSSIBLE- suspected problem that requires additional information
4) WELLNESS- Chemical judgments about a patient from a specific level of promise to a higher level of wellness
5) SYNDROME- actual or risk that are predicted to you to a certain
Writing a nursing diagnosis
Statement listing the problem, cause and problems defining characteristics
- problem statement
- cause (etiology)
- defining characteristics
Problem statement
- describe patients health status or health problem in a clear and specific manner
- identifies what is unhealthy and defined the need for change
- suggest patients outcome