Bowel Elimination Flashcards
Special consideration for post operative
- assess for the return of peristalsis by Muscatine bell sounds every four hours for the patient is awake
- Assess abdominal distention especially if the sounds are not audible or are highly pitched
- assess ability to pass flatus and stool
- assist with movement in bed ambulation to relieve gas pains, a common pet operative discomfort
- encourage food and fluid intake when ordered especially fruit juice in high fiber foods
- maintain privacy
- administer suppositories, enemas or medication such as two softeners as prescribed
Enema temp
Slightly above body temp
Intestinal gas that’s passed from the anu
gas in or from the stomach or intestines, produced by swallowing air or by bacterial fermentation
Occult blood
blood in the feces that is not visibly apparent
Factors affecting
Activity and muscle tone:
- regular exercise may improve gastrointestinal mobility and muscle tone as well as an active decreases both
- daily schedule, occupation, leisure activity may contribute to habits of defecting at regular or irregular patterns
Discuss psychological variables:
- stress
- anxiety
- chronic worry
Pathological variables:
- diverticulitis
- cystic fibrosis
- medication‘s are available to promote peristalsis (laxative)
- inhibit peristalsis (Antidiarrheal)
- opioids cause constipation
- stool softeners
Common bowel elimination problems
- decreased fiber in diet decreased fluid intake inactivity delaying defecation abuse of laxative change in routine side effects from medication
Nursing care for common bowel elimination problems
Promote healthy behavior:
- increase fiber in diet
- increase fluids
- caution patient to avoid increasing fiber in diet without increasing fluids (could lead to bowel obstruction)
- schedule physical activity
Delaying elimination
The longer you wait more water is absorbed making it harder to go
Stool collection
- nurse Obtain specimen
-transport to lab in timely manner
• occult blood
• clostridium difficile
• other bacteria problems
Direct visualization examination of body organ or cavities
Visual test of the Soffa guess, stomach and duodenum
Visual task of the large intestine from the anus to the ileocecal valve
Visual exam of the sigmoid colon, the rectum and the anal canal
Barium enema
Involve series of radiographs exam in the large intestine rectal instillation of barium sulfate
Provides Physiologic information and detailed anatomic views of tissue using a superconducting magnet and radio frequency signals
Abdominal CT scan
10 beams of x-rays are directed at a move around the abdomen to formulate computer manipulated pictures
Fecal impaction
- prevent the passage of normal stools
- small amount of fluid may pass around impacted mass
- liquid Fecal seepage with no passage of normal feces is a sign of impaction
Surgical procedure to create an opening into the abdominal wall for fecal elimination
Characteristics of stool
Volume, color, odor, consistency, shape
When assessing bowel elimination note..
Characteristics of stool external anal area chewing ability/oral cavity mobility bowel sounds abdominal muscle contractulity ask the patient the time patient had bowel movement
Nursing interventions
Monitor the amount and consistency expressed acceptance of ostomy demonstrate skin care for ostomy or during episodes of diarrhea Ingest adequate amount of fiber Enemas Laxatives Fecal impaction removal Promote ambulation Positioning Privacy Exercise Teach about nutrition