Disgnostic And Lab Testing Flashcards
Electro diagnostic test
- measure electrical activity
- electrodes detect electrical activity
- impulses transmitted for viewing
- non invasive; no consent form
1) EKG- measures electrical activity of the heart
2) EEG- measures electrical activity in the brain; epilepsy
3) EMG- measures muscle activity and nerve cells
- inspection of the internal body organs/cavities with a scope
- permits biopsy/removal of tissues
- invasive !!!
1) colonoscopy
2) signmodoscopy
3) proctoscopy
4) knee artoscopy
5) bronchoscopy
6) cystoscopy
Following a colonoscopy instruct patient to do/ expect
- Inspect store for visible blood to determine if Bow was perforated during procedure
- experience gas pains- Air is pumped into the bow during procedure
- drink large amount of fluid when fully alert- Will make up for the dehydration associated with bowel preparation
- radiation passes through tissue and bone directly ( x ray)
- contrast material:
• iodine= injected into vein to enhance
• barium= upper/ lower GI ( white chalky substance)
1) arteriogram
2) barium swallow ( upper GI)
3) barium enema (lower GI)
4) chest X-ray
5) cardiac catheterization
Oral contrast
Make sure patient doesn’t have allergies to what is in it check can you function and creatine levels
Cardiac catheterization
Catheter inserted and contrast material injected an image used to capture a small dose of ionizing radiation
Computed tomography (CT scan)
- special type of X-ray
- takes images in various “planes” or slices
- enlarges images to 3D
- contrast material may be used
Can make consulates many need a laxative
Iodine consideration
Make sure they are not allergic
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- non invasive
- based on how hydrogen atoms behave in a magnetic field
- restricted use with metal implants or pacemakers
- generate images of organs
Nuclear scanning
- drugs containing radiation given to patient
- special scanner to text radiation emission
- produces visual image on screen
- identifies abnormalities
- High frequency sound waves are directed at internal body structures
- Record is made of wave pulses as they are reflected through the tissues
1) abdominal
2) obstetrical ( relating to child birth)
Culture sensitivity
Collected before starting antibiotics and put into sterile container
Blood specimen
- collected by a nurse or a lab technician
- may be NPO !!
1) venous
2) arterial
3) capillary
Complete blood count (CBC)
Includes: WBC RBC HCT HGB Platelets
White blood cell count
- Adult values: 5,000-10,000/mm3
- > 10,000 = leukocytosis(infection, inflammation, trauma, dehydration)
- < 5,000 = leukopenia ( immunodeficiency)
- function: fight infection
Differential count
% of the total number of WBC
- neutrophils
- lymphocytes
- monocytes
- eosinophils
- basophils
Red blood cells count
Male: 4.7-6.1
Female: 4.2-5.4
Function: carry O2!from lungs to rest of our bodies, blood viscosity
Lack of red blood cells
Pale skin, dizziness, fast heart beat
Male: 42-52%
Female: 37-47%
% of RBC in the volume of whole blood
Function: reflects the amount of space in the blood that occupied by RBCs
Male: 14-18
Female: 12-16
Function: oxygen carrying ability
Low hemoglobin
Risk of stroke
< 100,000 thrombocytopenia
< 20,000 spontaneous bleeding
Function: clotting of blood
Platelet transfusion = special nursing care
Blood chemistry
Test done on a sample of blood to measure amount of certain substances in the body
Basic metabolic panel (BMP)
Info on body fluid balance, levels of electrolytes and how well kidneys are working
Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP)
Info about bodies chemical balance and metabolism
Blood glucose
- may be fasting
- spills into urine when > 180; exceeds renal threshold
No caloric intake for at least 8h
Hemoglobin A1c
- Non diabetic: 4%-5.9%
- Good control: under 7%
- Fair control: 8%-9%
- Bad control: over 9%
Test to monitor diabetes treatment, provides a long term index of patient blood glucose (past 3 months)
Need proper balance to keep fluid from leaking out blood vessels, gives body proteins it needs to keep growing/repairing tissues, carries vital nutrients and hormones
Indicates nutritional status, liver function
BUN- blood urine nitrogen
- directly proportional to renal excretory function
- elevated with dehydration and renal disorders
Male: 0.6-1.2
Female: 0.5-1.0
Used to diagnose impaired renal function
GFR - glomerular filtration rate
Creatinine is proportional to GFR- decreased with impaired kidney function, CHF, dehydration
Blood lipids
Include total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides
Elevated levels pose risk for coronary heart disease
- NA ( sodium) 136-145
- K (potassium) 3.5-5
- CO2 (bicarbonate) 23-30
- CL (chloride) 98-106
Not on routine:
- C (calcium) 8.6-10.3
- MG (magnesium) 1.3-2.1
Color: light yellow, straw, amber yellow
Odor: aromatic
Clarity: clear
Specific gravity: 1.006-1.030
PH: 4.6-8
Protein: negative
Glucose: negative
Ketones: negative
Blood: negative
- anemia
- low hgb
- low hct
- low RBC
Fluid volume deficit
- hct increase when severe
- hgb increase
- urinalysis specific gravity height