hyperhidrosis) may indicate
an abnormality of the sweat glands or an
endocrine problem such a
hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
a patient goes through a Patchy hair loss may accompany infections, stress, hairstyles
that put stress on hair roots, and some
types of chemotherapy
An increase in hair growth—often over
the face, chest, or back
in our nails, these infection cause green, black,
or brown nail discoloration.
bacterial infection
in our nails, when we see Yellow, thick,
crumbling appearance these are caused by
fungal infection
these infectioncause a white color and separation of the nail plate from
the nail bed.
yeast infection
It takes ___months to totally replace a
fingernail a
6 months
it takes ___ months to totally
replace a toenail.
12 months
these skin condition tend to be familial.
Acne & atopic
a genetic component associated with skin cancer
malignant melanoma
a skin problem that may may
limit certain activities such as hiking,
camping, and gardening.
During the skin examination, ensure privacy by exposing
only the body part
being examined
is best for inspecting the skin
used in Predicting Pressure Sore Risk
Braden scale
tool to measure pressure injury healing
Pressure Injury Scale for Healing (PUSH)
When preparing to examine the skin, hair, and nails, remember these key points:
Inspect skin color, temperature, moisture, texture.
Check skin integrity.
Be alert for skin lesions.
Evaluate hair condition for loss or unusual growth.
Note nail bed condition and capillary refill.
Pale or cyanotic nails may
hypoxia or