CHAP 3 Flashcards
needs to prepare for physical settings:
Comfortable room temp
Private area free
Quiet free of distractions
Adequate lighting
Firm table
Tray to hold equipments
This position is good
for evaluating the head, neck, lungs, chest, back, breasts, axillae, heart, vital signs,
and upper extremities.
permits full expansion
of the lungs and it allows the examiner to assess symmetry of upper body parts.
alternative for sitting is what
client to lie down with head elevated.
position allows the abdominal muscles to relax and provides easy access to peripheral pulse sites.
supine position
This position is useful for assessing the rectal and vaginal area
sims position
is used primarily to assess the hip joint
prone position
Clients with cardiac and respiratory problems cannot tolerate this position.
prone position
is used to examine the female
genitalia, reproductive tracts, and the rectum.
The 4 physical examination techniques
inspection, palpation,
percussion, and auscultation.
involves using the senses of vision, smell, and hearing to observe and
detect any normal or abnormal findings.
This technique is used from the moment
that you meet the client and continues throughout the examination
the client: color, patterns, size, location, consistency, symmetry, movement, behavior, odors, or sounds. is under what type of phys technique?
consists of using parts of the hand to touch and feel for the texture, moisture, temp strength, size
this palpation is about 1-2 cm
light palpation
this palpation is about 4-6 cm
deep palpation
how can you determine how what palpation should be used
structure & thickness of tissue
part of hand to feel vibration, thrills and fremitus
part of hand to check temp
part of hand to check pulse, texture, size, consistency shape
a palpation technique to feel for pulses, tenderness, surface skin texture, temperature, and
Light palpation
allows you to feel very deep organs or structures that are covered by thick
deep palpation
Use two hands, placing one on each side of the body part
being palpated
bimanual palpation
involves tapping body parts to produce sound waves. These sound waves
or vibrations enable the examiner to assess underlying structures.
what physical assessment helps determine whether an underlying
structure is filled with air or fluid or is a solid structure.
to assess deep tendon reflexes what technique is used
3 types of percussion
Direct blunt & indirect
direct tapping of a body part with one or two fingertips to elicit
possible tenderness
direct percussion
is used to detect tenderness over organs (e.g., kidneys) by placing one hand flat on the
body surface and using the fist of the other hand to strike the back of the hand flat
on the body surface
blunt percussion
is the most commonly
used method of percussion. The tapping done with this type of percussion produces
a sound or tone that varies with the density of underlying structures.
indirect or mediate percussion
sounds elicited by percussions
part air or part solid
mostly air
heard over air
heard over more solid tissue
heard over dense tissue
type of assessment technique that requires the use of a stethoscope to listen for heart sounds, movement of blood through the cardiovascular system,
part of stethoscope that detect low pitched sounds
part of stethoscope to detect high pitch