Shoulder (Outline 14) Flashcards
Nerve Innervation to shoulder?
Blood supply?
brachial plexus (anterior rami of C5-T1)
branches of subcalvan and axiallries
Muscles of shoulder?
Direct to Humerus
Extrinsic muscle?
movement of shoulder girdle in relative to axial skeleton (attachment of shoulder girdle with vertebrae)
Intrinsic muscle
Movement free limbs relative to the shoulder girdle
What are the anterior extrinsic muscle?
pec minor
What are the posterior extrinsic muscle?
levaetor scapula
rhomboid major/minor
What part of muscle is the serratus anterior in?
extrinsic muscle of shoulder
What are the intrinsic muscles?
SITS ( supraspinatus, infaspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis)
teres major
OIANB of supraspinatus?

Supraspinous fossae of scapula
top of greater tubercle of humerus
abduction of humerus/ stabilize head of humerus
suprascapular N
suprascapular A
OIANB of infraspinatus?

infraspinous fossa of scapula
middle facet of greater tubercle of humerus
lateral rotation/ extension of humerus
suprascapular N
suprascapular A
OIANB of teres minor

Upper 2/3 of dorsal surface of axillary border of scapula
lower facet of greater tubercle of humerus
lateral rotation
axiallary nerve
post humerus circumflex a
OIANB of subscapularis

lesser tubercle of humerus
internal rotation
Upper/Lower subscapular N
Circumflex Scapular A
OIANB of teres major

posterior surface of inferior border of scapula
medial lip of intertubercular groove of humerus
lateral rotation and extension of humerus
lower subscapular nerve
circumflex scapular artery
OIANB of deltoids
What are the muscles in common that attach to poster ior vertebral/medial border of scapula
levator scapula. rhomboid major/minor
What does deltoids and trapezius have in common?
lats & major in common?
deltoids & teres minor
Rhomboids & Levator Scapulae
origin and insertion
same actions
Axillary N and PHCA
Dorsal Scapular N + A
Name muscle in Pink/Green/Yellow
What do they have in common?
Levator Scapulae
Rhomboid Minor
Rhomboid Major
Dorsal Scapular A+N
What does subscapularis and teres major have in common?
Circumflex Scapular Artery
What muscles have lateral rotation of humerus?
teres minor
teres major
What are the joints in shoulder
What joint of shoulder is pseudo?
Motion of scapularthoracic joint
Muscles involved in Elevation of scapularthoracic joint
Muscles involved in Depression of scapularthoracic joint
Upper Trapezius/ Levator Scapulae
Lower Traps/ Pec Minor
Muscles involved in Protraction of scapularthoracic joint
Muscles involved in Retraction of scapularthoracic joint
Pec Minor/ Serratus Anterior
Rhomboids/Middle Trapezius
Scapulathoracic Joint
joint between scapula and thorax
Sternoclavicular Joint

Joint between sternum (clavicular notch of manubrium) and clavicle (proximal end of clavicle)
What connect between proximal end of clavicle and clavicular notch of manubrium
articular disk
What does fibrous capsule do in sternoclavicular joint?
surround the joint capsule and perimeter of articular disk
What are major ligaments in sternocalvicular joint?
anterior/posterior sternoclavicular lig
Describe ant/post sternoclavicular lig
costoclavicular lig

between sternum and clavicular
between medial inferior border of clavicle and costal cartilage 1st ribs
between clavicles
Blood supply for sternoclavicular joint?
clavicular branch of thoracoacromial trunk
internal thoracic
inferior thyroid branch of thyrocervical trunk
Function of ant/post sternoclavicular lig
costoclavicular lig
interclavicular lig
blended in with joint capsule to reinforce the joint
prevent the clavicle pop up during depression/elevation
prevent the clavicle pop out during protraction
Nerve supply for sternoclavicular joint?
supraclavicular nerve branches
What type of joint is sternoclavicular?
diathroses/plane joint (it has joint capsule - synovial joint)
Acromioclavicular joint connects which structures?
Between the distal end of the clavicle and the acromion process of the scapla.
Movements of acromicoclavicular joint are associates with what?
Acromioclavicular joint Reinforced by two ligaments
acromio-clavicular lig
coracoclavicular lig
Acromio-clavicular ligament
completely surround and reinforce joint capsule
Coracoclavicular ligament? Property? Function?
connect coracoid process up to inferior side of distal end of clavicle
Strong ligament to resist lots of force
Keep the clavicle down and close to scapula
scapular rotation will result in movement of what joint in shoulder?
acromioclavicular joint
Acromioclavicular joint nerve supply
suprascapular, axillary, and petoral nerves
Blood supply for acromioclavicular joint?
acromial rete
what contribute ot the acromial rete?
thoracoacromio trunk (deltoid, acromion artery)
Character of glenohumeral Joint
the glenoid fossa doesn’t match up with size and curvature of the head of the humerus
Glenoid labrum
the fibrocartilage rim that on the glenoid fossa
what is the characteristic of the joint capsule in glenohumeral joint?
its lose and doesn’t give stability as other
Glenohumeral joint ligaments?
coracohumeral ligament
glenohumeral lig
transverse lig
Coracohumeral ligament
connects coracoid process with the greater tubercle of humerus (reinforce superior joint capsule)
Glenohumeral Lig

connect the rim of glenoid fossa to surgical neck of humerus (reinforce the anterior joint capsule)
transverse ligament

doesn’t reinforce and connect the medial and lateral lip intertubercular groove of humerus
hold the tendon of long head bicep
What other structures are crucial to stabilize and reinforce glenohumeral joint?
tendinous cuff
coracoacromial arch
Tendinous cuff
Muscles that stabilize the glenohumeral joint
Border of tendinous cuff (rotator cuff)
Anterior: subscapularis
Posterior - Superior: supraspintus
Post-Middle: Infraspinatus
Post-Inf: Teres minor
Characteristics of muscle tendons?
dynamic stabilities because they can contract
95% dislocation of glenohumeral joint is where?
anterior- inferior
What does the coracoacromial arch prevent?
prevent humerus from moving superiorly
Bursae involved in glenohumeral joint?
subacromial-subdeltoid bursae

between supraspinatus tendon and acromial process (coracoacromial ligament)
between deltoid muscle and humerus
subscapularis bursae
between the neck of glenoid fossa and subscapularis
BS for glenohumeral joint
suprascapular & 2 circumflex humeral artery
Nerve supply to glenohumeral joint?
suprascapular nerve
What joint also move when glenohumeral joint move?
How is the ratio of these two joints in relation?
scapulothoracic joint
Glenohumeral joint:Scapulothoracic (2:1)
What muscle is without can’t initiate the abduction of shoulder?
0-90 degree abduction/adduction
glenohumeral joint mostly
What part of deltoid that responsible for abduction?
middle deltoid
At 120 abduction, what happens? Due to what?
the glenohumeral joint is locked due to the lateral conjuct rotation of the humerus in glenoid fossa
Does deltoid do anything with the lateral rotation of the humerus? Then why?
No. All it does is to abduct with power. the rotation is due to the shape of the articular surface
From 120-180 degree, what joint responsible for abduction?
scapularthoracic joint
What is the movement of scapula during 120-180 abduction?
upward rotation
What miuscles responsible for upward rotation of scapula?
serratus anterior
upper/lower part of trapezius
What muscles responsible for adduction of shoulder?
lats/teres major and pec major
Muscle for shoulder abduction
middle deltoid
Muscles for adduction
pec major
teres major/ lats
Muscles for flexion
Anterior Deltoid/Pec major/Coracobrachialis/Short head of Bicep Brachii
Teres Major/ Post Deltoid/Lats
Muscles for Internal rotation
external rotation
Subscapularis/ Teres Major/Lats/Anteriod deltoid
Post Deltoid/Infraspinatus/Teres MInor
Quadriangle Space Border
Superior: Teres Minor
Inferior: Teres Major
Medial: Long head triceps
lateral: humerus
What contents are in the quadrangular space?
posterior humerus circumflex artery
Triangular Border
Sup: Teres Minor
Inf: Teres Major
Lateral: Long head triceps
Contents in triangular space?
circumflex scapular artery
What does suprascapular N supply?
glenohumeral joint
acromialclavicular joint
Damage to long thoracic nerve results in?
wing scapula
serratus anterior damage -> scapula rotation
What does axillary N supply to? Damage this nerve will result in what motion?
Deltoids/ Teres minor
acromioclavicular joint
external rotation/ Abduction