Lumbrosacral plexus Flashcards
Where does the lumbar plexus form?
psoas major muscle
What does lumbar plexus primarily innervate?
posterior abdominal wall
anterior thigh muscle
medial thigh
Where does iliohypogastric branch off? to where?
gluteal & lower abdomen
Where does ilio-inguinal branch off? to where?
inguinal region (proximal medial thigh) & lower abdomen
Where does lateral femoral cutaneous nerve branch off? To where?
L2, L3
proximal anterolat. thigh as far as knee
Where does femoral nerve branch off? To where?
L2, L3, L4
anterior compartment of thigh
hip, knee and joints
Where does obturator branch off?
L2 L3 L4
Where does genito-femoral branch off? to where?
L1, L2
genital region & proximal anterior thigh
cremaster muscle
What branch off from anterior border?
What is the strange muscle that acts as a medial abductor and innervated by femoral nerve?
What are two cutaneous nerves that femoral branches off?
anterior femoral cutaneous nerve
saphrenous nerve
What are nerves that branch off lateral border of psoas?
lateral femoral cutaneous
What nerve branch off anterior border of psoas?
genitofemoral nerve
What branch off medial border of psoas major?
What does obturator nerve innervate?
adductor muscle (except pectineus)
obturator externus
skin on medial thigh
Is subcostal nerve part of lumbar plexus?
no because it branch off from diaphragm
Where does lumbosacral trunk branch off? What does it contribute to?
sacral plexus
Where are the sacral plexus from?
L4-5 and S1-4
What does sacral plexus innervate?
posterior thigh
all of leg and foot below knee except medial cutaneous leg
What scral plexus come off from L4-5, S1?
superior gluteal
quadratus femoris (& inferior gemellus)
What scacral plexus come off from L5, S1-2?
inf gluteal
obturator internus (&sup gemellus)
What sacral plexus come off from S1-2?
what scacral plexus come off from S1-3?
post femoral cutaneous
What scacral plexus come off from S2-4?
What are the largest cutaneous nerve innervation in body?
posterior femoral cutaneous (S1-S3)
Where does sciatic nerve branch from?
L4-5, S1-3
What does sciatic nerve consist of?
common peroneal & tibial in common sheath
What does tibial nerve innervate?
posterior thigh muscle (hamstring except short head biceps & post comp adductus magnus)
all post leg muscles
popliteal fossa branches
medial & lateral plantar
What does common peroneal n innervate?
short head biceps femoris in thigh
popliteal fossa (lateral sural nerve & superficial fibular)
superficial/deep peroneal
What does superficial peroneal innervate? deep peroneal?
lateral leg muscle
anterior leg muscle
What does sural nerve innervate?
posterolateral leg muscle

1 - iliohypogastric
2- subcostal nerve
3- Genitofemoral
4- ilioinguinal
5 - dorsal rami (L1,2,3)

Dorsal rami (s1,2,3)
lateral femoral cutaneous
posterior femoral cutaneous
anterior femoral cut
lateral sural cutaneous n