Antebrachium, cubital fossa, elbow (Outline 16) Flashcards
Extrinsic hand muscles
Intrinsic hand muscle
originate on antebrachium and cross the hand ( insertion)
originate/insertion on the hand
Fascia of anterbrachial fascia
deep antebrachial fascia
interosseous membrane
Superficial Posterior Forearm Muscles?
ECRL (extensor carpi radialis longus)
ECRB (extensor carpi radialis brevis)
Extensor digiti minimi
Extensor digitorum
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Deep Posterior Antebrachium muscles?
Extensor Pollucis longus/ brevis
Abductor pollucis longus
extensor indicis
What is the tennis elbow?
inflamation of connective tissue surrounding common extensor origin, causing painful movement of muscles
Superficial Anterior Antebrachium Muscles?
Pronator Teres (PT)
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU)
Flexor Carpi Radialis (FCR)
Palmaris Longus (PL)
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (FDS)
Deep Anterior Antebrachium Muscles?
Pronator Quadratus (PQ) Flexor Digitorum Profundus (FDP)
Flexor Pollucis Longus (FPL)
What is the vestigial muscle in antebrachium?
palmaris longus
BS/NS for Superficial Anterior Antebrachium? Deep Anterior Antebrachium?
Ulnar A / Median N
Anterior Interosseous A / Median N
BS/NS for Superficial Posterior Antebrachium? Deep Posterior Antebrachium?
Radial A/ Radial deep branch N
Post Interosseous/ Radial deep branch N
Exception of the nerve supply in anterior antebrachium? in posterior antebrachium?
Ulnar N innervate FCU and half of FDP
Radial N innervate ECRL and brachioradialis
OIANB of pronator teres

Medial Epicondyle of humerus
Coronoid process of ulna
Middle of lateral radius
Median N
Ulnar A
What muscles are equivalent to FCR (flexor carpi radialis)?
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
What muscle is equivalent to flexor carpi ulnaris?
extensor carpi ulnaris
Wrist Abduction
Wrist Adduction
Combination of flexor/ extensor carpi radialis
Combination of flexor/extensor carpi ulnaris
Where does the brachial a divide? Into what?
at elbow
Radial/ Ulnar A
What does radial artery branch off? What does it anastomoses with?
radial recurrent A
posterior collateral branch
What does ulnar artery give off?
Common Interosseous A
Ant/Post Ulnar Recurrent A
What does common interosseous A give off?
Anterior/ Posterior Interosseous A
What does anterior ulnar recurrent A anastamoses with? Post recurrent A?
Inferior Ulnar Collateral
Superior Ulnar Collateral
What does Post Interosseous A give off? What does it anastamoses with?
Post Interosseous Recurrent
Posterior Collateral Branch of Brachial Profunda
Pathway of radial A
Pathway of ulnar A
travels under brachioradialis along with radial N
between two heads of FCU and FDP
Superficial veins in arm? Where does it drain into?
cephalic -> axillary vein
Basilic -> brachial vein
median cubital vein: connect cephalic and basilic
What are 3 nerves supply for antebrachium?
median/ ulnar/radial
Pathwayf of median N?
pass through cubital fossa, travel between 2 heads of pronator teres, travels between FDP and FDS. Emerge just proximal to wrist and enter hands between FDS and flexor retinaculum
Pathway of musculocutaneous
passes through cubital fossa and continues down the antebrachium as LAC
Pathway of Ulnar N
goes around medial epicondyle and travels between 2 heads of FCU to supply it and half of FDP
Pathway of Radial N Proper?
Radial N split into deep and superficial in cubital fossa. Deep pierce supinator and innervate post anterbrachium. Superficial travels under brachioradialis and innervate skins
What are branches of median N?
where does the median N and ulna N give off articular branch?
What part of nerve is palmar branch? Where does it innervate?
median N
cutaneous to lateral palm
Cutaneous N of Ulnar N? what does it supply?
dorsal - ulnar side 4-5
palmar - hypothena eminence (little finger area)
where does ulna N give off muscular branch? What does it innervate
at forearm
FCU and half of FDP (4-5 digits)
What does Ulnar N give off?
articular branch
muscular branch
cutaneous (dorsal/ palmar)
Where does median N give off palmar branch?
in antebrachium, proximal to wrist
What does cutaneous ulnar N give off? What does each branch innervate?
Dorsal - ulnar side of half 4 and all 5
Palmar - hypothena eminence
what cutaneous N doesn’t give out to finger?
palmar cutaneous N
What are muscles that radial innervates before split into superficial and deep?
Where are superficial and deep radial N split?
after the elbow
If you are injured above the elbow, what damaged and name of injury?
extensor muscles damaged (triceps)
its called wrist drop
If you damage below the elbow, do you get wrist drop?
What is the only muscles in antebrachium that flex the digital phalanges joint?
flexor digitorum profundus