Lab 9: Posterior Antebrachium; hand Flashcards
What are the bones in hand?

What are the bones in phalanges of hand?

distal phalanges (DP)
middle phlanges (MP)
Proximal phalnges (PP)
What phalanges that the thumb doesnt have?
middle phalages
What are the joints in hand?

interphalangeal joint (IP) - distal and proximal
metacarpalphalangeal joint (MP)
carpal metacarpal joint (CMC)
Mnemonic Snuff box of hand
Some Lovers Try Position that they can’t handle
scaphoid, lunate, trapezium, pisiform, trapezoid, triquetrum, capitate, hamate
Bones from #3 to #10?

8 scaphoid
What is the joint that ED control?
What are the joints that lumbricals and interosseous control?
What does ulnar A give off?
what does radial A give off?
superficial palmar arch
Deep palmar arch
OIANB of Brachioradialis?

Proximal Lateral Supracondylar rydge of humerus
Styloid Process and adjacent radius
Flexion of elbow with forearm in neutral position (handshake)
Radial N
Radial A

- Distal lateral supracondylar rydge of humerus
- Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Dorsal aspec of base of 2nd metacarpal
Extension of wrist/ Radial deviation of wrist
Radial N
Radial A

Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Dorsal aspect of base of 3rd metacarpal
Extension of wrist
Deep branch of radial N
Radial A
OIANB of extensor digitorum

Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Extensor expansion of 2-5 digits
Extension of digits 2-5 at MCP joints/ Extension of wrist
Deep branch of N
Radial A
OIANB of Extensor Digiti Minimi

Lateral Epicondyle of humerus
Extensor expansion of digit 5
Extension of digit 5 at MCP joint / Extension of wrist
Deep branch of radial N
Radial A
OIANB of extensor carpi ulnaris

lateral epicondyle of humerus
posterior proximal of ulna
Base of 5th metacarpal
Extension of wrist/ Ulnar deviation of wrist
Deep branch of Radial N
Radial A
OIANB of supinator

Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Annular and radial collateral ligament
Supinator crest of ulna
Lateral surface of proximal of 1/3 radius
Supinator of forearm
Deep branch of radial N
Post Interosseous A
OIANB of extensor indicis

Posterior Ulna
Adjacent interosseous membrane
Extensor expansion of digit 2/ Extension of wrist
deep branch of radial N
Post Interosseous A
OIANB of abductor pollucis longus

Posterior surface of ulna and radius
interosseous Membrane
Lateral aspect of base of 1st metacarpal
Abduction of 1st metacarpal of thumb at CMC joint
Radial deviation of wrist
Deep branch of radial N
Post Interosseous Membrane
Muscles that attach on thumb? what does these muscle have action in common?
Radial deviation of wrist
OIANB of extensor pollicis brevis

Posterior Radius/ Interosseous
Base of proximal phalanx of thumb
Extension of thumb at MCP joint/ Radial deviation of wrist
Deep branch of radial N
Post Interosseous membrane
OIANB of extensor pollucis longus

Middle 1/3 of posterior ulna and interosseous membrane
Base of distal phalanx of thumb
Extension of thumb at IP joint/ radial deviation of wrist
Deep branch of radial N
Post Interosseous A
Muscles in the thenar of hand?
Flexor retinaculum/ trapezium/ scaphoid
radial side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb
abduction of thumb at cmc joint
median N
SF branch of radial A
OIANB of Flexor pollicis brevis

SF head: trapezium/ flexor retinaculum
Deep head: trapezoid/ capiate
Radial side of proximal phalanx of thumb
Flexion of thumb at MCP joint
Median N for SF head
Ulnar N for deep
SF branch of radial A
OIANB of Opponen Pollucis
Flexor retinaculum/ Trapezium
Lateral shaft of 1st metacarpal
Opposition of thumb at CMC joint
Median N
SF branch of radial A
OIANB of Adductor Pollicis
Transverse head: Anterior surface of 3rd metacarpal
Oblique headL Base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpal. capitate. trapezium/ trapezoid
Medial side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb
Adduction of 1st metacarpal at CMC joint
Ulnar N
SF branch of radial A
OIANB of Abductor DM

Ulnar side of base of proximal phalnx of digit 5
Abduction of proximal phalanx of digit 5 at MCP joint
Ulnar N
Ulnar A
OIANB of Flexor Digiti Minimi
Flexor retinaculum
Hook of hammate
Base of proximal phalanx of digit 5
flexion of digit 5 at MCP joint
Ulnar N/ A
What are muscles that have same insertion radial side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb?
Abductor Pollicis Brevis and Flexor Pollicis Brevis
What are the muscles that have same origin: Flexor retinaculum and hook of hamate?
Flexor Digiti Minimi and Opponen Digiti Minimi
OIANB of Opponen Digiti Minimi

Hook of Hamate/ Flexor retinaculum
Medial border of 5th metacarpal
Opposition of digit 5 at CMC joint
Ulnar N
Ulnar A
Lumbricals OIANB
FDP tendons
extension expansion of digit 2-5 on radial side of proximal
Flexion of digit 2-5 at MCP joint
Extension of digits 2-5 at PIP/ DIP joint
Digit 2-3: median N
Ulnar N: digit 4-5
Deep palmar arch
Origin and insertion of dorsal interossei
two heads from adjacent dorsal surface of metacarpals
Base of proximal phalanges and extensor expansion of digits 2-4
Digit 2: radial side
Digit 3: radial and ulnar side
Digit 4: ulnar side
ANB of dorsal interossei
Abduction of digits 2-4 at MCP joints
Flexion of digits 2-4 at MCP joints
Extension of digits 2-4 at DIP/PIP
Ulnar N
Deep palmar arch
What nerve and artery do the digiti minimi muscles have in common?
What nerve and artery do the thenar muscles have in common?
What nerve and artery do the additional intrinsic hand have?
Ulnar N/ Ulnar A
Median N or Ulnar N with SF branch of radial A
Ulnar N and Deep palmar arch A
What muscle has insertion is medial side of proximal phalanx of thumb?
What muscle has insertion is ulnar side of proximal phalanx of digit 5?
Adductor Pollicis
Abductor Digiti Minimi
All AbPL. AbPB, opponen pollicis and adductor pollicis have what control of joint in common?
actions of CMC joint
OIANB of palmar interossei

Palmar surfaces of shafts of 2nd, 4th and 5th metacarpals
Base of proximal phalanges and extensor expansion of digits 2,4,5
Digit 2: ulnar side
Digit 4,5: radial sides
Flexion/Adduction of digits 2,4,5 at MCP joint
Extension of digits 2,4,5 at PIP/DIP joint
Ulnar N
Deep palmar arch
What part is this of ulna? What muscle does it attach to I or O?

Olecranon process of ulna
Triceps (I) and Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (O)
What part is this of ulna? What does it attach to?

trochlea notch of ulna
trochlea of humerus
What is this part of ulna? What muscle atttaach to it? OIANB of that muscle

coronoid process of ulna
Lower half of anterior humerus
Ulnar tuberosity/ Coronoid process of ulna
Brachial A/ Musculocutaneous N
Pronator teres
Middle of lateral radius
Pronation of forearm/ Flexion of elbow
Median N
Ulnar A
What is this part of ulna? What does it attach with? How do you distinguish between this and coronoid process of ulna

radial notch of ulna
head of the radius
the coronoid process of ulna is higher
What is this part of ulna for #6? Muscle(s) attachment to this I or O? OIANB

Ulnar tuberosity
lower half of anterior humerus
ulnar tuberosity/ coronoid process of ulna
Flexion of elbow
Brachial A
What is this part of ulna #8? How do you recognize it?

styloid process of ulna
It is located in the end of ulna (protruding bone)
What is this part of ulna? What does it attach to?

head of ulna
ulnar notch of radius
What is this part of radius? #10 How do you know? What does it attach to?

head of radius
it has articulating surface
capitulum and radial notch of ulnar
What is this part of radius? #11

neck of radius
What is this part of radius? #13
Styloid process of radius
What is this part of radius? Muscle(s) attachemtn to this? O or I?

Radial tuberosity
bicep brachii
Short head: coracoid process of scapula
Long head: Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Flexion of elbow
long head: abduction of externally rotated arm
flexion of elbow/ supination of forearm
short head: flexion of shouilder