Neck (outline 18) Flashcards
What are structures that pass between trunk and head?
carrotid/ jugular vessels
What are structures located in the neck?
thyroid/ parathyroid/ thymus gland
brachial plexus/ cervical plexus
lymph node
Bones/ Cartilage in Neck
Cervical Vertebrae
Thyroid/ Cricoid Cartilage
hyoid bone
What are the pharynx in neck?
laryngopharynx (esophagus, larynx)
What bone in neck that is similar to sesamoid bone? Why?
hyoid bone
Because it doesn’t articulate with other bone
What are the characteristics of cervical vertebrae?
large transverse process
have foramen transversium and bifurcate spine process
What are cartilages in neck that are skeleton of larynx?
What are the contents of cervical plexus?
Anterior rami of C1-C4
Cutaneous N of anterior rami C1-C4
Phrenic N (c3-c5)
Ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
What does phrenic nerve innervate? ansa cervicalis innervate?
infrahyoid muscle
What do 4 cutaneous branches of anterior rami of C1- C4 innervate?
skin on side of neck
top of shoulder
lower part of face
skull behind ear
What are the joints in neck?
atlanto-occipital joint
atlanto- axial joint
What is the articulating surface of C1 with C2 called? What part of C2 that articulate with C1?
What does ant/post atlanto-occipital membranes do?
it covers from arch of C1 to the base of skull
what is the attachment site in medial atlanto-axial joint?
articulating surface of dens (c2) with articulating surface fovia (C1)
pivot joint
what is the attachment site in lateral atlanto-axial joint? What type of joint is this?
articulating surfaces of facets
plane joint
What are ligaments in atlanto-axial joint?
cruciform lig
alar lig
What ligament that holding dense against the fovia?
transverse ligament of atlas
What ligament that bind an edge of foramen magnum and body of C2?
vertical sup and inf frasciculi
what does alar ligaments do?
attach dens (C2) and foramen magnum
What are ligaments in cruciform ligaments of atlas? what does each do?
transverse lig of atlas: attach dense with fovia
vertical sup & inf fasciculi: attach body of C2 with edge of foramen magnum
What ligament that attach dens (C2) with foramen magnum?
alar ligaments
Tectorial membrane is the continuation of what ligament?
posterior longitudinal ligament
What does tectorial mebrane connect?
the whole C2 and the foramen magnum
What are the fascia in neck?
deep (pretrachial and prevertebral)
What does the prevertebral membrane cover?
muscle components
What is carotid sheath?
the combined of 3 layers superficial and deep
what locates in medial of carotid sheath? lateral and posterior?
common carotid artery
internal jugular vein
vagus n
what is carotid sheath similar to?
femoral sheath and axillary sheath
what vein that ansa cervicalis loop into?
internal jugular vein
What are the muscles in superficial neck?
SCM (sternocledomastoid)
Subcatagories of neck mscles with origin on vertebral column?
lateral vertebral
anterior (prevertebral)
What are muscles in lateral vertebrae? What nerve travel on top of this muscle?
scalenus (ant, post, middle)
phrenic N
BS and NS for lateral vertebrae muscles? Actions?
transverse cervical a
cervical ventral rami
lateral flexion of neck
What is unique about lateral vertebrae muscles?
they have no attachment to the skul
What are the muscles in suboccipital?
rectus capitus post major/ minor
obliquus capitus inferor/ sup
What do suboccipital muscles link?
link atlas, axis to the base of skull
BS and NS of suboccipital muscles? Actions?
vertebral artery/ descending branch of occipital a
dorsal ramus of C1 (suboccipital N)
extension/ lateral flexion/ rotation of neck
Muscles in prevertebral (anterior)
longus colli cervicis
longus capitus
rectus capitus (lateral and anterior)
BS and NS for prevertebral muscles? Actions?
vertebral A/ ascending branch of pharyngeal A
cervical ventral rami
all flexion of neck and head
What nerve innervate platysma?
Cranial N 7 (fascial nerve)
What nerve innervate the sternoclodmastoid
Cranial N 11
What travels on top of scalenus anterior?
phrenic nerve (C3-C5)
Where does the brachial plexus roots emerge from?
scelanus anterior and medius
OIANB of rectus capitus post major
base of skull
head extension/ rotation to same side
suboccipital N - dorsal ramus of C1
vertebral a and descending branch of occipital a
OIANB of rectus capitus minor
base of skull
same as rectus captius major
OIANB of obliquus captius superior
transverse process of C1
base of skull
neck extension/ lateral flexion
suboccipial N - dorsal ramus of C1
vertebral A and descending branch of occipital A
OIANB of obliquus capitus inferior
transverse process of C1
spinous process of C2
strong rotator of atlas around dens
suboccipital N - dorsal ramus of C1
descending branch of occipital A and vertebral A
What muscle that cranial N 11 innervate?
trapezius and sternocledomastoid
What are suprahyoid muscles?
Actions of suprahyoid muscles?
elevate palate, floor of mouth, tounge, during speech or swallowing
Origin and insertion of antior digastric
Hyoid bone
digastric fossa of mandible
origin and insertion of posterior digastric
hyoid bone
mastoid notch of temporal bone
Action of digastric muscles?
pull upp the hyoid bone
What are the infrahyoid muscles?
sternohyoid (sternum -> hyoid bone)
sternothyroid (sternum -> thyroid)
thyrohyoid (thyroid -> hyoid)
omohyoid (superior and inferior)
Omohyoid Superior
Omohyoid Inferior
from hyoid to clavicle
from medial scapular notch to clavicle
Border of anterior triangle
Midline of neck
inferior mandible
Border of posterior triangle
4 subdivision of anterior triangle
2 subdivision of posterior triangle
supraclavicular or subclavian
Border of carotid triangle
anterior SCM
Posterior digastric
Superior omohyoid
Contents of carotid triangle?
common carotid
carotid sinus
carotid body
carotid sheath
Branches of common carotid? Where does each supplY?
Internal carotid: brain
External carotid: face
Carotid Sinus and its relation to blood pressure?
Carotid Sinus is baroreceptor, which is sensitive to blood pressure through stretch
When blood pressure is high, what is triggered?
carotid sinus send signals through cranial N (IX) and excite the vagus to release Ach and decrease HR
What nerve that carotid sinus send signal through?
cranial N (IX)
What nerve inhibit the HR to decrease?
Vagus N (cranial X)
What is the other name for suboccipital N
dorsal ramus of C1
What is function of carotid body? Its relationship to O2?
It is reception of vagus nerve
it is chemoreceptor
When O2 decrease, signal inhibit vagus nerve and therefore increase HR
Contents of submandibular triangle? Border of this triangle?
submandibular gland
hypoglossal N (XII)
N to mylohyoid muscles
facial A & V
posterior and anterior digastric
What does hypoglossal N innervate? What is submandibular gland?
saliva gland
Contents of muscular triangle? Border of this triangle?
infrahyoid muscles
thyroid and parathyroid gland
Midline of neck, superior omohyoid, anteriror SCM
Content and Border of Submental triangle?
submental lymph node
2 anterior digastric
Border of Posterior triangle
Posterior SCM
Anterior of upper trapezius
Superior surface of clavicle
Floor of Posterior triangle
Splenius capitis
Levator Scapulae
Scalenus Anterior, Middle, Posterior
Roof of Post Triangle of Neck
What are subdivision of Post Triangle?
Fascia, Platysma and Skin
occipital and subclavian (supraclavicular) triangle
What seperate between occipital and supraclavicular triangle?
inferior belly of omohyoid
Contents of occipital triangle
occipital A
Phrenic N
cranial N (XI)
sensory part of cervical plexus
roots, trunks and divisions of brachial plexus
suprascapular N
Contents of supraclavicular triangle
subclavian A & V
External jugular vein
Transverse cervical A
What does cranial N (XI) innervate? Loss to this nerve cause?
SCM and trapezius
wing scapula, lost of scapula rotation and the last 60 degree of abduction)
What artery supply trapezius? What muscles on origin of vertebral column that this artery also supply?
transverse cervica A
lateral vertebrae (scalenus muscles)
If you damage to your posterior triangle, what contents you can damage?
Brachial Plexus
Cranial N (XI)
Subclavian A
Border of suboccipital triangle? What does this triangle include?
occipital bone of skull and posterior parts of C1 and C2
atlanto-axial and atlanto-occipital joints
Contents of suboccipital triangle?
Vertebral A
suboccipital N (dorsal ramus of C1)
Where is the vertebral A? What does this vertebral A supply?
1st branch off the subclavian
suboccipital muscles and prevertebral muscles